
What about food? Nestle or some other major food corp?
What do we mean with food? Food Processing or supermarket chains (couldn't figure out a better name)? anyway if food processing i agree with the one over me (Nestlé). :agree:
I might suggest swapping out microsoft for IBM, it is a much larger company in terms of revenue, employees, and world presence. QUOTE]

Hewlett Packard seems to be bigger than IBM by revenue, but IBM seems to be bigger by more employees and market capitalization. But Microsoft is the most known company (i think), but still IBM is larger so i think we'll use that.
How about using oil in the same way as colonies in civ3.You can place oil plant on oil resourses,guarateeing you power and fuel for tanks/veichles and railways.BUT if demand exceeds supply your units will be able to move less?and railways may be disabled.Of course you can nationalise,seizing oil plants of a different nationality
PS you have to pay to be in other countries.......usually
may I suggest switching the UK Corporation BBC, a goverment owned media company for BAE Systems, with an annual profit of £1.4 Billion last year.

if you were to do one for the EU, i would suggest Airbus, worlds second largest Civil Aircraft manufacturer
may I suggest switching the UK Corporation BBC, a goverment owned media company for BAE Systems,

BBC is government subsidised NOT owned, BAE systems is also government subsidised, plus BBC has more influnence over the rest of the world than BAE systems, if you want a big British company maybe Shell or one of the major banks could be an option.
BBC is government subsidised NOT owned, BAE systems is also government subsidised, plus BBC has more influnence over the rest of the world than BAE systems, if you want a big British company maybe Shell or one of the major banks could be an option.

The British Goverent have one share in BAE for £1, BAE is no longer a state owned buisness.
The BBC is funded by the licence fee, a form of taxation in a way, and is governed by a Royal Charter that is reviewed every ten years by the goverment. It is independent of the goverment but funded by the tax payer, BAE is owned by its sharholders, of which the goverment has one share and makes a large profit in various defence industries across the globe (they own the company that makes the Bradley fighting vehicle in current US service), manufacturing weapons systems in service across the globe.

edit: shell is dutch as i recall, best bet for a UK oil company would be BP
shell is dutch as i recall,

It's both Dutch and British

And i still think BBC is a better choice. It is more well known than BAE systems
Some interesting oil corporation ideas:
("neutral" vanilla-like names)

Taiga Crude (Gazprom?)
Gulf Wells
Delta Oil

these corporations would require oil to found (hq's in Russia, Saudi-Arabia and Nigeria) and provide oil to cities where they are present, representing the money flow from the less oil-rich countries to these oil-producers
BHP-Billiton is the world's largest mining company, and Australia will need it to exploit natural resources sufficiently to compensate for Indonesia's massive population.
We have so many civs in this game, I'm starting to think giving 7 of them a big advantage in the form of a corporation might be unfair. Maybe we can think of a way to use corporations to represent trading blocks; NAFTA, MERSOCUR, ASEAN, etc.
How about handling some environmental decisions via Corporations?
Thus two corps are rivals for Fur, Ivory and Whales: one gives :), :science: and :gold: ; the other gives :gold: and :food:

Of course, the opposition doesn't have to be perfect - while a Poachers Corp would go Fur, Ivory and Whales, a Fishing Corp would go Whales, Fish and Crabs.
Thoughts for 7 Corps:

Industry in the world divvies into two easily: those nation which produce mineral resources, and those that process them into finished products.
So 2 corps which both consume mineral resources; the first, in OZ, South Africa etc, gives :gold:, the second spread through Europe, North America, Japan etc provides hammers and :beakers:.

Most resources are actually foodstuffs though. Here a three way split makes sense:
1) Fast Food Franchises: uses all edible resources except Whales, produces both :food: and :yuck:
2) Health Foods: only uses the healthy resources, produces:food: and a:health: (so better return for each resource, but can use fewer resources).
3) A third firm, that also consumes whales.

Then, a sixth Corp, consuming Hit Movies/Musicals/Singles, Ivory, Fur and Whales, that represents GreenPeace, Band Aid etc. - and

Finally, Oil is a single industry, but wouldn't actually be in the Middle East - although sold by Oil producing countries, the stuff is *used* elsewhere.
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