Let's look at the facts. The game has 2 European representatives for the era, Spain and X.
- X's wonder is the White Tower in London
- X's districts are motte-and-bailey castles (not "motte castrale" or anything that would steer this in the direction of similar structures outside England/Normandy)
- X has a Domesday Book (land and ownership survey of England) civic tree
- Bayeux Tapestry tradition, again a tapestry of an English battle that is one of the most important English national relics
- Sokemen, i.e. freemen living in Danelaw, that is again a phenomenon unique to English law
And you folks still go: "Mi'lord, Firaxis sire... may we humbly plead for the inclusion of England in thine game?"
The Normans are England. The non-English elements of Norman holdings range from minimal (usually where they are iconic both on the continent and in England, like the Chevaler) to completely absent. How hard did the education system fail you to not see it as clear as day? It's like I showed you a picture of a pair of Victorians sipping on some tea in a meticulously arranged British garden and a village straight out of Clarkson's Farm in the background titled "Darjeeling tea" and you'd go "Oh yeah, this is such a marvelous depiction of India, but I wanted to see Victorian England instead, what a shame. Hopefully we'll introduce the English, maybe give them Redcoats. India is fine but a bit disappointing, y'knowhaddaymean?"