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Council Vote - Appoint of Vice President

Octavian X

is not a pipe.
Jan 11, 2002
deceiving people with images
I should've done this earlier...

I hereby appoint Donovan Zoi as Vice President of Fanatikou. He is an excellent Civ3 player, and currently doesn't hold a governmental position.

We need a majority vote to appoint him.

The following people should reply with their votes:
GBM: Domestic Minister
Zarn: FA Minister
CivGeneral: Defense Minister

As President, my vote in ths appointment is YES.
As Minister of Science, I abstain, as I feel it unethical to wield two votes in the executive council.
I vote No

{edit} Eating my Pie :mischief:
I vote No. There are other candidates here that have more MP experience. I mean nothing personal by it, DZ. I hope you understand. I know you are good in the sp game, but this is something else.
Let me reiterate my opinions on the decision.

First, I said, first thing when I was announced I was looking for a new candidate. Priority was to be given to those without a postion in the government. I didn't want to ask CivGeneral to step down before I appinted a new VP, because this shuffle has gone on long enough.

Second, I do feel the need to get some new blood into this game. Even if he lacks MP experience, Donovan makes up for it in his experience in dealing with other people, giving him valuable diplomatic skills we undoubtedly need.

I humbly ask you both to reconsider.
Hey i'd say Civgeneral should get it, but I cant vote here ;)
The fact that it took me three days to notice this vote is probably reason enough to decline my candidacy.

However, after over 6 years experience of beating up on the AI in both Civ2 & 3, I am looking for a new challenge. And there is nothing more challenging that attempt to offset the threats of human players.

Obviously, I don't expect CivGeneral to take the high road and support a fellow nominee, so I will make my plea to Zarn(and GBM, wherever he may be).

If you are looking for someone to help you win this game, give me a shot. If you are looking for a VP that covers all the bases in discussions, look no further. Your acceptance of my nomination will bring me into the game, where I will work my hardest to bring Fanatikou to glory.

If not, then the VP position will still be empty, and this great nation will continue to suffer from lack of participation.

So, cast a vote against your buddy's rival, or cast a vote for your nation. The choice is yours, Zarn. ;)
Alliright, but my original no was not about CivGeneral.

Call it a change of heart, but I am going to change my vote. Most would have given up trying to acheive the position, at this point.

Foreign Affairs Minister Vote (changed): Yes
Originally posted by Donovan Zoi
Obviously, I don't expect CivGeneral to take the high road and support a fellow nominee, so I will make my plea to Zarn(and GBM, wherever he may be).

Well, you expected wrongly DZ. Apperently your plea has also reached not to Zarn's ears but also to my ears.

Call it a change of heart (Or gas), I am going to change my vote. Though this is one of my most hardest thing to do, is support my rival in an office that I seek. Since you have been picked, I stoped persuing the Vice Presidency untill the next elections. In the Next Election I would like to be elected in as the next Vice President.

Defense Minister Vote (Changed): Yes

@DZ - Check your PM box about my change of heart :)
Woohoo! hail the new Vice President Donovan Zoi!:king:


{Edit}Yeah, DZ and GBM are right, we do need new blood into this game.

No offence, CG, but if you had been appointed, most of the government would have been in the hands of four people!:eek:
Originally posted by Wizard
No offence, CG, but if you had been appointed, most of the government would have been in the hands of four people!:eek:

Your point is that I am not partisipating enough in the MSDG :hmm:?
Thanks to you both for giving me a chance. I will work my hardest to ensure that you don't regret it.

And since I was apparently too tired to remember to mention this earlier, thank you to President Octavian X for giving me the opportunity to lend a hand in our great nation. I will gather what information I can from the forum, but please PM me a briefing on anything of immediate importance. I can see that this game needs more daily attention than the SPDG. :)

Once again, my heartfelt thanks to Zarn and CivGeneral for accepting me into the fold.


Donovan Zoi
(New) Vice-President of Fanatikou
Umm, DZ - Check your PM Box
No, CG, I mean that the government needs new blood, so if you would have been chosen, there would had been one active person less here in the govenmental office.

Did you now get my point? If you would have been the new VP, then there would have been too few people in the government... Now there's at least one more as DZ is the new VP.
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