Conquests 01: Spoiler 2 (End of middle ages)

It's a really hard game again, like GOTM 31. Specially without horses.
With about 20 citys i decided to make war on the Arabs. I builded up 5 unit stocks to attack 5 citys at the same time. But bevor i closed my buildup, the Babylonians declared war on me. I don't know why, they only had 8 citys or so. After capturing 4 of them i made peace to come back to my foreign goals, capturing arabia. But again no luck for me. Now i've sawn the sumerians with many units on my borders. Big #*+&!... they were too strong and they captured 3 citys. I found no chance to win with med.inv. against their UU and archers. So i talked to arabia and babylon and they joined me to fight against sumeria. But no chance again. This lookes like some special methods must be found to defeed sumerias. I signed a peace treaty and they moved their troops to the other side of the continent to capture babylon. This was my chance after a few turns of building more units, i declared war and captured in a hand strike 5 citys and made peace again. :lol: It works, i couldn't believe it. But i made a big mistake. The culture of sumeria was realy big and one city flips back. Another failure was that they owned iron after defeeting babylon. So the only way for me was again war against sumeria. But the arabs didn't want to join me. I coudln't capture the citys fast enough and after 2 more flips i decided to raize each captured city and build again my own. Two steps forward, one back means many many hundred of years with war against sumeria. The drawpoint comes with my first army. I don't know why but sumeria didn't attack my army. I destroyed all lux and recources and now at the beginning of th IA i saw lights on the end of the tunnel. Only 4 citys left for sumeria ( :) but not for long) and then i can through out the arabs from my continent.
One thing seems to be really hard, the koreans captured theire opponents and only zulus left. It looks that there comes a really hard fight.

AA spoiler

In 550 BC I entered the MA by researching HBR….

550BC continued – We trade Philosphy to Babylon for a worker and 7 gold. We sell Currency to Arabia for 27 gold. HBR to Sumeria for 2 gold. We then gift both Babylon and Sumeria the remaining required AA techs and get them to join us in the MA. Damn! For both of them the free tech is Engineering. We trade Sumeria Engineering straight up for the Republic. We then gift both Babylon and Arabia the Republic. F3 now shows all three known AI’s in anarchy so we declare war on Arabia and move our swordsman into his territory. Our main target is the city of Damascus, near the eastern point or the continent, because it is near one of the rare sources of horses.
530BC – Malatya founded. We send out a galley into hazardous waters in an attempt to reach uncharted lands. The galley reveals a sea tile across the ocean but no other information.
510BC – Our galley has survived, but its’ next three moves do not enable it to reach coastal waters…. Eight barbarian horseman appear near Malatya, signalling the barbarian uprising at the end of each era. Our army razes Baghdad, capturing a worker, but losing a swordsman. We capture Damascus, our main target, again losing a horseman. All swordsman production immediately switched to Three-Man Chariots. We capture Medina without losses.
490BC – Malatya is sacked a number of times by the Barbarians, costing us around 30 gold. Damn, I should have spent that gold before the end of the previous turn. The good news: The galley survived again, and this turn it can reach safe waters. :) Our galley contacts Korea and we sell him Philosophy for 111 gold. We raze Basra without losses and capture a worker.
470BC – Another barbarian threatens undefended Malatya, so I spend most of my gold establishing embassies with Babylon, Sumeria and Korea.
450BC – Malatya is sacked again, losing only 1 gold this time. Our galley is attacked by a barbarian galley. It barely survives, holding on by a single hp. We raze Fustat without losses
430BC – Yalburt founded. We capture Mecca, losing a swordsman
410BC – We capture undefended Khurasan, which is great news ‘cause it’s near spices. We capture Najran, and with it two workers, without losses. Katna founded. Our exploring galley spots a purple border.
390BC – We make contact with Portugal and sell them Polytheism for 259 gold. We sell Korea Polytheism for 38 gold. After that we gift them construction, to allow them to enter the MA. Their free tech is monotheism, which we acquire for the Republic and an ROP. We establish an embassy with the Portuguese.
350BC – The Portuguese city of Guimaraes completes the Statue of Zeus. Kultepe founded. We meet the Zulu and sell them Philosophy for 40 gold. We also establish an embassy in Zimbabwe
IT – An Arabian archer attacks one of our three-man chariots approaching the last Arabian cities and loses, triggering our GA. :)
330BC - Alisar Huyuk and New Hattusas founded.
310BC – We discover Feudalism
270BC – We take the Arabian city of Kanjar, losing two three-man chariots. We also conquer the Arabian capital Kufah, losing one swordsman. Arabia is now out of the game…
250BC – New Tarsus founded. We meet the Chinese. Judging by the number of cities and technologies they have, China is the weaker brother on the other continent. The Portuguese city Lisbon builds the Oracle.
190BC – New Ugarit founded
170BC – Our last remaining scout is, on the other continent, killed by a barbarian horseman.
150BC – We research Chivalry and start upgrading to knights
130BC – Chinese city of Beijing builds Pyramids. We sell Monotheism to Babylon for 24 gold. Mysticism to China for 35 gold. Polytheism to the Zulu for 13 gold. Construction to Portugal for 25 gold. We declare war on Babylon. The Sumerians are bribed to join our righteous crusade against the Babylonians for Monotheism. They also give spices and 39 gold in return. New Harran and New Hattusha founded.
110BC – We capture Uruk.
90BC – We destroy Nineveh. New Tyrana founded
30BC – Eulbar destroyed. Babylon captured.
10BC – China gets Mathematics for 1 gold. Currency to the Zulu for 38 gold. Monotheism to Portugal for 27 gold. We complete our upgrades to knights. (21 in the field atm).
10AD – We capture Ashur.

Current status: Mopping up the remains of Babylon. Sumeria will go next. Researching literature for libraries, then beeline for navigation/magnetism.

30AD – We renew our ROP with Korea, getting 2 gold. We research literature
50AD – New Aleppo founded
IT – Our GA ends
70AD – Samarra destroyed
90AD – We capture Elippi and Akkad, the last two Babylonian cities, but they appear to have a settler roaming somewhere. Sumerian city Sumer builds Great Wall
170AD – We discover Theology. Sumeria (Bad-tibira) builds Mausoleum of Mausollos
190AD – New Ankuwa founded
250AD – New Kadesh and New Adana founded
260AD – Babylon founds Nippur near the western tip of the continent
270AD – We destroy Nippur. Babylon’s gone. Sumerians get Literature for 65 gold. China gets Polytheism for 40 gold. Portugal gets Literature for 80 gold and 10gpt. War declared on Sumeria. We capture the Sumerian cities Eridu, Erech and Agade.
280AD – We attack Sumer with 2 elite and 3 veteran knights. The first elite knight withdraws red-lined, without doing damage. The second elite knight wins and generates a MGL!!! Two veteran knight wins later we conquer Sumer, which has the Great Wall. The MGL moves N to Ivriz, where it will be used to rush the FP next turn.
290AD – The Korean city Seoul has completed the Temple of Artemis. The Zulu city Zimbabwe builds the Great Library. Use MGL to rush FP in Ivriz. We capture Umma and Kish
300AD – FP finished. Elite swordsman win gets us our second MGL. This one returns to the nearest city to form an Army
310AD – We discover Education. Army created. We capture Ur and Kisurra
320AD - New Alaca Huyuk founded. Zabalam captured. Build an embassy in the Chinese capital Beijing. Must have forgotten to do that previously…
IT – Kish flips back to Sumeria. Damn! New Emar founded
340AD – Our ROP with Korea runs out… We re-capture Kish
350AD – We capture Bad-tibira, which holds the Mausoleum of Mausollos
360AD – Isin captured
370AD – Lagash captured.
380AD – We discover Astronomy. We capture Akshak. This eliminates the Sumerians, giving us another milestone in our history as we now control our entire continent. New Alalah and New Ivriz founded. We sell China Philosophy for 32 gold
390AD – We sell Theology to all the nations, except China for a whopping total of 40 gold…
410AD – Portuguese city Guimaraes builds the Great Lighthouse
420AD – We declare war on Korea. Get an MA against them with Portugal and Zululand for Education. I don’t bother with the Chinese. They’re half an era behind in tech and they’re my next target anyway.
430AD – We capture the Korean city Cheju
440AD – We discover Gunpowder. We capture Seoul, which holds the Temple of Artemis
450AD – New Kanesh founded
460AD – We capture Sariwon
470AD – New Karhuyuk and New Karatepe founded
IT – Portugal and China sign a MA against Korea.
480AD – We capture Pyongyang and Chondu
490AD – We discover Navigation. We get China’s WM for Currency. Our TM for the Zulu WM and 11 gold. Our TM for Portugals WM and 130 gold. We found New Kummanni and New Malatya.
500 AD – We capture Hyangsan and Manp’o.

The start of the Hittite conquest of the other continent…

510AD – Kaesong, Namp’o and Inchon captured. New Sumaha founded
530AD – Teajon and Peagam captured
540AD – We discover Chemistry. We capture Pyongsong, eliminating Korea.
550AD – We declare war on the Chinese. The Zulu sign an MA with us, with us giving Astronomy and getting Monarchy and the Zulu WM on the side. The Portuguese also join our righteous crusade and donate us 109 gold and their WM for Astronomy. We capture Nanking and Hangchow
570AD – We capture Shanghai
580AD – Tsingtao captured
590AD – We discover Metallurgy. Shantung captured. My exploring caravel just spotted the Chinese city Chinan, on a one-tile island. Damn this means I have to make peace and get this city on the negotiating table if I want to eliminate the Chinese before the industrial age.
600AD – We capture Tientsin and Xinjian
610AD – New Yalburt founded. We capture Beijing, which has the Pyramids
IT – The Zulu demand Chivalry. My forces are really spread out towards China so I can’t defend myself should he sneak-attack. And he doesn’t have iron anyway, so I give in
620AD – We capture Macao
630AD – We discover Military Tradition. Science slider set to zero. Canton captured
640AD – Tatung captured
650AD – Sign peace treaty with China for Chinan, 19 gold and WM. Immediately break it again to capture Anyang. China is now reduced to a settler on a ship.
680AD – We trade our Wm to Portugal for their WM and 113 gold. Then we declare war. We trade the Zulu wines, dyes, incense and Invention for Furs. Just to keep them on the side in this, instead of at my back. (I hope anyway….) We capture Ulsan and Oporto
690AD – Sao Paulo captured. New Katna, New Kultepe, New Alisar Huyuk and Hattusas 2 founded. Evora captured
700AD – Sagres, Emerita and Faro captured. Tarsus 2, Ugarit 2, Harran 2 and Hattusha 2. The Chinese galley with the settler is sunk by our caravels, leaving me with only two remaining rivals: Zululand and Portugal
710AD – We capture Guimaraes, which has the Great Lighthouse and the Statue of Zeus. Leiria captured
720AD – Coimbra, Rio Janeiro and Lagos captured. Generate third MGL. Rush Heroic Epic in Coimbra
730AD – Lisbon, which holds the Oracle and the Colossus, captured. Braga captured
740AD – We capture Luanda and eliminate the Portuguese
760AD – Cultural expansions give Domination Win with 5447 points. Jason score: 10927 points

Time spent: 22h30min25sec. Actual playing time is probably around 15 hours or so, 'cause I left the game running a couple of times when I had other things to do.

Thanks for a great map Ainwood....
jazz_man said:
Is it better to win by conquest than domination, I don't grasp why you wouldn't want to win as fast as possible?


Better? I doubt it. I had just set my goal and that was I wanted a conquest victory instead of some other form of victory. So I chose one over the other. Would I have scored more points if I had taken the domination win? Perhaps a few more, I really don't know.

If I had wanted it to go faster I think I would have stayed on "my" continent, switched to democracy and gone for the UN|Diplomatic victory, that tends to be the easiest one as far as I am concerned.
There are a few things I'd like to talk about re: C3C, two of which can go in this spoiler.

(1) armies
(2) culture flips

[c3c] armies are devastating. I built armies w/ my first two MGLs. The first was a swordman army that I did not use w/ [c3c] in mind. The second army was filled w/ knights. This one, I used w/ [c3c] in mind. Not only did it play a key role in initial attcks on enemy cities, but its role in pillaging the enemy countryside was...exploitive. I had to say it, it was just far too easy, especially given that the AI would never attack one of my armies unless I was careless to leave it within striking range when redlined. One army can do a lot of damage, but 2 or more rampaging the enemy interior....peace will come whenever you want it. They'll (enemy) be ready to talk.

In my game, Sumeria was a cultural behemoth. Therefore, I approached captured Sumerian cities in a very practical manner. There are 2 interesting cultural flips that occur later in my game. But, overall, I found captured cities, garrisoned w/ a meager amount of forces (1 - 2) would never flip to the enemy. I'd like to have a readme for the overall [c3c] game as compared to [civ3] and [ptw], not just one for patches. This feature seems toned down quite a bit. I think I do recall this about [c3c], but not too sure.
dojoboy said:
[c3c] armies are devastating.
Imagine what you can do with half a dozen 4 uint Modern Armor armies supported by Radar Artillery. :hammer:

dojoboy said:
In my game, Sumeria was a cultural behemoth. Therefore, I approached captured Sumerian cities in a very practical manner. There are 2 interesting cultural flips that occur later in my game. But, overall, I found captured cities, garrisoned w/ a meager amount of forces (1 - 2) would never flip to the enemy. I'd like to have a readme for the overall [c3c] game as compared to [civ3] and [ptw], not just one for patches. This feature seems toned down quite a bit. I think I do recall this about [c3c], but not too sure.
I have learned the hard way to follow the same garrison policy. I think you were just lucky. I had at least 5-6 culture flips to Sumeria alone. One city twice. The only way to be sure is to exterminate them. Even if their last city is on a island half way across the world.
dojoboy said:
I'm assuming you turned research off once you reached Chivalry? I guess not since you have caravels.
The final image in my post shows where I turned off research - I went for Chivalry and Navigation, then stopped researching.

dojoboy said:
Are you pop-rushing units early, after some expansion? I'm trying to understand where you're arms build-up occurs and how: pop-rushing or gold-rushing. Pop-rushing I can see because we start out in despotism, and if settlements are growing then there are people to pop. But, if you're gold-rushing, where are you getting the gpt to do so, w/ out gold producing buildings (marketplaces) and corruption reducing buildings (courthouses)?
I don't think I pop-rushed anything at all in this game. I seldom pop-rush much, just the occasional galley or urgently needed military unit.

My initial buildup was 21 Three-Man Chariots, mostly built in the interval from about 250BC to 170AD. During the latter part of that time I ran with research at zero (after discovering Chivalry) and saved up about 2500g. So at 170AD I had those chariots and the gold to upgrade them. Then I connected iron and upgraded the chariots to Knights.

After that my production of Knights was slow for a while as I researched to Navigation. Some core cities were producing Knights, some were finishing infrastructure such as Marketplaces. After learning Navigation I used most funds to purchase Knights and that boosted production to a pretty high pace, more than 1 Knight/turn from cash rushing, plus all core cities building Knights.

Marketplaces are definitely important. I produced them in many core cities earlier in the game, before building any significant military. I also built Courthouses earlier on in some marginal cities.
dojoboy said:
There are a few things I'd like to talk about re: C3C, two of which can go in this spoiler.

(1) armies
(2) culture flips

[c3c] armies are devastating. I built armies w/ my first two MGLs. The first was a swordman army that I did not use w/ [c3c] in mind. The second army was filled w/ knights. This one, I used w/ [c3c] in mind. Not only did it play a key role in initial attcks on enemy cities, but its role in pillaging the enemy countryside was...exploitive. I had to say it, it was just far too easy, especially given that the AI would never attack one of my armies unless I was careless to leave it within striking range when redlined. One army can do a lot of damage, but 2 or more rampaging the enemy interior....peace will come whenever you want it. They'll (enemy) be ready to talk.

In my game, Sumeria was a cultural behemoth. Therefore, I approached captured Sumerian cities in a very practical manner. There are 2 interesting cultural flips that occur later in my game. But, overall, I found captured cities, garrisoned w/ a meager amount of forces (1 - 2) would never flip to the enemy. I'd like to have a readme for the overall [c3c] game as compared to [civ3] and [ptw], not just one for patches. This feature seems toned down quite a bit. I think I do recall this about [c3c], but not too sure.

I was reading this Spoiler and decided to reply on this.

I agree totally, armies are devastating. If you get 3 3- move units into an army in C3C, you'll have an ultimate pillaging weapon. 4 tiles a turn. For instance, the Arabs get Ansars, which have 3 moves. If you get a MGL... you'll have a weapon no AI will attack and that can pillage the whole nation extremely fast without losses. Simply overpowered.
Ankka said:
I was reading this Spoiler and decided to reply on this.

I agree totally, armies are devastating. If you get 3 3- move units into an army in C3C, you'll have an ultimate pillaging weapon. 4 tiles a turn. For instance, the Arabs get Ansars, which have 3 moves. If you get a MGL... you'll have a weapon no AI will attack and that can pillage the whole nation extremely fast without losses. Simply overpowered.
If you get a really early leader, then even a horse army is useful, 3/2/3 (with three attacks), or a sword army 4/3/2. Knight armies are just crazy. Of course I would not pillage, as I like the AI to prepare my lands for me before I take their cities.

Now what I learned today (from Sir Pleb's writeup) was that you can put a 2 troop army in a Caravel. I just thought you could not transport armies, but I guess it counts the army and then both troops. Does that mean a 1 troop army goes in a Galley?

smackster said:
If you get a really early leader, then even a horse army is useful, 3/2/3 (with three attacks), or a sword army 4/3/2. Knight armies are just crazy. Of course I would not pillage, as I like the AI to prepare my lands for me before I take their cities.

Now what I learned today (from Sir Pleb's writeup) was that you can put a 2 troop army in a Caravel. I just thought you could not transport armies, but I guess it counts the army and then both troops. Does that mean a 1 troop army goes in a Galley?


There is another trick i do is to put an empty army and units on caravels and add units into the army at the destination point
Well, looks like i'm done =)

As you might remember I decided to build up some infrastructure in the new contintent where the koreans used to be, by mid-end 1500 I had big cities around the palace in the new continent squirting out goodies. Allied a while with the Portugese during this phase to get the Zulus properly done with and allow me time to spend gold on banks & aquaducts. (Hurried all the time)

This war followed with conquest in all directions, the enemy was a lot weaker than I thought they'd be and in hindsight given the time it took me to roll in from all directions it was probably a bit of a waste to move palace - the ferries I had were enough!

In short, I surprised myself with this early victory - normally win when there are railways all over.

Thank you everybody for providing a good read and competition. A final summary of my domination victory is attached.



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600 ad entered ma and triggered ga with UU

920 destroyed arabs and captured ToA. Looked around Babylonians have only source of gunpowder. DoW on Babylonians & Sumerians

1030 we are wealthiest nation

1330 destroyed both Babylonians and sumerians on same turn. Multiple elite wins but didn't get a leader :( Prior to this I had researched at about 4 - 5 turns per tech since GA and learned every possible tech up to education and then was researching with 1 scientist as I wanted to have the easy culture expansion before ToA expired (so I wouldn't have encroachers on my continent). This left plenty of money to rush courthouses in corrupt cities. A turn or 2 after last borders expanded I turned research back on.

1495 Learned democracy and revolt with 5 turn anarchy
IBT met china this year and trade 81g to talk with Koreans. At this point I am down chivalry and republic and up music theory and banking. then they sold contact with us and same turn talked with zulu and korea. Korea didn't know metallurgy so traded metallurgy and 170 gold for both chivalry and republic.

1520 hittite democracy is born

1530 meet portugal carruck at sea and now know all civs. established embassies with everyone to enhance relations as I wanted a peaceful rest of the game. Check with foreign minister and there is WORLD PEACE right now :)

1590 IBT korea declared war on Chinese (there went world peace) and we completed Smith's. We currently have 8000 in bank making 340gold profit per turn with 4 turn research.

1610 Enter IA

Plan: with research pace will try for space ship or diplomatic victory (giving gifts of gold and occasionally lux's to make friends)
I entered the Middle age 710bc and 550bc I built the Great Lighthouse, which triggered my Golden age. This allowed me to build markets, libraries and the FP. I gifted Suemria and the Babs into MA, but they got Mono and Engineering and didn't want to trade, so I researched Feudalism for a few turns. I met Korea and gifted them into MA and they got Fedalism, which I traded to Sumeria and Babylon for their techs.

I continued on the lower branch towards Military Tradition, each tech around 10-12 turns and founded it by selling ancient techs for 11g here and 23g there, just so I could keep the pace within those limits. I even disbanded my warrior squad and replaced them with three-man chariots. My build for Leo's paid off and I timed it pretty well, 3 turns before I learn MT. :)

470AD was the year I learnt MT and stopped research. I upgraded 3-4 chariots each turn and Immediately took out Arabia (3 turns), then Babylon (4 turns) and finally Sumeria (5-6 turns. At the same time I sent some cavs over to the other continent, and started with China. I also declared on Portugal and sent Korea and Zulu against them.

The wars on the other continent lasted for around 20 turns and my cavs (around 80) just sliced through the defense, together with 4 cav-armies. When all cities was mine, China refused to die, they had a settler somewhere. I sold all my barracks and rushed galleys all around the new continent, and got him next turn.

Conquest win at 750AD.
Open - I had Conquest win 750AD.
gozbel :D
What was your score?

290BC I gifted Sumerians and Babs into MA. Both got Feudalism. Later I gifted Koreans, they got Monotheism
70BC Learned Engineering
10AD First offensive unit built, 3-man Chariot
50AD Forbidden Palace handbuilt
130AD Learned Invention
150AD War is declared on Sumerians and Arabs. Golden age triggered. First GL appeared, formed 3-man chariot army.
330AD GLighthouse handbuilt
460AD Learned MT
480AD 10 Cavalries are transported on foreign continent
550AD I am at Allways War vs every nation. 3-man Chariots rules home continent, Cavalries foreign continent.
460AD-750AD 7 GL appeared 6 formed Cavalry army and 1 rushed Pentagon. Cavalry armies fight nonstop. No need for healing.
600AD Koreans give annoying 1 tile island on Peace treaty. War is declared again.
700AD 40-50 tiles to Domination limit.
740AD Remained two civs, Chinese and Portuguese are destroyed.
750AD conquest victory. 65 Cavalries, 20 galleys.

Firaxis score 5181, Jason unknown (I have not submitted yet)

Looks like bulding The Great Lighthouse was the way to go in this game, because that allowed to sail to the other continent without Astronomy. Unfortunately, I didn't notice TGL option and Portugal built it. I was near Conquest but I took Domination in 730CE. Because I had to research Astronomy, I didn't bother with MT, so knights were used. Playtime was about 8h.

This was my second C3C game, but thanks to this forum I think it wasn't a problem.
this was my 10th or so C3C game, but my first game on regent. Last month i moved up to warlord and was able to handle myself on that. But this was my first game on Regent which is why i didnt do so well.
There are certainly a lot of 8th Century finishes, which is very good considering the slow research. So well done Darkness , Gozpel, SirPleb Kuningas and Drazak and anyone else I have forgotton to mention. You have all depressed me :goodjob: . I dread to think when Bremp will finish.
[c3c] 1.22 - Predator

Link to Ancient Times

Part 1 of 4

I entered the Middle Ages in 670bc. I gave my techs to the scientific civs, Babylon got Engineering and Sumeria got Monotheism, so I start researching Feudalism (10 turns).
In 650bc I got those techs from Babylon in exchange of the Republic. In 650bc I also started my Forbidden Palace in Kadesh.

After this I declared war againt the Arabs to get access to horses. I captured one city, destroyed another one, regroup my troops and atacked Mecca. Captured it in 530bc. Immediately after this I signed peace with them and got two cities.
In 530bc I lauched my curragh to a suicidal mission, but it sunk in the first turn
530bc was a busy turn, and to complete it I declared war against Babylon, established an embassy in Ur and gave The Republic to the Sumeria in exhange of an alliance. Sumeria had too much culture, so while in anarchy I thought that Babylon could do some damage there.

510bc: I build my first Three Man Chariot. Actually, I built 4 in this turn :D All of them were sent to the south to protect my border cities against an eventual attack from the Babs.

470bc: Feudalism researched and start research of Chivalry (9 turns)

450bc: connect Spices, the fourth luxury, to my empire

430bc: after 5 turns Sumeria become a Republic and the first thing they do in their new form of government is complete The Oracle. Babylon did nothing during this period and finally I can see a "red unit". It was a settler escorted by a spearman :D . I was building some Medieval Infantry and in this turn I produced two.

410bc: that babylonian settler/spearman enter my territory and I decide it was time for a Golden Age. Overseas Portugal finished The Statue of Zeus. They had already built The Colossus in 710bc which triggered their GA. Surely the GA helped them with this new wonder.

390bc: I change the production in five of my cities to Library (the cities with more commerce) and declare war against the arabs again.

370bc: capture arab city Najran with some casualties. Two swordsman dead, two redlined (one of them killed next turn), one with 2 hp and a regular 3mc. I lost half of my troops in the north to capture one single city :cry:

350bc: Hattusas finish a library

330bc: Chivalry researched. Start Theology (7 turns).
My army in this turn: 38 workers, 2 warriors, 2 spearmans, 6 swordsman, 1 galley, 2 medieval infantry, 7 three man chariot.
I don't have gold to upgrade my chariots...

290bc: 4 libraries and 1 harbor added to my empire

270bc: launch a suicidal galley. It sinks. First knight is created :)

210bc: Theology researched. Start Education (5 turns). Forbidden Palace built in Kadesh. A new galley is sent to treacherous waters. Babilonian city Nineveh grow to size 2 and I capture it.

170bc: the galley reach a new continent :D. I made contact with Zulu and Korea and get some gold doing a few trades. Lose one knight attacking Basra, the last Arab city, and don't capture it.

Part 2 of 4

150bc: Uruk captured (Babylon)

110bc: Education researched. Start Astronomy (6 turns). Declared war against Sumeria but they are still cautious

90bc: kadesh build an aqueduct. Akkad captured (Babylon)

70bc: Agade captured (Sumeria). I attacked Basra, the last arab city, with 3 swordsman, but failed once again

50bc: Kish captured (Sumeria)

30bc: war weariness kicks in. Signed peace with the Arabs :blush:

10bc: Astronomy researched. Start Navigation (5 turns). Samarra razed (Babylon), Eridu captured (Babylon). Signed peace with the Babs and get one city (Ellipi). Sumeria finish The Mausoleum of Mausollos.

10ad: golden age ends. Lagash captured (Sumeria). Korea researched Monarchy.
My army in this turn: 3 settlers, 47 workers, 2 warriors, 2 spearmans, 3 swordsman, 16 knights, 7 galleys, 12 medieval infantry, 7 three man chariots

50ad: Sumer captured (Sumeria)

70ad: Zabalan captured (Sumeria)

90ad: Ur and Bad-Tibira captured (Sumeria), entered in arab territory and declared war

110ad: Navigation is discovered. Set research to Invention with one scientist (50 turns). Basra captured. Arabs leave the game. Isin and Akshak captured (Sumeria). I forgot that I could trade for maps... 5 galleys upgraded to caravel.

130ad: trade for maps with Korea and Zulu. Regroup my units to attack Babylon.

150ad: contact with China. They are backwards and they are lacking several ancient techs.

170ad: contact with Portugal. Trade for Monarchy with them. Entered the babylonian territory with a bunch of units.

190ad: Ashur and Babylon captured. Babylon eliminated.

230ad: signed RoP with Sumeria :mischief: and placed 8 units near each Sumerian city.

250ad: the most important turn in the entire game...
Erech and Umma captured. Sumeria is no longer in the game :)
Korea's capital Seoul finished The Temple of Artemis, and a wonder cascade take place. Zimbabwe finished The Pyramids and in the sequence China completed The Great Wall, triggering their GA. I established an embassy in Seoul and noticed that Korea was at war with China. I declared war against Zulu and bought an alliance with Korea. Portugal finished an harbor this turn, so I was able to trade for 2 luxury
My army in this turn: 5 settlers, 50 workers, 3 warriors, 3 spearmans, 2 swordsman, 24 knights, 1 galley, 8 caravels, 22 medieval infantry, 4 three man chariot


Well, I am alone in the home continent and didn't get one single leader :( ... Didn't have much luck with wonders too :( In the next posts I will talk about my campaign in the other continent ;)
[c3c] 1.22 - Predator

Part 3 of 4

260ad: established an embassy in Lisbon and discovered that they are at war with Zulu :D . Those ancient Cavalries must be busy. 3 new caravels are ready this turn. Korean city Pusan complete The Great Lighthouse. Now that is a good target!

270ad: a fleet with 4 caravels leave from my core in direction of Zulu lands.

280ad: give Education to Korea. This will prevent borders expansion in their cities.

290ad: land in portuguese territory. :D

300ad: Sagres, Guimarães and Lisbon captured (Portugal) without losses. The harbor was not destroyed in Sagres and I kept those luxuries I was trading with Portugal :)

310ad: Lagos captured (Portugal). Load 12 more units into my caravels in the south. I will move them to attack Pusan (the city with The Great Lighthouse). In the north another 5 caravels with troops leave the continent.

320ad: Oporto, Braga and Évora captured (Portugal). And finally I get a leader. Not only one. I got 2 :D Created armies with them. Another group of units arrive at the Zulu territory. I've already tried to capture Isandhlawana with 3 knight that arrived one turn earlier but falied.

330ad: Isandhlawana, Ulundi and Mpondo captured (Zulu)
My army in this turn: 3 settlers, 62 workers, 2 warriors, 3 spearmans, 1 swordsman, 33 knights, 1 galley, 19 caravels, 2 armies, 31 medieval infantry, 1 three man chariot, 1 ancient cavalry

340ad: Coimbra and Leiria captured (Portugal). Signed peace in exchange of Faro. Now they only have one city. An harbor is rushed in Isandhlawana and next turn I will get my 7th luxury (furs).

350ad: Ngome and Swazi captured (Zulu). Drop some units beside Pusan. :devil2:

360ad: sneak attack Emerita. Portugal say goodbye. Pusan captured with The Great Lighthouse :yeah: 9 units landed beside a chinese city.
This is an image showing my caravels returning to get more units:

370ad: Hangchow captured (China)

380ad: Intombe captured (Zulu), Taejon captured (Korea). Attacked Zimbabwe with 6 knights. Two casualties, 1 great leader :) but the city had 5 defenders :(
My income was growing slowly for a long time. I was paying 70 gold to support the excess number of units. In this turn I change the production in all my corrupted cities from worker/settler to Temple.

390ad: Ulsan (Korea) and Tatung (China) captured. Take Zimbabwe with the Pyramids and Hlobane from the Zulus and they left the game :D Made a new army with the leader.

[c3c] 1.22 - Predator

Part 4 of 4

400ad: landed a dozen units in the chinese territory. And more is coming.
My army in this turn: 75 workers, 3 pikeman, 35 knights, 20 caravels, 3 armies, 44 medieval infantry, 1 three man chariot, 1 ancient cavalry
A funny picture in this turn... China was at war with Korea for a long time, but they don't know what to do with their units :crazyeye:

410ad: Manp'o (Korea) and Xinjian (China) captured. Those chinese archers didn't attack my pikemans.

420ad: Wonsan (Korea), Inch'on (Korea), Pyongyang (Korea) and Anyang (China) captured. 10 units positioned near Tsingtao.

430ad: Seoul captured!! Tsingtao (China) captured. 8th luxury connected :D I've moved my pikemans to a grassland and fortified them there. There are 15 archers ready to attack them...

440ad: well, one archer attacked my fortified pikeman and won without losing a single point. The other archers went into several directions but did not attack :confused:
Namp'o (Korea), Cheju (Korea), Macao (China) and Tietsin (China) captured. A new leader appears. Signed peace with China and get two cities: Shantung and Chinan.

450ad: Hyangsan (Korea) captured. Made peace and got one city. Destroyed it because there was a korean unit beside it. Redeclared war and entered Pyongsong's territory with some units. Declared war againt China again. Luxury increased to 60%.

460ad: Pyongsong captured. Korea disappear. Beijing captured!!! Without the Great Wall and those walls Canton, Shangai and Nanking fell :D Luxury increased to 90%

470ad: Chengdu captured :D China still have a complete lost settler 2 tiles far from Beijing. Destroyed it and China is gone. :D
My army in this turn: 76 workers, 2 pikeman, 40 knights, 22 caravels, 4 armies, 39 medieval infantry, 1 three man chariot, 2 trebuchets, 2 ancient cavalries
Improvements in my cities (only in the home continent): 1 aqueduct, 1 harbor, 6 barracks, 6 libraries, 0 marketplaces, 0 corthouse, 8 temples

480ad: Conquest victory!


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