Sounds like something to do with browser localization (as you are French). Glad it worked.
Should I disable balance tweaks, settler behavior etc in CommunityOptions.sql if I don't use Balance patch?
Any plans to bring this on Steam?
Any idea what the compatibility issue is here? I downloaded all the mods that were listed in the OP, placed them in my mods folder, enabled them in game, and started a new game as the Inca. I saw this once I settled my city.
Spoiler :![]()
Are you using EUI?
No, I didn't see a link to download that on the OP.
I'm just asking because EUI does that to you if you use this mod.
Are you playing on marathon or why do you need 75 culture for your first policy?
Just curious, is the community balance patch not supposed to be played on marathon?
Just curious, is the community balance patch not supposed to be played on marathon?
I play on marathon - no problems.