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Chronicles X: The Fate of the Philosopher Kings

I just read parts VIII through X in one sitting.I only meant to surf for a few minutes,but ended up glued to the screen for almost 2 hours!!Bravo Helmling.

Idem for me. There was one thing however I found really annoying. It kind of spoiled the very good story for me. If your characters do need to be utterly rude and uncivil, please represent their cursing and swearing in this way: ******* . It would not disturb the storyline, and I for one would like it much better. Other than that, excellent story!

A very minor side-note: Your usage of the Greek word Arete is not correct (part VIII, in the beginning); it does not mean greatness, but it is goodness or virtue. If a man is Arete he usually holds the virtue's the Greeks held in high honor for men: He must be wise and brave. For a women that would be integrity and being a good housekeeper.

But the last issue is really minor. I repeat someone else in this thread: KUTGW.

William III
William III said:
There was one thing however I found really annoying. It kind of spoiled the very good story for me. If your characters do need to be utterly rude and uncivil, please represent their cursing and swearing in this way: ******* . It would not disturb the storyline, and I for one would like it much better. Other than that, excellent story!
I respectfully but thoroughly disagree. This is why I don't watch the expurgated versions of feature films on regular television anymore. The bleeps or substituted, ridiculous swearwords (personal favourite: "monkeyfellow") are more distracting than actual swearwords could ever be.

As long as the swearing is not gratiutious--which I don't think it was at all here--and in the "PG" range, I can live with it. People swear in real life; like it or not, using it at appropriate times makes a story realistic.
William III said:
Idem for me. There was one thing however I found really annoying. It kind of spoiled the very good story for me. If your characters do need to be utterly rude and uncivil, please represent their cursing and swearing in this way: ******* . It would not disturb the storyline, and I for one would like it much better. Other than that, excellent story!

Frankly, I don't recall using any particularly naughty words in these stories--I'm not even sure of civfanatics' policy on words that are considered "profane" but used all the time anyway. I do recall some rather gruesome depictions of human lives being ended, so I must say it seems odd to be squeemish about vocabulary.

A very minor side-note: Your usage of the Greek word Arete is not correct (part VIII, in the beginning); it does not mean greatness, but it is goodness or virtue. If a man is Arete he usually holds the virtue's the Greeks held in high honor for men: He must be wise and brave. For a women that would be integrity and being a good housekeeper.

Well, I'm gonna have to beg to differ:



Arete, as it was employed in Ancient Greece, has no direct translation into English as the concept was a complex and often expansive one. In the strictest sense, we are both correct about its meaning, depending upon context.

But the last issue is really minor. I repeat someone else in this thread: KUTGW.

William III

Thank you very much.

And to everyone else who has been kind enough to post encouragement and feedback, thank you! I'm sorry that I have not responded individually to everyone, but I did appreciate everything that was said.
Damn you, Helmling, damn you to hell!

You just robbed two hours of my sleeping time with this series of yours.

Damn you.
stuge said:
Damn you, Helmling, damn you to hell!

You just robbed two hours of my sleeping time with this series of yours.

Damn you.

:lol: Don't visit his site then; you'll lose more than just a couple of hours sleep...
Ah, Mr. Hyperbole. You will now be added on the list of people who will be inhumed most brutally. Annihilated. Liquidated, even.

You really should have thought twice before pointing out that Helmling has a website.

Thinking twice saves lives.
I'm glad you folks have enjoyed the story...I've thought a lot about writing more game reports, even now as I'm not playing any games. I've got to tell you that for me the fun of writing these was doing something different each time. I've been waiting for some sort of manageable new idea to strike me, but all I envision are bigger and bigger stories. VIII, IX, and X took a lot of energy and time; frankly, I finished them largely out of a sense of obligation. Once I'd started and I knew people were actually following them...well, I just couldn't stop under those circumstances. I'm glad they've been enjoyed, but taking a Civ story to the next level would really be beyond the time I feel willing (or able) to devote. I don't want to give anything away in case the day actually comes when I feel up to doing such a thing, but I'm thinking REALLY big here, people.

So thanks again....I think I'm going to avoid checking back in here for awhile because it makes me feel guilty--knowing I've promised to do more and can't right now. You'll see me again when I finish my current novel (136,000 words and counting). Who knows, maybe then I'll need a break and be in the mood for some Civ...ok, so I'm an addict and I'm "in the mood" right now, but you know what I mean.

P.S. did you guys see the news on the Civfanatics front page about Iaian Banks? God, how that makes me feel better!
Helmling said:
P.S. did you guys see the news on the Civfanatics front page about Iaian Banks? God, how that makes me feel better!
:lol: Yeah, me too. I'm getting tired of those looks and questions at work...

"Wow, you look tired. Did you not sleep well last night?"

"Uh, no... must have been something I ate..."

Do let us know about the book when it's published.
I recently dug this story up while waiting for several current ones to be updated and was blown away. I hereby dedicate my next 10 games in the name of the philosopher kings. I do wonder what became of our all-star author? are you still out there spinning any new yarns?

I would love to read more!
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