Civ7 peoples-- before the starting gun -- NoGo


Jan 18, 2002
I was just starting to look at how civ7 works and discovered to my dismay today that the initial release will be NoGo. Maybe it will be playable with a later update, as has been civ's history with the software. I was trying to justify getting a new computer to play this game as my old has too old of a processor. But, then, I started down the list of leaders. Who are these? So, started down the list of civilizations. NoGo. Not only did they change to unknown names and not leading historical figures, but European countries are mostly missing. Oh a little Greek. But for middle age where are the exploring nations: England, Portugal. For the modern era, where are those that shook up the world: Germany, Russia (Stalin), Red China. Look at the world's population: which civs are the largest? Which is not listed? Clue: India did not grow without attracting many peoples.

So, to summarize, I may try civ7, but it will be with later release. I did not like civ6 until GS release. And skipped civ5 as it seemed like a poorly designed game. Maybe with update1 or update2 civ7 will be playable, but no longer holding my breath. NoGo, fails specifications. Back to design board.
Medieval England is represented by Normans. No Portugal yet, but it's not usually in the base game anyway.

There is modern China and all it needs to become red is adopting communist ideology.

Either modern Russia or Germany are quite likely in the base game. Maybe even both. And there definitely will be both with the first DLCs.

In any case, waiting for a while is a quite valid strategy. I'm still bargaining with myself whether to postpone the purchase till all the DLC are released, and I'm very excited for the game.
I'll never understand players who seem to only want the basic well known civs/leaders in a game. I love learning out about cultures and people I'd never heard of before.
Anyway, no idea what NoGo means either.
I’m glad Stalin and “Red China” are seemingly not going to be in the game myself, but to each their own. Your point about “changing to unknown names” confuses me a bit — if anything, the leaders here are more known than those in VI.
Go and NoGo are often used as a binary means of describing whether a product or feature passes some kind of parameter check. NoGo is basically Unplayable.

Frankly, I denounce the idea that the game should be limited to civs that were taught in primary school history class, or that they should take precedence over others. A faulty syllabus should not be dictating the parameters by which we judge Civ. Please do not inflict the effects of poor quality education on the rest of us.
Here's a thought; If you don't know who a historical figure in Civ is, you can go onto a search engine and start to learn about them. I guarantee that Trung Trac and Harriet Tubman deserved to be in this game and you would see why if you actually bothered to learn about history through a game that's about history.

Same with civilizations, the rest of the world deserves to be represented and all the other Civ games have had disproportionately represented Europe and the Western World at the expense of all the other non-white peoples of the world.

Plus England is represented as the Normans and possibly the British Empire, and India is the Mughal Empire.
Frankly, I denounce the idea that the game should be limited to civs that were taught in primary school history class, or that they should take precedence over others. A faulty syllabus should not be dictating the parameters by which we judge Civ. Please do not inflict the effects of poor quality education on the rest of us.
Exactly. Obviously they are going to include some of the big name superpowers but the best part of civ is learning about new people, cultures, wonders, artists, etc.. When I see a name I don't recognize, I get excited because I'm going to learn something new.

"If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now"
Please do not inflict the effects of poor quality education on the rest of us.
That was quite snobbish.

Of course civ7 is a NoGo for me. I don’t want to deal with names that sound like they are coming from a fairy tale book for children. Must be names that had some impact in world history.
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I don’t want to deal with names that sound like they are coming from a fairy tale book for children.
Not sure which names you're referring to, but they're real names from history and if you can't deal w ur own preconceptions then ngl that's just on you, not a problem w the game itself
Not sure which names you're referring to, but they're real names from history and if you can't deal w ur own preconceptions then ngl that's just on you, not a problem w the game itself
Perhaps not a problem with the game itself for people who like a cartoonish style. Just saying game is not worth much for some people.
Good luck with it and Good bye.
Must be names that had some impact in world history.

How do you define "had some impact in world history"?

That's a serious question, not rhetorical or sarcastic. If by "world history" you mean "a given civ had to influence literally the entire world" then we are left with extremely few civs by default. Which sounds boring, to always play as Rome and Rome and China and Rome and India and Iran ad infinitum. Hence my second question - why this must be some tightly restricted list of civs, if this results in a smaller, more limited game?

More playable civs, and more diverse civs is... more fun. It's a video game.
Look at the world's population: which civs are the largest?

1) China - and for the first time we got it represented as three civs, not just one, to reflect that
2) India - same as above
3) America - in the game
4) Indonesia - in the game
5) Pakistan - in the game (Maurya and especially Mughals)
6) Nigeria - in the game, because Amina is from Nigeria, so you actually provided argument for her inclusion while trying to argue against her lol
7) Brazil - not yet in the game, was in civ5 and 6 so will probably come back
8) Bangladesh - ambigous, kinda covered by Maurya and Mughals, though Bengal deserves its own civ imo
9) Russia - in the game or first DLC
10) Mexico - in the game
11) Ethiopia - in the game (Axum)
12) Japan - in the game
13) Philippines - not yet, great argument to include it!
14) Egypt - in the game
15) DR Congo - was in civ6
16) Vietnam - in the game (leader)
17) Iran - in the game
18) Turkey - not yet but guaranteed sooner or later
19) Germany - in the game or first DLC
20) Thailand - in the game

So, of the top 20 most populous countries in the world, 15/16 can be already counted as being present in civ7, and like 18 is probable. Your point is?
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