Civ4 BTS Patch v3.13 is up

If correct, then that would be the procedure when/if you have trouble.

For the vast majority of us, the procedure would simply be this:
install civ4
install bts
patch to 3.13

[then install bhruic's patch]


you are right of course :)
but from the few dozen times I had to post detailed manual uninstall instructions in the Tech Support section I have started to preempt this and just tell people to go the long route the first time.
I still would like to figure out why the 1.74 patch and more so the 3.13 patch fail sometimes while they work for most people without a glitch :confused:
I still would like to figure out why the 1.74 patch and more so the 3.13 patch fail sometimes while they work for most people without a glitch :confused:
Probably something stupid like old version of directx. One of the steps in your procedure should be the link direct to Microsoft's directx page.

you are right of course :)
ps Wow. That's the 2nd time today I've been told here on the boards that I was right. ;)

I'm on a roll. Need to go get a lottery ticket or something.

CIV4/Warlords/BtS all installed and played OK.

"Road to War" is still painfully slow and unplayable.
Be aware that it's a rolling update. Some people will not get updated automatically based on known conflicts MS detects on your PC.
Rejoining Civ/CivFanatics after a year away, will get my copy of BTS in two weeks or so (I'm in Korea). To catch me up, is this correct: BTS 3.13 is the latest and possibly last patch, but it's insufficient, so Bhruic's patch is the un-official latest patch and is superior to BTS 3.13?
Thanks Ori. There's a subway station named after you by my house.
news on next patch?
Is there any point in installing this patch?

What I mean is, it seems to introduce as many bugs as it removes? At least thats the impression I get reading through the thread?
Yes, and I believe this patch is required before installing Bhruic's patch.

After having had a good look at bhruic's fix list I decided to take your advice and install both.

Only thing is I am getting the "The setup has detected that no version of Sid Meier's Civilization IV - Beyond the Sword is installed" error, when trying to install 3.13.

I know this is a known issue and I have tried searching but the threads I found didn't have solutions. You don't get the option to even point it to a directory.

Anybody know the answer or can point me in the direction of a relevant thread?
Which setup is giving that error?
I have BTS installed. I have downloaded the 3.13 patch. When trying to install the patch (just after installshield has finished preparing) it claims I have no copy of BTS installed and aborts.
I have BTS installed. I have downloaded the 3.13 patch. When trying to install the patch (just after installshield has finished preparing) it claims I have no copy of BTS installed and aborts.
Sooo... you're failing on step #3. Right?

Did you originally install to a custom location on your HD, perhaps a separate drive?

Sounds like either you're not using the in-game install (as recommended), or you're using it but it's looking in the wrong spot (probably because of a custom location or separate drive).

If the former, then why not try the recommended solution. If the latter, then instead of the in-game update, you can also get the 3.13 patch via here. Try that. :)


ps Note that some people incorrectly call Bhruic's patch v1.21 to be "the Patch v3.13". Probably as a result of the title of this thread. Which is totally misleading.
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