Civ VII Weekly Reveal Guessing Thread

Isn't the rule to quote yourself if you change your prediction? ;)
I tried and the formatting kept disappearing, let me just do a hackjob. :)
I’m betting on the game guide for Antiquity Persia on Tuesday. Thursday will give us the Norman game guide, a Norman associated leader (I want Eleanor, we're probably getting William,) and the scheduled day for the Exploration Age stream. None of this is based on any existing evidence or logic, just vibes.
Alright, second time's the charm! I couldn't live with being at all reasonable, so I'm guessing we'll be getting a leader intended to lead Abbasid and Persia, but like Benjamin and Greece, they're from the end of the line. A leader from the Ottoman Empire revealed, with the Ottoman Empire officially revealed a'la Meiji in Himiko's trailer and Spain in Augustus' First Look. Does this make any sense? No! The remaining Modern civs are some of our last remaining mysteries, and there's not even any evidence that the Ottomans are in the game! Zip! Zero! Nada! If anything, our shift into Exploration news would encourage an Exploration associated leader, even if we do have Ottomans and they are revealed on Thursday. But I don't care about logic, I care about vibes, whether good or not! Final guess, locked in.
I'm guessing we get an Abbasid/Arabian leader and Persia next.
Hopefully next week will be Hawaii.
Hopefully next week will be Hawaii.

I'm really hoping it's not just Hawaii but the full Tonga/Samoa -> Hawaii -> Maori experience. Please Firaxis, just give me my mid-00s "I'm on a beach" video game nostalgia, let me retire from warmongering.
I'm really hoping it's not just Hawaii but the full Tonga/Samoa -> Hawaii -> Maori experience. Please Firaxis, just give me my mid-00s "I'm on a beach" video game nostalgia, let me retire from warmongering.
Tonga/Maori we will have to wait a bit. But I am really curious to know the details and elements of Hawaiian Civilization.

Edit. btw, will it interact with volcanic soil?
Holidays this week:

* Oct 23: Chulalangkorn Day in Thailand if anyone was rooting for Rama V to lead Siam.
* Oct 23: Libyan Liberation Day (something Amazigh?)
* Oct 23: Hungarian Republic Day (return of Hungary?)
* Oct 23: National Croc Day (Idiocracy America?)

* Oct 24: Jamaican Jerk Day (Taino?)
* Oct 24: Zambia Independence Day (Swahili?)
* Oct 24: Bat Appreciation Week (Bat CIV!)
I'm just waiting and waiting forward the Exploration Age showcase stream... within next 2 weeks.
I think odds are pretty good for that, actually. Especially if we see most of the known exploration civs dropped by then. Just like how the antiquity stream featured four of the five antiquity drops--Aksum, Egypt, Maurya, and Rome--I think we are quite likely to see Songhai/Swahili and Spain to allow them to do a "spoiler-free" stream with those four leaders again, or otherwise swap a leader out for Confucius/Ming or other (???).
I'd be surprised if they reused leaders for the next livestream. Everything is marketing, and in reusing leaders, the takeaway for a casual fan is "they don't have many leaders."

I would imagine maybe Conqueror Ashoka, Confucius, Thursday's leader (an Arab?), and a leader they reveal immediately before the start of the livestream (a Norman?).

Then again I've assumed we'd get Persia two reveals in a row, so what the hell do I know
I'd be surprised if they reused leaders for the next livestream. Everything is marketing, and in reusing leaders, the takeaway for a casual fan is "they don't have many leaders."

I would imagine maybe Conqueror Ashoka, Confucius, Thursday's leader (an Arab?), and a leader they reveal immediately before the start of the livestream (a Norman?).

Then again I've assumed we'd get Persia two reveals in a row, so what the hell do I know
This is also possible. Cnut or William for Normans? A Dai Viet reveal for Trung? A Swahili or Byzantine leader reveal to branch off Aksum or Greece?
My suspicion is that Persia needed a significant change, so they delayed it until it could be tested out.
Like a name change to Achaemenid Persia? :mischief:

I wouldn't be surprised especially if the developers see a majority of fans want more versions of Persia in later ages.
Like a name change to Achaemenid Persia? :mischief:

I wouldn't be surprised especially if the developers see a majority of fans want more versions of Persia in later ages.
If we get more versions of Persia, I think they would first focus on Sasanid/Timurid in exploration, with possibly something Seljuk as well.

I could maybe see Persia being split into Achaemenid just to accommodate a Seleucid Persia, but other than that I think it makes a lot of sense to blob Achaemenids with Parthians.
I'm just waiting and waiting forward the Exploration Age showcase stream... within next 2 weeks.

I've been thinking about why we haven't seen Persia yet, and "includes mechanic we haven't been introduced to yet" seems reasonable. Thinking back to a month or two back, wasn't there some mention of immigration somewhere? A policy card or something? I'm far from an expert on ancient Persia, but I do know that Cyrus the Great specifically was known for respecting the customs and religions of those he incorporated into his empire. With the "Gate of All Nations" as the wonder, is it possible that either the civ or the wonder has bonuses related to an immigration mechanic yet to be officially announced, and that's the cause for delay?
I've been thinking about why we haven't seen Persia yet, and "includes mechanic we haven't been introduced to yet" seems reasonable. Thinking back to a month or two back, wasn't there some mention of immigration somewhere? A policy card or something? I'm far from an expert on ancient Persia, but I do know that Cyrus the Great specifically was known for respecting the customs and religions of those he incorporated into his empire. With the "Gate of All Nations" as the wonder, is it possible that either the civ or the wonder has bonuses related to an immigration mechanic yet to be officially announced, and that's the cause for delay?
Will immigration exist in antiquity? That will be interesting indeed.

We do know that at least one "status effect" has been introduced with the Mississippians (and Mayan trap-layers) so it's not impossible that Persia has some gimmick, even if it isn't immigration.

I don't really think we need to resort to this kind of thinking yet though. For one, it very well could be revealed this week alongside an Abbasid leader (Persia would be a semi-appropriate place for Al-Rashid to start since he was from Tehran). But even if Persia isn't revealed this week, it's not like the devs are required to disclose all antiquity civs before progressing to exploration, and it seems maybe the Chola kicked off a bit of an exploration-era info dump of already teased civs.

I'm not surprised at no Persia yet, at any rate. I think if there end up being more than 30 civs in the game at launch, we would be necessarily have seen Norse or possibly Anglo-Saxons or Al Andalus saved for a later reveal since their time in the alphabet came and went. It's entirely possible full civ-lines are being withheld until closer to launch.
I've been thinking about why we haven't seen Persia yet, and "includes mechanic we haven't been introduced to yet" seems reasonable. Thinking back to a month or two back, wasn't there some mention of immigration somewhere? A policy card or something? I'm far from an expert on ancient Persia, but I do know that Cyrus the Great specifically was known for respecting the customs and religions of those he incorporated into his empire. With the "Gate of All Nations" as the wonder, is it possible that either the civ or the wonder has bonuses related to an immigration mechanic yet to be officially announced, and that's the cause for delay?
Migrants are mentioned as a mechanic in a Plague Crisis.

However I don't see immigration being a big mechanic in base game antiquity. Antiquity has been revealed, previewed, livestreamed at length. Doesn't seem likely to me that there's a big mechanic lft to uncover. Could it be a mechanic that comes online in Exploration, and Persia has early access to it? I mean I guess, but that seems like it contradicts their stated design goals of keeping each age mechanically focused. If they were willing to stretch the boundaries like that for individual civs, you would think one of the currently revealed civs would have done so for ("proper") religion or another Exploration mechanic.
I have just realized that, since we're likely getting an Exploration associated leader this Thursday, there's a possibility that we're going to see a Genghis Khan First Look (no evidence of him yet, but we did recently learn from that interview that Sid Meier likes to have him included.) I don't think we'll be seeing him so soon, but if we are, I want to put forth the prediction that he will be one of the leaders with a persona from one of the deluxe editions, with a title of "destroyer" or something similar in the base game and "reformer" or "unifier" or something similar as the bonus persona. I believe this because mapping out the bare minimum of leaders required to meet the condition of "more than previous games including personas" (20) while considering the amount of personas guaranteed so far leaves few potential takers, with all of our fully revealed leaders so far notably missing the same sort of title that Ashoka had from the start. Genghis Khan has always been the world conquering war guy in civ, for good reason, but his reforms and image within the Mongol empire are interesting enough to make a unique persona to give to more dedicated fans of the series who are purchasing a more expensive version of the game, and I think the devs'll go for it. My current model somewhat depends on my belief that Germany/Prussia and Russia are out for the base game, because they'd probably want their own leaders, but... come on, he's Genghis Khan!
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