Community Patch - How To Install

Any idea what the compatibility issue is here? I downloaded all the mods that were listed in the OP, placed them in my mods folder, enabled them in game, and started a new game as the Inca. I saw this once I settled my city.

Spoiler :
Any idea what the compatibility issue is here? I downloaded all the mods that were listed in the OP, placed them in my mods folder, enabled them in game, and started a new game as the Inca. I saw this once I settled my city.

Spoiler :

Are you using EUI?
No, I didn't see a link to download that on the OP.

I'm just asking because EUI does that to you if you use this mod.

Are you playing on marathon or why do you need 75 culture for your first policy?
I'm just asking because EUI does that to you if you use this mod.

Are you playing on marathon or why do you need 75 culture for your first policy?

Yep. All my games are Marathon/huge

I was also given the option to promote my settler before settling...
And you're just using the mods listed on the installpage, nothing else? Have you tried emptied your cache and moduserdata folders?
Yes, no other mods are currently subscribed on steam. The only mods installed are on the op.

I cleared the two folders and reloaded the initial 4000 BC autosave and settling my city still gave me the same UI issue.

Started a new game, same settings (huge, marathon, this time England) and there was no UI problem. Except I could build a scout in one turn on turn one. After that (almost) free scout production rate returned to normal.

Just curious, is the community balance patch not supposed to be played on marathon?
Just curious, is the community balance patch not supposed to be played on marathon?

No clue, just saw your culture requirement was off and asked if that was the case or if it was a conflicting mod

There are probably some things that doesn't scale properly (just assuming) which would be better/worse of gamespeeds other than standard, but I'm not sure
I play on marathon - no problems.

Funky problem. Which mods are you using? CP + CBP + CSD + CivIVDF? If not using the latter, did you disable their support in the CP?

To explain, this is 100% a LUA issue – sounds like you are either using an old version of Civ, a corrupt version that needs to be reinstalled, or you've got some legacy EUI/Lua files floating around somewhere.

Am I correct to guess that some of the changes implemented in the PickNMix mods are also incorporated into the Community Patch? I just went through picknmix and downloaded all the ones I wanted. For example, some change promotions, but so does the Community Patch. How can I find out which changes are already included?

Edit: wow I've been a member for 4 years but this is my first post. cool.

Edit2: Is the picknmix DLL code included in the Community Patch DLL? Because I gather that you can only have one DLL, and the OP implies that they are compatible, yet they require a DLL... confused.
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