Having a foreign corp that is owned by a member of your trade organization will give benefits to both civs, instead of harming one of the civs.
Having a corporation owned by a member of a trade organization in one of your cities could be the first prereq for getting Observer status in that trade org. Beautiful
Everything is tying in together really nicely. When you play this mod it seems as if it may be less about individual features and more just a dynamic representation of the financial world.

Having a foreign corp that is owned by a member of your trade organization will give benefits to both civs, instead of harming one of the civs.

Having a corporation owned by a member of a trade organization in one of your cities could be the first prereq for getting Observer status in that trade org. Beautiful
Everything is tying in together really nicely. When you play this mod it seems as if it may be less about individual features and more just a dynamic representation of the financial world.