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Civilization VII Dev Diary #7: Legends & Mementos

I just feel it's predatory more than anything else. Like they really want you to get addicted to the game by adding all these progression systems so that they hope to make you buy more DLC leaders and aesthetic stuff.
So in this way I consider it similar to other games like Halo, Street Fighter, Fortnite, etc. Where these so-called rewards are just addiction hooks.

I wish the industry would wake up and fight these predatory systems, including preorder / edition bonuses, releasing the game unfinished, always-online games, gacha games or games with gambling, and games like Diablo 3 or Counterstrike where selling loot with real life money is common. Or games you don't even own.

So I don't think it's necessary for a single player game to have this system. Let's be honest, they could have given you access to these selectable traits from the start if they wanted, and back in the day they would have done. To have 20+ levels for every single leader, it's a little bit in the realm of Overkill.
A completely free and optional system, no monetization option to rush it, can't really see how it would be predatory at all.
Well it's not necessarily about money, and I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, I just think that mechanics designed to keep you playing are predatory as-is.
Although admittedly not to the same extent as the other stuff I mentioned. And not being monetized is good
Well it's not necessarily about money, and I know this is probably an unpopular opinion, I just think that mechanics designed to keep you playing are predatory as-is.
Although admittedly not to the same extent as the other stuff I mentioned. And not being monetized is good
I don't even think they're that much on keeping you playing. If it had things like daily/weekly challenges, things that made you want to play now to not miss something, then I would agree with you.

They seems to be mostly an incentive to try different ways of playing, different civs, different leaders, instead of always playing the same few.
The problem here is power creep. The more options you unlock (especially if higher level ones are stronger), the more options you have to boost your game. And the ability to switch them between ages makes this even stronger because you may know exactly what things you want. So, the more you play, the easier it will be. Probably at some point mementos will probably shift your difficulty down one step.
Similar to Civ 6, where Secret Societies+Heroes turned a Deity game into an Emperor game
I mean easy, like in civ 6, I just never played with either secret societies or heroes as it broke my historical immersion completely completely way more than civ switching ever would. Mementos on the other hand don't seem as bad as you can view it as just customizing your leader more to your playstyle.
On the lasts videos, they showed that one of the rewards for gaining levels with a leader is a special attribute node (for example, Hatshepshut has an economic attribute node that adds +25% gold from trade and treasure fleets, and another cultural node that adds +15% prod when building building and wonders with great works slots).
The problem here is power creep. The more options you unlock (especially if higher level ones are stronger), the more options you have to boost your game

Probably at some point mementos will probably shift your difficulty down one step.

Well, I’m pretty sure they did not think of that (and many others either), but nothing in the system prevents Mementos being handicaps as well as bonuses. If we think of them as customization options, both the + and the - are possible. And having flavourful handicaps (e.g. based on challenges the leader faced) that are optional/selectable may turn out as fun as having bonuses.
Well, I’m pretty sure they did not think of that (and many others either), but nothing in the system prevents Mementos being handicaps as well as bonuses. If we think of them as customization options, both the + and the - are possible. And having flavourful handicaps (e.g. based on challenges the leader faced) that are optional/selectable may turn out as fun as having bonuses.
Hopefully mementos end up being able to be assigned to AI as well—that would give a lot of fun flexibility in terms of using them as difficulty modifiers.
The first few mementos from the general progression (rather than leader unlocks) - source:

First 10 levels of Hatsheput unlocks (apologies for crappy stitching):
Imago Mundi looks super strong early game!
They not only think alike; they think alike at exactly the same moment.

But if that's the single enhancement that immediately catches two gamer's eyes, then it's OP.

Hell, in Civ 5 +1 sight was a UA! (well, ok, half of a UA, but still!)
I like the references of the mementos :)

+3 sight for your scout doesn't seem like a modest buff; it seems game changing.

Edit: ha ha, x-post w/ Nikolai.
It's not +3 for the scout in general, just when you search or build a lookout. Seems strong, but not as game changing as +3 on scout's LOS. Combine it with Ibn Battuta though...
Oh, ok, that nerfs it a good bit.
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