Civ VII Weekly Reveal Guessing Thread

I really feel like much of this discussion could be done in its own thread on Korea or Japan pathways, not that this thread has much to discuss that the base game is entirely known now and the timetable for reveals set so talking about first 2 expansions to be revealed (korea is possibility) is fair. But the last like 3 straight pages have been arguing it :crazyeye:
Both sides agreed to disagree; I think it's fair to call the discussion over.
I'm calling it, All remaining Civs and base leaders this week, Napoleon next.
If I'm really crazy, they say " We Lied you fools one More bonus leader we didn't put in the preview builds" Surprise Jean D'arc DLC! More French
I'm calling it, All remaining Civs and base leaders this week, Napoleon next.
If I'm really crazy, they say " We Lied you fools one More bonus leader we didn't put in the preview builds" Surprise Jean D'arc DLC! More French
There's still 3 civs left and only two civ guides this week. So, one civ will have its guide next week with Napoleon.
There's still 3 civs left and only two civ guides this week. So, one civ will have its guide next week with Napoleon.
Napoleon of the Mughal Empire. :mischief:
Which honestly, any of his personas could probably fit with them.
If it were Alexander, it would almost make sense. :mischief:
I'm sure Monsieur Boneparte would consider the comparison tres favorable.
There's still 3 civs left and only two civ guides this week. So, one civ will have its guide next week with Napoleon.
I'm going to bet Mughals this week, if only because we would expect both Frederick/Prussia and Himiko/Meiji to appear in the same week, but all four would crowd a week.
I'm going to bet Mughals this week, if only because we would expect both Frederick/Prussia and Himiko/Meiji to appear in the same week, but all four would crowd a week.
Firaxis posts a news recap every Friday on Steam with a small blurb laying out what to expect in the following week.

This week we are indeed expecting 2 civ guides and 2 First Looks.
The difference is that I might connect my account for Alexander. :mischief:
In a bizarre twist, Emperor Napoleon is starting to seem reasonable to me after watching every YouTuber and their brother get forward-settled and rapid-fire denounced by the AI for the past week+.
Yes, I'm not loving all the forward settling; it makes me want loyalty back, to my own astonishment.
Yes, I'm not loving all the forward settling; it makes me want loyalty back, to my own astonishment.
If it would be something simple and integrated like when
(Settlement Happiness * Global Happiness modifier * Settlement Population modifier * Settlement's Distance to Capital modifier) for your civ
is smaller than
(Global Happiness modifier * Settlement's Distance to Capital modifier) for the neighboring civ
the other civ gets the event that a city wants to flip, I could live with it.

But I guess neither this nor loyalty really works with DL colonization.
But I guess neither this nor loyalty really works with DL colonization.
It would be historical if all your DL colonies eventually flipped. :shifty: But as a gameplay solution, they could allow designating a "colonial capital."
I think historically border town wars are all too common so makes sense that way. But gameplay wise unfun yeah. Always been a balance in previous titles. What upsets me most is how the AI always accuses you of settling too close but then when you warn them not to and they agree they do so anyway
Firaxis posts a news recap every Friday on Steam with a small blurb laying out what to expect in the following week.

This week we are indeed expecting 2 civ guides and 2 First Looks.

Ah fair. Then I guess it doesn't matter. Napoleon and Mughals could take either pairing's place.
Ah fair. Then I guess it doesn't matter. Napoleon and Mughals could take either pairing's place.
The idea behind putting Napoleon last is that they can use it to encourage players to connect their 2K accounts the day of Early Access.
It would be historical if all your DL colonies eventually flipped. :shifty: But as a gameplay solution, they could allow designating a "colonial capital."
That wouldn‘t work for a more trade-post oriented colonial empire that stretches very far, but without a cohesive stretch of land in the DL. Thinking of early Portugal and Netherlands here, mostly. I would like to have my Goa, Arguim, and Macao.
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