Civilization III: Worldwide

Well, it's easy. Simply open Your "Worldwide.biq" file in Civ3ConquestsEdit.exe & go to scenario > scenario properties > default game rules & deselect "respawn ai players" there.

Thanks. I hate respawning AI. :P
thanks for replying, the resources i was thinking about ,were more wild fowel proberbly some more animals fox,karabu proberbly for the tundra areas and a few more species of fish what do you think
I like your mod except for the ui textures. And the squares with x's in them. Is there anyway to return the ui graphics to default?
Is there anyway to return the ui graphics to default?

Yes. Go to the Art folder and delete everything that's not required for the game such as flics, resources, wonder splashes, leaderheads, units, tech chooser, civilopedia icons, city screen buildings large and small, advisor -all.pcxs. Be advised some default graphics won't line up correctly, eg. Science tech boxes.

the resources i was thinking about ,were more wild fowel proberbly some more animals fox,karabu proberbly for the tundra areas and a few more species of fish what do you think

Sounds good. Especially the different fishes, which will make them more plentiful overall.
Congratulations for your mod AnthonyBoscia. :) Yesterday I downloaded "Worldwide" and had a first look into this mod. Your idea about using the "replace-improvement-flag" as "city-attributes" sounds very cool and interesting. :cool:

Over christmas I will have the time to play it and have a deeper look into the mod - especially if the AI is using these city-attributes well.
Thanks, Civinator. I hope you enjoy, and will certainly appreciate your ideas! I've spent so much time modding in 2010 that I haven't played much Civ 3. So I am also looking forward to playing some CCM, Mod of Modness, and AOI. I might even get to play an actual non-test game of Worldwide, too!

The AI definitely builds the Attributes, and will update them over time. The question is how much they overbuild them. Since the 'replace improvement' flag exists in the regular game, I imagine there must be some logic for the computer in this regard.

A big update is in the works. I kinda took King Coltrane's suggestions to heart, so there is a bigger emphasis on buildings (over 50 added to date), as well as four new civs and some other goodies. I'm also using your advanced auto-production process for a few about a great idea!
I'm 2 days from being done with my first semester of grad school (one essay left!) and i cant wait to get home and devote some more time to this! I'm glad you liked my suggestions and are incorporating them! I'm curious to see which ones and how they play out. If you need help with anything (aside from the obvious testing, let me know, since ill have the time to work on it very soon!
I assume the biq-file separate is the the same as in the HUGE Dl file Dated 21/11
The 4 parts files doesn´t have any biq file what I can see.
only spotted that yesterday. Sounds interesting, might give it a go when I am free over xmas.
Nat King Coltrane: New building development is still in flux. I'll give you a heads up when I know what works in game! It'll take some planning now to stay in that 256 limit.

Edil: I don't know what is required for the game to work in the Italian version. If someone can shed some light on this, and it's within my ability, I'd be happy to oblige.

Cemo: The 4-part and the whole version were both reloaded at the same time, so either is good. The BIQ at the end of Post 1 is the most recent as of now.

Thanks for playing; all feedback is appreciated!
This looks amazing. I've been meaning to try it, but haven't had the time. I'll start it right after I finish my current game(I don't like to play more than one game at once).

My only comment for the moment is if there will only ever be a total of 20 civs to choose from.
I'm sure other civs with a vibrant history could also make a good addition to your mod(ex. Israel-from biblical wars to present day modern army; Austria or Hungary or a combination of the two were major players from the early middle ages right up to WWI; etc.) Once again, excellent job.
I can't seem to get a certain tweak to take. It has to do with the Apache Brave unit, which I can get to treat all terrain as roads, so long as the unit has three movement points, but not when it has one movement point. What the heck is going on here?

Update, 2 questions...

!. Must a unit be flagged as "wheeled" before it can treat all terrain as road?

2. Is a unit with three movement points automatically considered wheeled?


No idea. You mean the Apache Warrior 1/1/1 unit, correct? Units movement points should have no effect on their abilities. Nor do they need to be wheeled. That's odd. Are you using the regular editor?

Attached is Worldwide: Limited Mythusmage Edition. Apache Warriors get ATAR.


My only comment for the moment is if there will only ever be a total of 20 civs to choose from. I'm sure other civs with a vibrant history could also make a good addition to your mod(ex. Israel-from biblical wars to present day modern army; Austria or Hungary or a combination of the two were major players from the early middle ages right up to WWI; etc.)

Thanks, Bengal. Since the focus of the game is on a clear, mostly unique unit progression, some civs can't get love because there simply aren't enough units to give them four full eras. This determination was not made on the basis of which Civs are supposedly 'better' or more historically influential. Austria, Hungary, and Israel all have rich histories, and some cool unique units on this site, but are tough to assemble a full line. There are several civs or geographical areas that I would love to have in the game: especially Inca/Peru, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, and of course, Canada. Based on what our first-rate unit makers are creating, it might be possible to assemble Central Asia, Korea, and Babylon/Iraq as civs.

But there will certainly be more than 20. Four new civs will be featured in the expansion pack; I've been working on them since before I released the mod. :)



  • Prestige Worldwide civs.jpg
    Prestige Worldwide civs.jpg
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A Fatimid Archer from the Egyptians are upgrading to a Mamluk Gunner.
I like this namesets going from period in Egypt and the rest following history whoever "ran" the country at a specific timeperiod.

However this special example I have some Questions.
The Fatmid Archer is offense and Artillery ( I like archer having artillery included or even strictly being artillery at close range, that is what they often was used as during most of their time)
then the Mamluk Gunner is just defense.

The AI and perhaps even the human players gets confused and a powerfull offensive/artillery force turns into strictly defensive.

I know the time of the Archer is out by the time of the Mamluk Gunner, so then perhaps the Fatmid Archer should have been Defense and Artillery or whatever.
It´s seams to be a very heavy turnarounds as it is, but does it work out all right ??

The Mongol Archer is upgraded to a Mongol Arquebuisiers and he is BOTH offense and defensive.

Yet still the Anti-Tank units are all defense and Artillery. Perhaps they should be stealth targeting armoured units to have them different then normal artillery or other units.

YET a very promising MOD.....
Sounds good. When I said Israel or Austria-Hungary, I was just giving the first examples I thought of, but any new civs are good. With another 11 slots open, there could be some good stuff coming out soon.
By the way, I assume those pictures represent the 4 new civs you are working on, so I'll guess Holland and an African civ, but I'm not sure about the two on the left(or is this part of the suspense?)
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