Thanks, Civinator. I hope you enjoy, and will certainly appreciate your ideas! I've spent so much time modding in 2010 that I haven't played much Civ 3. So I am also looking forward to playing some CCM, Mod of Modness, and AOI. I might even get to play an actual non-test game of Worldwide, too!
The AI definitely builds the Attributes, and will update them over time. The question is how much they overbuild them. Since the 'replace improvement' flag exists in the regular game, I imagine there must be some logic for the computer in this regard.
A big update is in the works. I kinda took King Coltrane's suggestions to heart, so there is a bigger emphasis on buildings (over 50 added to date), as well as four new civs and some other goodies. I'm also using your advanced auto-production process for a few about a great idea!