Civ VII Weekly Reveal Guessing Thread


Just remebering who did got a trailer/short already for the speculation purpose
EDIT: I did got the Maya wrong
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Tinfoil hat extrapolation time.

Sarah posted about the September 12 Antiquity stream on September 6. The Friday before the Thursday when the stream took place.

The Antiquity stream was posted was posted 21 Weeks before the Feb 06 early access release.

There are 3 Ages to have streams for.

As of today, we have the full picture of every Antiquity civ.

Next Thursday, we will be 14 weeks out from the early access release, 1/3 the way between stream one and release.

Could it be that tomorrow Sarah will post about a second stream for next week? One hopes.

(Additional less relevant data: Shawnee stream was on a Tuesday, but Sarah posted about it 6 days before. PAX Aus stream was on a Thursday in the US)

(Granted, the fact that it’d be Halloween complicates things just a little. It’s not a federal holiday but it’s the kind of thing that could impact a marketing schedule. Unless of course they reveal Dracula as a leader. Which… I doubt but I won’t be mad at)
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coming up 10-25.PNG

1 civ guide
1 First Look
Yeah, I'm a bit sad they haven't shown a crisis in action. It's starting to make me suspect that it will be as much of a non-thing as Dark Ages in Rise and Fall.
Yeah, I'm a bit sad they haven't shown a crisis in action. It's starting to make me suspect that it will be as much of a non-thing as Dark Ages in Rise and Fall.
I would guess making two features that are integrated together is much harder (crisis and age transition). So it could be we get all the other gameplay first. (Now watch as crisis and age transition are immediately shown...)
I would guess making two features that are integrated together is much harder (crisis and age transition). So it could be we get all the other gameplay first. (Now watch as crisis and age transition are immediately shown...)
I expect it does require quite a bit of fine tuning to balance it between being momentous and burdensome.
I expect it does require quite a bit of fine tuning to balance it between being momentous and burdensome.

Also in terms of variety, between being predictable (not so many variations that the impactfulness of each crisis won't fall within predictable bounds) and being too predictable (ho hum, this again, guess I do X, Y and Z once more).

Above there's the civs and leaders that got a trailer/short already.
With that, what are your bets for this next week?
Another new Leader and a Exploration civ? Or one leader we already know but don't have a trailer and game guide yet? Also by technicalities half of Antiquity civ stilll didn't get shorts despite having game guides...
I'm guessing Songhai game guide and Amina, finally, along with news on the Exploration stream!
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The more I think about it, the assumption that the devs will show content we already know about first hasn't really stayed true since the first First Looks. I'd certainly prefer to see info on Hawaii or Inca over Songhai... I'll stick with the conservative guess, but if I'm wrong, I certainly won't be upset.
I'm also guessing Hawai'i. I think we'll also see Kamehameha or Lili'uokalani.
Since Mongolia was mentioned in Xerxes' reveal, I'm betting on it (and then, the announcement of Genghis Khan). Although, I'm also really looking forward to Hawaii (and hopefully a Polynesian leader)
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