• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Civ4 Temporary Leave Announcement Thread

Germany won, not Austria! :cheers:
As far as I'm concerned everybody's a winner, what do I care about those two barbaric nations?
I can totally relate Herc. Went in Weds for an "overnite" shoulder op to fix final wound from Vietnam... 4 days later i can barely move that arm(+ the damn pain meds have me even more clouded up than usual). :confused:
So this is sort of a postmortem notice of absence... very sorry to have slowed so many good games. :(
I'm just starting to get to them now. Onward thru thru fog! :sleep:
Good luck on the remaining ops! And you can always ask us doctors for different pain meds if you are pretty dazed by it all kenwyn, we will try different tablets and see what works best for you!
I am sorry everyone for my long and unannounced absence. No excuse really for not even dropping a note. I can not explain here, but suffice it to say my RL has taken a great hit and change.

I will try to catch up today on my games, but we may just need to look for replacements.
Eclipse, welcome back! I hope that all is better now.

gpcii, good to have you back. Sometimes RL hit us without warning. I hope is nothing too serious.
I'm on holiday for a week starting tomorrow. I'll try to do my turns at most there should be about a week turntime. Apologies in advance.
Preliminary announcement that I will be away and have no game playing. 0/none September 6-11 :sad: I will post on the game threads closer to those dates.
I'm on holiday for a week starting tomorrow. I'll try to do my turns at most there should be about a week turntime. Apologies in advance.

Hi there! I hope you are back and can assume your duties as Shah of Iran. I was really really looking forward to continue with our game. Hope to hear from you soon!
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