I just went ahead and imported the 100x100 map into CCMs2.biq (made a backup), adjusted some starting units and points to CCMs2 style and am running it in debug mode.
I'm up to the middle ages with 30 civs left and really noticed no problems with CCMs2 as is .
By then all possible land is long gone and with generous amounts of slavers, monks and other preachers about, roaming excess settlers seem to get "lost to the zone" (yes, sidetracked by a lot of S.T.A.L.K.E.R).
Using Flintlocks EXE files and no issues, no crashes.
A couple of things I was interested in fixing for the .biq before release was made (since these errors seemed easy and not that involved)
Black pyramids I already fixed (1 production (= 25 %) instead of 1 pollution; or should it be BOTH)
--silk for paratroopers
In looking over paratroopers, which ones are supposed to get silk? There are some that have no prerequisites, and some have dyes (which is wrong based on an earlier post).
I gather all the "national" paratroopers are supposed to have silk as a prerequisite for their upgrade?
--silk for paratroopers
In looking over paratroopers, which ones are supposed to get silk? There are some that have no prerequisites, and some have dyes (which is wrong based on an earlier post).
I gather all the "national" paratroopers are supposed to have silk as a prerequisite for their upgrade?
Currently in CCMS2 it is like this for air required resources
Modern Paratrooper Dyes (I gather this and all Dyes is an error)
Paratrooper none
Paratrooper Recruit none
British Paratrooper none ( should be silks or intended?)
US Paratrooper none ( should be silks or intended?)
Italian Paratrooper none ( should be silks or intended?)
Japanese Paratrooper none ( should be silks or intended?)
Russian Paratrooper none ( should be silks or intended?)
Parachutist Dyes
African Paratrooper Dyes
Eastern Paratrooper Dyes
Chinese Paratrooper Dyes
DPRK Paratrooper Dyes
JGSDF Paratrooper Dyes
Soviet Paratrooper Dyes
Polish Paratrooper Dyes
Para Class none
--Then there was battleship hulls that for certain civilizations ( Arabia, Greece) that were not upgradable to the next level (superdreadnought)
If it is a quick fix, how did you activate those upgrades, as I checked the chain and not seeing the obvious apparently. If it is complex, I'll just wait for the update for CCMS 250.
---Also, is there a way to set up Civ 3 AI VS AI and let it run unattended? As it is I have it in debug mode with a weight on the enter key but still must react to some popups, ie when capital autoproduces settlers
Thanks SteamCiv
Nevermind, I found how to do unmonitored AI vs AI in Civ III
In the editor, ensure Player 1 has no starting units, turn off animations, place a weight on the "enter" key and the turns zip by.
To stop and see what is happening, remove the weight and the end turn will stop the game allowing you to examine the map.