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Ok I'm starting work on corporations now. I like Mr Historical's list, but I think if we're starting with 7 corps we should spread them out among the current corporate/financial powers of the world.

So I'm thinking:


...and I came up with:

USA: Exxon Mobil (Irving, TX. ~Dallas/Houston)
Wal-Mart Stores (Bentonville, AR. ~ Little Rock)
EU: ING Group (Amsterdam)
NATO: H.S.B.C. (London)
Japan: Toyota Motor (Toyota, Aichi. ~Nagoya)
Russia: Gazprom (Moscow)
China: State Grid (Beijing)

These are mainly the biggest corps from each of these counties/unions, with some exceptions to prevent having 6 or 7 oil companies.

We're going to try to use these to represent how there are small countries that each of these powers currently have influence in (some would use the word exploiting). I think it has been agreed on (I'll have to re-read these threads) that having these corps in most African cities will be the way of insuring that Africa starts off at a disadvantage. I think we should make some sort of (very costly) revolutionary or populist unit that liberates a city from a having a foreign corporation.
We could start off with 7 founded Corporations and add a few unfounded ones with some near future technologies.

This is a good idea, I'll see what I can come up with. There are a number of techs in our tree that I think lend themselves to this. Electric car, the new cure/treatment ones, quantum computing maybe.

If anyone wants to check out the tech tree and and make suggestions, that would help. I guess you'll have to download the mod from the SVN to see it at this point because I haven't posted the tree in the forum yet.
So another thing we have to figure out is, which of these six powers has economic influence in which countries. This is going to take some doing.

For example, China's corp will be in places like Zimbabwe, America's will be in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Philippines (and obviously more countries than any other). Russia's will be in places like Palestine. And so on and so forth. Don't worry about where these specific real world corporations operate, so much as where the 6 countries profit.

I don't mind putting this list together by myself, but I can't promise it will be perfectly accurate. So anyone with any ideas on this or any other corporation related topic, now is the time to let them fly.
Oh, ahem... and we have to decide on the benefits and everything of each. Including the negative benefits of having a foreign corp in a city. Small point I forgot to mention. :D
how about swap out Barclays Bank and put HSBC there instead.

The worlds largest Bank with $235 Trillion in assets, and a heavy presence in Asia & Australasia, North & South America, Europe and the Middle East and Africa.

A truly global company and a significant asset to Her Majesty's Tresuary :p
haha, well...

two brits and a canuck, I'll let you guys decide this one!
HSBC, of course, being the Hong Kong, Shangai Banking Corporation. Not really a Western bank ;)

but headquarted in Canary Wharf, London, United Kingdom. Started out as a Colonial Bank, now a multinational with its HQ in the mother country.
shoot I forgot to mention, one of the reasons I went with Barclays in the first place was because it has a coloured logo, almost all others are on a white background. HSBC is white too. Anyway we can modify the logos later if we want, we may even not want to use the real corporate logos at all. For now they'll just be the real world white logos (Gazprom being the lone coloured one).
One thing we want to avoid I suppose is being sued. Of course most of these banks and oil companies have bigger problems these days, but we don't want to piss off wal-mart. Or Gazprom for that matter... you guys in the UK don't want to wake up with polonium poisoning lol. (too soon?)

Any corporation or anything that notices our mod and does not want their name/image or whatever used, gets it removed right away. Country and leader names are fair use so we have no problem there. However, although extremely unlikely I may as well give you guys a heads up; if anyone from Russia/Pakistan/USA or any other scary country's government contacts me personally I will bend to their will like a frightened child. If New Zealand complains, we'll take a stand!

My understanding is that we should be able to use corporate names and logos as well, so we'll use them for now but if any one of them contacts us about it, we're not going to argue with them.

If we modify their logos at all we will also have to use one-off names.
sounds reasonable at this end
Banks as corporations doesn't really work. They don't use resources, with the past exception of gold, and most nations haven't been on the gold standard for decades.
The way to represent banks is the headquarters of each corp - that's where the money is being funnelled to, after all.
I think the bank corps should just deal with dollars (gold), like in real life. In real life not all corps use resources (the ones in the game anyway, obviously banks use paper etc).

So if you own a bank corp, you get X dollars per turn for every one of your cities you spread it to. When you spread it to a foreign city, it takes x dollars per turn from that civ and gives it to you.

All corps will have to really benefit owning civs and hurt foreign ones. This is how we represent the west/china/russia's exploitation of places like Africa. I say we make some sort of expensive buildable unit that gets a foreign corp out of one of your cities. This could hurt relations with the corp owning civ (maybe also with all civs in the same trade organization as the corp owning civ, or even all civs that have capitalist civics). Letting foreign corps stay in your cities gives you + relations with owning civs (and possibly others described before).

"+5- Our corporation flourishes in your country"


"+1- You have allowed our friend's corporation to operate inside your borders"

Some civics will prevent other countries from spreading their corps to your civ (left wing ones obviously). These same civics will kill the income from owning financial corps, so the western nations, the ones that have banks as corps ;-), won't switch to those ones.

The more advanced your civics, the less dollars a foreign corp takes away from you. So in the beginning, NATO having HSBC in say a Canadian city will harm Canada less than HSBC being in say an African union city will harm the African union. Because Canada will have better capitalist civics.

At the same time, civs won't be able to switch to left wing civics while they have any foreign corps in their cities. They will have to remove all the corps with the revolutionary units before they can start a revolution and switch to these civics. Also I think we should have a left wing revolutionary great person, that automatically removes all corps from you cities and triggers a left wing civic revolution, that will take a little less time than a revolution without the great person. I think this will balance out the great person corporation founding nicely. You can fight for capitalism or for socialism, like real life.
perhaps a government inspector unit who can "nationalise", i.e get rid of foreign corps?
Corps, anti corp units, and capitalist/socialist civics will obviously also tie in to ideologies I would assume.

Edit: this anti corp unit can only be built with some left leaning civic (not the one that prevents corporations obviously)... and possible a left leaning ideology as well.
perhaps a government inspector unit who can "nationalise", i.e get rid of foreign corps?

yes something like that.

Merry Christmas buddy! :D

to everyone :):):)
Oil companies:

If you own one of these, you will get increased oil for storage for every one of your cities it is in. When you expand it to foreign cities, it will take oil from their storage and give it to you. Pretty simple.

Will also have the same + relations for allowing it in your cities, same - for throwing it out.

Maybe these also give slight $ bonuses to the foreign cities in exchange for loss of oil.
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