• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).



Having a foreign corp that is owned by a member of your trade organization will give benefits to both civs, instead of harming one of the civs. :)

Having a corporation owned by a member of a trade organization in one of your cities could be the first prereq for getting Observer status in that trade org. Beautiful

Everything is tying in together really nicely. When you play this mod it seems as if it may be less about individual features and more just a dynamic representation of the financial world. :D:D
It would be nice if we can tie this in to the INCREASED LENDING feature we want to include.

All rich civs will still grant loans depending on conditions, but the only way to get really huge loans with long term payments is to have one of these banks in your civ. When you have their corp, the USA, EU, and NATO will grant you these huge loans.

Hopefully we can rig the AI to be smart enough to take these loans, and immediately buy a bunch of military hardware though the ARMS TRADE feature in times of war or increased regional tension.

will operate similarly to banks, but may require a resource. We haven't really discussed if we're going to add custom resources so I'm not sure which one.

In addition it should add happiness in civs with capitalist/consumer civics, and unhappiness with socialist civics.
Hm, that's a good point. We're going to have to re-think how the bank is going to work.

Banks - are quite simple really.

Nations which are currently in debt - start the game with agreements to pay X gold to banking nations every turn. They can either pay or take the diplomacy hit.

When in doubt, the simple option is the best.
ok corps have been added.

Thanks to NikNaks for the great buttons. :D ;)

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Corporate headquarters still have to be modified.

Remember the idea is to use corps to represent the economic advantage that developed nations currently have over underdeveloped ones. So these corps are set to provide massive bonuses to the host city, while generally providing a negative effect to foreign cities. As you can see with Exxon above, it gives money but takes away food. The exact settings will have to be adjusted during testing, but for now I've done my best with those.

The only real question I can see is, whether or not the banking corps will work without consuming resources. I suspect that they will not, since the effect for cities is based on "per resource consumed". We may have to add a paper resource or something that everyone gets one of to make those work. Other ideas more than welcome.

Head offices:

Exxon Mobil: Irving, TX. ~Probably Dallas/Houston. (USA)
Wal-Mart Stores: Bentonville, AR. ~Probably Little Rock. (USA)
ING Group: Amsterdam. (EU)
HSBC: London. (NATO)
Toyota Motor: Toyota, Aichi. ~ Probably Nagoya or Tokyo. (Japan)
Gazprom: Moscow. (Russia)
State Grid: Beijing. (China)

I have to say, if you work for/represent any of these corporations and have a problem with your information being used here:
Spoiler :
if you want your corporate name/logo removed from our mod, please send an email to: theworld.2009 {a t } yahoo.com and we will do so. FYI this is a freeware, open source, multi developer project that no one is asking for donations for or profiting from. We believe we should not have any problems using these trademarks, because they are historical images and names and we are simply trying to recreate history.
DVS, this is looking great, its wonderful to see this mod emerging from our heads and into the real game :)
I was thinking about that all the time. I think it would make sense. But it would even be cooler if we had gas pipelines as a new very expensive improvement. Gas could only be transported through these.
I was wandering if we could have natural gas resource? YAY for the North Sea Oil & Gas Fields! :D
I like the idea, but what would require the resource? Perhaps a few buildings?
its also used to fuel ships, most modern naval vessels use Gas turbines, aswell as the Challenger II MBT used to generate electricity, and to cook on, and also to provide heating.
Shouldn't we have the corporations provide a NEGATIVE effect on the cities they are in that are outside of the country's head-quarters.

If Africa is going to have all of the these corporations taking advantage of them to make the Western world rich...shouldn't Africa be actually exploited to the tune of losing a LOT of money through them?...
yes that's how they are set up, and maintenance is jacked up. Some corps do provide some bonuses to foreign cities, for example oil companies do provide some gold. Exact numbers will have to be tweaked.
Let me throw this out there.

First of all corporations in civ4 can be fun, but they don't represent corporations to well - too many benefits if you do it overseas. You actually try to do it for yourself and not your opponent.

How about this "spheres of influence"

change the corporations to a major power icon (US, EU, etc)
via SDK change what they do:
1) generate the owner civ's culture in the city (like +2 culture) so overtime the city becomes more and more of the superpowers/owners civ due to its influence (revolts etc make more sense eventually)

2) Increases the positive relations of the civ. If 10% of their cities has the corporation/sphere of influence in it then its +1 relations boost between the owner civ and the civ being influenced. in 10% increments it can go up to +10 relations boost.

the way i see it players can duke it out for influence by trying to spread their "influence" paying to establish it or remove the other. And establishing creates more of your culture and improves the relations to where your influence dominates.

The CEO units/diplomats can only be created at the HQ

well thats it a rough idea of my two cents.
Good ideas, and I'm glad that you're interested in our mod.

We are planning on looking in to changing the SDK for the corporations... we basically had the exact same idea you have as #2! Great minds think alike. ;-)

As far as #1, I love it. If everyone concurs, I will look in to making this change as well. Makes total sense.

One a side note, if you're ever looking for a new leader to make a leaderhead for... lol. We have about 40 requests.
Good ideas, and I'm glad that you're interested in our mod.

We are planning on looking in to changing the SDK for the corporations... we basically had the exact same idea you have as #2! Great minds think alike. ;-)

As far as #1, I love it. If everyone concurs, I will look in to making this change as well. Makes total sense.

One a side note, if you're ever looking for a new leader to make a leaderhead for... lol. We have about 40 requests.

:lol: I could sign on for "scratch my back I'll scratch yours" arrangement :lol:

but you might have to wait a bit I'm trying to wrap up a mod for colonization.
Concerning corporations:

Some things need to be done in terms of their effects (will look into this to see if it is possible).

#1 - Corporations outside of the founding civ (IE Exxon Mobile in say, Colombia), should have massive maintainence costs to the foreign civ. This is so that Africa and the other developing countries can be fully exploited thru the powerhouse civ's corporations.

#2 - I think EVERY civ should have access to oil in their major cities. And the smaller civs in their capitals. It is unrealistic to think that a country would not have access to oil at all times - wars or not. I've said it before somewhere on this forum, but even during a war - every country will have at least some access to oil. So each civ should have an oil-producing corporation in their capitals & other necessary major world-class cities.
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