Commiting the perfect murder...


Oct 20, 2002
Too close to Victoria
Yesterday I had a very good laugh in the middle of a video store. This guy was flirting with a worker there. He was talking about cop shows and such crap and said, "I watch these shows so much I could commit a murder and get away with it." It cracked me up that he thought he could do it, and cracked me up even more that he'd say he could commit a prefect muder to someone he was hitting on..

I've thought about this before but after thinking about it last night I'd like to see everyone else's thoughts.

Would you say something like that to a potential date?

Do you think these shows give to much information?

And of course, Could you commit a perfect murder, and how
would you do it? You don't have to tell how if you actually plan to do it one day :)

Although it would take away the whole point out of the murder, the only way I see to commit a perfect murder is to kill a random person by sniping or without having to interact with them. Just to clarify, perfect means not getting caught, I don't mean absoutely perfect. Any murder with motive is sure enough to get you arrested with the tinyest bit of evidence.

I think the cop shows do give some people capable of commiting a crime ideas about how to do some things but it's not information they couldn't have obtained elsewhere...
Well, cop shows tell you what not to do. . .

Perfect murder? Might be possible. Little flash, little smoke, couple of mirrors. . . it might be done. Maybe.

As for saying something like that to a potential date. . .well. . .:suicide:

The problem with the cop shows is that while they show you want not to do, they don't tell you how to do it. It's still trial and error. But you've at least seen some of the errors.
Not being caught isn't too hard when you don't have a motive. Murderers are usually caught because their motives are revealed or because they had to take risks in order to hit the specific person they want to kill.
He that would keep secrets should keep it secret that he has secrets to keep.
Drink 6 pints and run them over with a car. Get 120 hrs community service for drunk driving
A perfect murder is one that is not regocnized as murder, not one where you don't get caught.

And of course I wouldn't say it to anyone. ;)
The perfect murder, is as Hitro suggested one where no one suspects that a murder has been committed, eg accidental death, suicide, death by misadventure.

I think that the crime detection shown in CSI goes a long way to show that there is no perfect murder, they will catch you, from the sligestest drop of blood on your clothes, or a hair at the scene.

Chat up lines, "I think that I could commit the perfect murder, (why don't we go on a date this friday and I'll show you)."

The guy was obviously mad as a hatter if he thought that this approach would work.
I think perfect murders happen quite often (perfect in a sence that the killer remains unknown).. The thing is: you just don't see that on Cops, as they want an interesting story..
Also Forensic Detectives on Discovery won't show any murders with the killer uncaught, since that'd mess up the whole idea of the message behind it..
1) To a date, I would never say anything stupid like that.

2) They don't give away too much information, just show the blatently stupid things a criminal does.

3) How would I do it? It would involve night, gloves, and the ocean.
1) Saying that to a date is just plain stupid.

2) The perfect murder: Kill a goldfish... No one will ever know! ;) (Hey, you didn't say it had to be a murder of a human...)
Originally posted by ferenginar
I think that the crime detection shown in CSI goes a long way to show that there is no perfect murder, they will catch you, from the sligestest drop of blood on your clothes, or a hair at the scene.
Well, it seems to me like most places don't have a crime detection force as sophisticated as in the CSI show.
Originally posted by WillJ
2) The perfect murder: Kill a goldfish... No one will ever know! ;) (Hey, you didn't say it had to be a murder of a human...)

I think that's covered by the definition of murder.
Originally posted by Dralix
I think that's covered by the definition of murder.
I always thought it can mean the killing of a human, but also can simply mean killing.
Originally posted by WillJ
I always thought it can mean the killing of a human, but also can simply mean killing.

First of all it is not just killing. Killing a person is homicide, which may or may not be justified. My understanding is that murder is defined as the killing of a person (in part, I don't want to get into the malice aforethought), although it probably varies state to state. This is one reason that cases like the Laci Peterson case are controversial. If Laci's unborn child is not a "person" than it cannot be murdered. If it can be murdered, then it is a person, which could open up a whole other can of worms.

But I digress. Let me keep this post from being totally off topic by saying I that I think discussing the perfect murder is stupid, whether it be to a potential date or as a thread on CFC.
I'm pretty sure that killing a fish is defined as either "fishing" or "hunting", not as murder.
What I was thinking of was the somewhat-slang meaning of murder, not the legal one, but okay, okay, killing a fish isn't murder... :) And I guess even if you kill a human, it's not necessarily murder, because killing a soldier in war isn't murder (AFAIK), killing yourself isn't muder (AFAIK), and some other things...

[Sorry for the threadjack.]
The "perfect murder" doesn't happen all too frequently in the first world. The third world, where police are probably either lazy, corrupt, or too incompetent to get things right...there it might work.
The perfect murder would be one where no body is recovered. Most evidence that police use is taken from the victim's body, and without that they wouldn't even be able to prove that a crime had actually been committed. This doesn't happen very often though, as it takes a lot of planning and most murders are crimes of passion.
Pigs will eat anything, y'know.
How does anyone know how many "perfect murders" happen? After all they are no longer perfect when you realize them.

I guess there are many more than most people think, after all it is not too hard to imagine a plan for it...
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