CivDip XVI: Clash of the Titans

Dreadnought said:
I could do this. In a thread, perhaps? A list of all Cidippers and thier stats, who you can call in case of ned of replacement, etc.
I was really thinking in terms of someone who has been around longer than either you or me, but if you're willing to do it and some of the longer-term members can supply stats from games they GMed, it might prove useful. We have a pretty small community here, so naming and shaming, as Kitten put it a while back, ought to have more weight here than in a larger community like Redscape.

To be fair, we'd have to allow people to protest their records, especially regarding abandonment vs. leaving for a sound reason.
He was joking Neville.
Actually, need I be joking? It was meant as a joke, but honestly, if there are going to be two powers in civil disorder anyway, I'd rather jump ship from the sinking Russia and see if I can linger a little longer as Germany. Admittedly, not MUCH longer, but a turn or so. It sure would be better for game balance.
And no, I don't bear grudges for being a good player.
I'm in a redscape game, "Cucumber Sandwiches", wherein the guy currently playing France started the game as Turkey, got trounced, switched to fill in for a missing Kaiser, eventually took his lumps there as well, and then stepped in for France when that power also got abandoned. So long as nobody has a serious reason to object (especially the players closest to the power in question) there's no major reason it can't be done.
true. Also, I'd be a ready replacement if I could sit down and shut up when the new games were announced...
Then I have no problems with a new germany. So he just jumped ship and ran did he? that sucks big time.

what would happen with Russia then, would they be in civil disorder?

Perhaps we should just call it and play antoher game

Thanks for saying I was a good player!
I would be in favor of calling it, honestly. I really don't like the idea of two non-players. And Italy would have to turn on Austria in order for Austria not to win, and it doesn't appear that that will happen.
I'll step in to take over a power if you want. I just took a look at the map and I think the game has some life in it yet. One of my two Redscape games is heading for a stalemate-draw situation, so I think I can afford to take something else on.
Well, it's up to you lot. If most want the game to proceed, I'll take Germany or Turkey. If the majority are ready to wrap it up, maybe that's for the best. Let me know.
I'll take whatever you need me to take, assuming you decide to keep going.
Actually, I did see a variant where an NMR was dealtwith by having all other players submit orders for the negligent nation and a random set of orders followed...
That depends on if we can get two other substitutes or not. I tried to contact the new guy who said he'd be up for a game. If he's in, then we have 7 players and I won't change. If we're going to have a vacancy anyway, then I'd prefer to jump ship to Germany.
well, you never know what will happen to your country if you NMR...
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