Civ3 NES 1

of course we will read the bt i mean nations that were small and weak before could be large and powerful now or vice-versa
Heres the over-the-top write up I wasted time on. And this would have been an hour earlier if i hadn't had to restart my PC four times due to lockups with internet explorer :(.

1200-450 BC

Some things changed, some things stayed the same…

Collapse of the Argosian Empire
By 1100 BC, the great empire of Argos began to disintegrate, after over-extending itself in countless wars against the warriors of Almoth. The new Argosian ‘Raider’ cavalry penetrated deep into Almoth and encouraged many slave uprisings, helping the whole Argosian army to advance. But eventually the armies amassed in the north could no longer be paid, and began to revolt themselves - just as a wave of rebellions was spreading everywhere. Attacks by Yssian pirates also continued, although the new Argosian navy was successful in destroying this threat at least.

There was also a war with the emerging power of Umidia, the inheritors of Karion, and a culture heavily influenced by Ys and by the African tribes of the south. For a while, Argos held on to its south east coast territory. But by 1000 BC, the area had fallen into anarchy, and Jewish peoples settled in the area, founding their own kingdom. The peninsular south of Almoth also became independent as the new nation of Tusca.

The remaining heartlands of the Argosian Empire soon fragmented into squabbling city-states. By 950 BC, the only area of real power left to the empire was the area around the city of Mycenae, and the lands conquered from Almoth. But these lands were now being ruled directly by the unpaid military forces, and had little loyalty to the remnants of imperial rule. By 700 BC, Mycenae emerged as the capitol of a new independent kingdom, inheriting the best of the military and naval traditions of the old empire, but with a much more cohesive and confident leadership.

Division of the Altyn-Kanalat Empire
Altyn-Kanalat had continued to expand, reaching a peak in 1000 BC, by which time it was the largest empire ever seen. Baralyk-Khanal III led great expeditions into the south, conquering large swathes of land and founding many new cities. However, the empire then suffered from a long line of weak rulers. Combined with prolonged wars against though Yaktan forces in the south, and the loss of trade with the Argosians, by 900 BC the empire was in crisis. Barbarian invaders overran much of the north, and local governors were often left to deal with the threat on their own.

In time, the rival Aahnad dynasty emerged in the north, heavily influenced by foreign Germanic and other European cultures. The Aahnad Empire was established in 700 BC, after the sacred captiol city of Altyn Sarai fell to the Aahnads. The traditional ruling dynasty of Altyn-Kanalat survived in the south, and eventually recovered its strength, though it was left ruling a much-reduced empire.

Aahnads and Mycenae
By 600 BC, the Aahnads had consolidated their new empire, and they proceeded to overrun the heartlands of the former Argosian Empire – by now, reduced to squabbling city states. The last vestiges of the ancient Argosian Empire were destroyed. In the process, the Aahnads began to see themselves as inheritors of both the Argosian and Altyn-Kanalat glory. The city of Argos itself (with its wondrous pyramids) was also occupied for a while, but it soon rebelled, and is currently independent as part of a treaty with Mycenae in the north east.

The land lost the Argosians by 1100 BC was never reclaimed – the new Myceneans held onto it firmly, and continued to do so for centuries. High Almoth never fell, but the Almothians spent many centuries as a fragmented people. Unified rule has only recently returned, and Almoth is now hemmed in by foreign powers on all sides. But people still tell tales of the glory days of old, when vast armies of warriors ventured far and wide, and rivers of loot and slaves were flowing into High Almoth…

New powers in the north
After playing a part in the fall of Argosian Empire, the Librian tribes lacked any kind of central leadership. They turned on each other, and were fatally weakened. They were eventually displaced westwards by the emerging powers of Motria and Finnystan.

Fall of Zekul – new Empires of Ys and Anguile in the East
After fighting as allies for many decades, the Zekulian people were cruelly betrayed by Ys. Around 1150 BC, the Yssian leadership managed to assert its authority over the military, and made an amicable peace with Anguile. Both then turned their attention on securing Zekul lands for themselves. The Zekul people continued to fight ferociously, but Anguile’s Campagnards broke all opposition. By 1000 BC, Zekul was totally conquered, and Anguile was the largest empire in Europe, rivalling Altyn-Kanalat in size and strength.

Meanwhile, Yssian forces had conquered the coastal areas, and also spread far to the north west. Yssian traders and mercenaries sailed all round the Mediterranean and the northern seas. It is said that the ships of Ys travelled to the far south of Africa during this time, and made contact with a powerful African kingdom there .It is also rumoured that Yssian sailors ventured out into the endless ocean and found a very large island, far to the south east of Lesser Yars. For a while, Ys controlled a vast empire of far-flung colonies, and the achievements of Yssian mariners were legendary.

The stage was set for a great war between Ys and Anguile for domination of the east. But this never happened, as both powers went into decline… The flow of trade from the west began to collapse. Zekulian peoples were constantly rebelling against Anguile and Ys, and the hills north of Zekulimite gave birth to a renewed Zekul nation. There was also a revival of pictish culture in the north. And then, in 800 BC, there was a great disaster - a huge wave which crashed upon the eastern coasts of Ys, trashing the harbours and wrecking hundreds of boats against the shore. Contact with the colonies was severely disrupted, and the disaster was a great shock to the confidence of the people.

By 700 BC, despite determined efforts by a succession of bold Yssian leaders, many former lands of Ys had become fully independent. Control was lost over Lesser Yars, Lyonnese, the Scili coast, Far Tysle, and the Fyswald. Much of the old seafaring tradition survives, but knowledge has been lost of the most distant explorations. Meanwhile, the new kingdom of Catalya emerged around 650 BC, built on the old Yssian and Kairon colonies at the entrance to the Mediterranean.

In the meantime, Anguile had also been fighting against Almoth and the emerging Saxon tribes. The large empire was increasingly unstable, and there was constant intrigue and plotting for the throne of Anguile. In 950 BC, in an attempt to break away from the endless conspiracies of Anguilairme, the captiol was moved to Sharlerde (the old Almothian city of Sharley), in the centre of the new imperial territory. For a while there was stability, but by 850 BC, the empire was embroiled in endless civil wars, with rebellion centred on the old capitol. By 750 BC, Anguile was reduced to a minor power. Rebel forces, Almothians, Zekulians, and even rogue Ysian forces had all eaten into the empire’s territory, while the ancestral homelands around Anguilairme were now being ruled as an independent nation. More land was later lost to the emerging power of Catalya in the south.

Over the following centuries, periods of revival were undone by periods of weakness. But by 550 BC, a brave new generation of leaders had emerged, determined to re-establish the Anguilan Empire. The Campagnard tradition has now been revived, and much of the old territory has been recaptured - but the south is still ruled by the descendents of the old rebel factions.

Ulak invasions of Asia
In 1000 BC, the Ulaks had been expelled from the east by Altyn-Kanalat. Over the following centuries, in the new homelands in the west, they refined the art of horseback riding and developed powerful composite bows. All they needed now was a strong leader to unify them and give them direction.

From 900 BC, huge hordes of Ulak horse archers descended on western asia. The north of Rayam was conquered, tough the south was protected by the difficult jungle terrain. The Ulaks also penetrated into the Ormash Empire and beyond, founding the great empire known as Ulakam. But in a series of epic campaigns, led by the emerging Imperial Guard, the soldiers of Ormash repulsed the Ulak hordes and saved western civilisation, though at great cost to themselves.

Ormash received no thanks for its efforts, and both Pangari and Taejon took advantage of its weakened state. Both managed to place puppet rulers on the Ormash thrones at different times from 800-600 BC. But a strong new leadership eventually emerged, cutting all ties of vassalage, and re-expanding into the eastern mountains.

Meanwhile, Ulakam had suffered from weak leadership and loss of confidence, losing much land in the east to rebel factions. But a brave new leader could still emerge at any time to re-unite the Ulak hordes...

Stagnation in South Western Asia
Spared from the worst of the Ulak invasions, there were centuries of relative peace for Pangari and Teajon. Civil wars and rebellions happened occasionally, ruling dynasties came and went, occasional Ulak and barbarian raids took place… but the cultural borders remained more or less the same, and full scale wars were avoided. In many ways it was a period of stagnation, but intellectual progress was made nonetheless - especially in Panga, which eventually became the most sophisticated city in the world. Meanwhile, the Taejon people enjoyed a growth of culture, and became famous for their art, music, philosophy, theatre and literature.

Regarded with contempt by all their neighbours, the Ongan people are not as advanced as Panga and Taejon, but have proven to be strong and resourceful, taking advantage of any weakness in neighbouring lands to expand their borders. Onga began to emerge after 1000 BC amongst the furthest outposts of the Pangari Empire in the east, founded by independent Riskien warriors and other Pangan seperatists. All official ties to Panga were eventually cut by 800 BC.

Amongst all the asian powers, Yaktan has had the hardest time. From 1000 BC there was bitter fighting against Altyn-Kanalat forces, which were encroaching on Yaktan’s own expanding borders. There have also been wars with Onga from 800 BC, and more recently the nation has been hit by waves of rebellions. In 500 BC, parts of Yaktan remain in rebel and barbarian hands. Despite the difficulties, exploration of the seas has continued, and several new colonies were founded. The Yaktan horsemen have also developed into the devastating ‘Brute’ cavalry. Although they are only a handful of troops at present, they are the most fearsome cavalry in the world at this time…

Changes to the game:
Barbarian Civ: This is the black colour, with cities all over the map. The game is edited to keep them in permanent anarchy (999 turn transition time). Thus, they cant build or research anything normally, but I give their different cities different auto-unit-producing buildings. They represent barbarian strongholds or independent cities under the rule of hostile warlords. Every other civ will be at war with them for most of the time.

Neutral Civ: This is the grey colour (not the same as Ys’s). I am now ‘playing’ this civ. They are supposed to represent friendly neutral city-states and small independent powers all over the map. I can do NPC diplo for the different cities if you want to convince them to join you or help your army, or you can just declare war on them all. I’ll play their unit moves as if they were many different powers and not one big empire.

Black flag and grey flag is to emphasise neutral and barbarian cities described above.
Gold pile thingy is a trade centre, a city which makes more money and production than normal.
Test tube thingy is a ‘centre of science’ (currently only Panga is one of these)

Uber Zoomed-in map of Europe

Uber Zoomed-out map of Asia (hope to do zoomed-in for this sometime, but its quite time consuming)
(edit: some little flags are missing - 'Eastern Ulak' is all neutral, Ghulaman and Baralyk are in barbarian hands)

Ormash-Panga-Taejon-Yaktan peace treaties still hold, kinda…

Mycenae and Aahnad Empire have a peace deal where they both agree to keep away from the old city of Argos.

Anything else is considered ‘expired’

Wonders of the world:
Dates are not accurate…

Civ Stats:
Link to stats here (will be kept on first post on first page)

Anguile, Zekul, Ys, Anltyn-Kanalat, Almoth and Yaktan all got +1 point to spend due to harsh treatment in the boring time.

@TerrisH, if you still want to play, I kinda killed off the Argosian Empire... Feel free to take over with Mycenae or Aahnad Empire, or anything else for that matter.

Destroyed civs = Argosian Empire, Karion, Ulak
New civs = Ulakam, Catalya, Onga, Aahnad Empire, Tusca, Judea, Finnystan, Saxony, Motria

Think that’s it. Dunno if anyone’s still interested of course, but the next stage of the game is now running. Feel free to post orders or complaints or comments or anything…
TO: The States of Europe
FROM: The Anguile Empire

We declare our sphere of influence over the former cities of Anguile, including the cities of Anguilairme and Caedenbourg and we ask that foriegn powers do not intervene in the affairs of the region.

TO: The Rebel Tribes of Anguilairme and Caedenbourg
FROM: The Anguile Empire

We request that you restore yourselves to the proper authority of the Emperor of Anguile. We request his peacefully, yet if you deny our request, than you shall be seen, clearly, as those which would deny the Gallic peoples of Anguile their right to prosperity and to glory. If you agree to re-join us, we shall promise the leaders of your territories positions in the governments of the cities.

TO: The Ys League
FROM: The Anguile Empire

We request a NAP with your great league, and we shall send a diplomat to Ys so that we may communicate through more secure channels. (AIM)
TO: The Anguile 'Empire'
FROM: The rulers of Anguilairme and Caedenbourg

Your corruption and endless warmongering has brought the Gallic peoples of Anguile nothing but centuries of suffering and hardship. We will not submit to you, and we advise you not to threaten us again.
So we managed to hold onto the Zekul lands and some pictish islands but lost Lyonnese? weird .

Hmm, well for whatever reason, there happened to be more forceful and charasmatic rebel leaders appearing in that area than elsewhere :)
I have a question about spending points. So you only get one a turn correct?

I'll post diplomacy once I read the past updates and find about my neighbors.
yeah one per turn usually, but i might add bonus points for some reason :)
Ok, thanks for the help :).

From Saxony
To Anguile

We purpose an end to the conflicts that have taken place between our two peoples. We also purpose a NAP to ensure this continued peace.
Hmm, nice update, shame for my empire though... Would it possible for me to switch to Aahnad? I was rather looking forward to some powermongering, for which it is clearly more suited, though I could just do an Altyn-Kanalat renaissance instead.
Sure Das, you can play whatever civ you want.

I wanted to give a bit of resistance to your expanding power, maybe it was too much...
I think I'll join. Dunno if I create a new civ or pick an existing one...
I can only create new civs every so often, when i go back to the civ3 editor and rework a lot of stuff. Ive just done that, so it wont be happening again for a while. Most of the time im just using save game editing, and cant change any civ's details. Anyway, feel free to play as any unclaimed nation :).

@Das, i just read my PM from TerrisH and he wants to play as Aahnad empire also. I dont know what to do :(
Lurker's Comment Daft! I demand you post in the Art Thread! Do iiit.
@ andis, i can't alter any ai personality settings with the save editor, but im playing wiht debug mode so i can manually change what ai cities are building.

@Symphony, i really like your graphics! and im very honoured you thought my DNES stuff was any good. I havent read the thread properly yet cos ive got to get offline now and my connection is dying...
Some new and repeated diplomacy

From Saxony
To Anguile

We purpose an end to the conflicts that have taken place between our two peoples. We also purpose a NAP to ensure this continued peace.

From Saxony
To Almoth

We purpose a NAP to ensure peace between our two peoples.
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