President of Paraguay is impeached

It was done just to get a few extra TV minutes to his candidate in São Paulo. But it backfired. The candidate for vice-mayor abandoned the coalition because of it.

Good. And that's the way this kind of behavior will be regulated. Voters often seem (are?) stupid, but they will draw their lines. As will the more active participants in the political arena.

That should - hopefully - apply to the situation in Paraguay too. If the next elections are clean there's no reason for other countries to make much noise over this episode. But that may be a big if.
Deadlocks are much preferable compared to the near dictatorial power held by several South American Presidents.

Even Brazil, which has a considerably better political system than Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentina and co., still has a much worse system than the US, with all their deadlocks. The Brazilian Executive, especially since Lula (but FHC was also guilty of this to a smaller extenet) achieves large congressional majorities not through votes or a political platform shared by many, but rather by straight out bribing minor parties into the coalition. That's the origin of the Mensalão scandal, which nearly caused Lula's impeachment and will be tried by the Supreme Court later this year: the government paid monthly allowances to several representatives in order for them to vote according to the government's interests.

Now the explicit bribery of the Mensalão is mostly over, but the government can still bribe and bully members of Congress, as in Brazil virtually all the money is at the hands of the Federal Government, unlike the US.

I'd take deadlocks any day of the week.
Do you lot still use blanket lists with dozens of nameless nominees who answer to block leaders? That's what happened in Argentina, to the horrorful extent of having had the 'testimonial' candidacies in 2009 where some candidates announced they wouldn't take their seats and leave them to nominees before the elections themselves. And they lost anyway.
You really think this shameless horsetrading is unique of Brazil? :confused:
Good. And that's the way this kind of behavior will be regulated. Voters often seem (are?) stupid, but they will draw their lines. As will the more active participants in the political arena.

That should - hopefully - apply to the situation in Paraguay too. If the next elections are clean there's no reason for other countries to make much noise over this episode. But that may be a big if.
Agree entirely.

Do you lot still use blanket lists with dozens of nameless nominees who answer to block leaders? That's what happened in Argentina, to the horrorful extent of having had the 'testimonial' candidacies in 2009 where some candidates announced they wouldn't take their seats and leave them to nominees before the elections themselves. And they lost anyway.
We still vote for the actual candidates, but with a macabre twist: the folks who get elected are not the ones who got the most votes!

When we vote for a candidate, we also vote for his party. That's what is called the "electoral coefficient" (Ie, the tool of choice of political bosses). So a candidate is elected depending on the sum of the votes he received with the electoral coefficient of his party - and the amount of this coefficient that each candidate of the party will receive depends on their position on a list, made by the party bosses.

The result? We have representatives elected with less than 100 votes, while others with hundreds of thousands lose. The tactic used by party bosses is to get one vote magnet, like a football star or a popular actor, and have him run for his party. This will generate a huge electorar coefficient which will in turn be used to put the top names of the list inside Congress.

Remember Romário and Bebeto, the strikers of the 1994 Team? They're both in Congress now.
Yet another sad consequence of this act of extreme idiocy is that Brazil and Argentina have forced the entry of Chavenezuela into the Mercosur, because they consider that with Paraguay being suspended the Paraguayans do not have the right to participate in such decisions… yet it was the government of Lugo which opposed this and his successor -and former VP, so part of his government with at least some of his worldview shared- just happens to agree. Uruguay apparently rejects this but Rouseff and my sovereign have strongarmed Chávez into the Narcosur over our heads.
Lugo was not one to oppose it, but rather the Paraguayan Senatr, which opposed Lugo...

This was the real coup: Brazil and Argentina suspended Paraguay, the only country still refusing to admit Venezuela, just long enough to accept Venezuela. This was a complete and shameless coup.
We shoudl start a Chavenezuelan elections thread, we've already got Chávez's laughable new slogans and such. Who's doing the honours this time around?
One of Chavez's banners quite literally says "Don't elect a jew to office".

They are making quite a big deal out of it actually. The PSUV is trying to make the barrios population anti-semite. :lol:
Chavismo has been failing to keep up with its own support-base for a while now, which is a big part of why they lean more and more heavily on the crutch of nationalism. A shift to this sort of outright, racialised xenophobia would seem to suggest that this is becoming even more difficult to sustain. We'll just have to see if the barrio-dwellers are dumb enough to swallow it.
I read this on this Sunday's paper, found it online:
Spoiler :
Coups Ain't What They Used to Be
Want to take over the state? You don't need to put tanks in the street anymore.

There are no tanks in the streets. Military marches aren't blaring from the radio. But talk of coups seems to be everywhere. The Egyptian military government's on June 14 -- just prior to the announcement of presidential election results -- has been widely described as a "slow-motion coup." The Pakistani Supreme Court's dismissal of two prime ministers in less than a week has been called a "judicial coup." Former Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo has called his rapid impeachment last week a "parliamentary coup." The Atlantic's James Fallows even responded to the U.S. Supreme Court's possible ruling against President Barack Obama's individual health-care mandate with a blog post titled, "5 Signs the United States is Undergoing a Coup."

In each of these cases, there has been a lively debate over whether the use of the word "coup" is warranted (except perhaps in the case of Fallows, who decided to tone down his own headline later in the day). The term coup d'état (literally "strike of state") has been in use since French King Louis XIII took power by exiling his own mother in 1617, though the basic concept is much older. The United States aside, the real question today should be not whether these are coups, but what kind they are. The modern coup d'état can be divided into three -- possibly four -- somewhat overlapping types.

First, there's the classic military coup that was prevalent in Africa and Latin America during the Cold War. The definition here is fairly narrow. "One, it's an abrupt event, not a gradual changing of laws," says political scientist and forecaster Jay Ulfelder. "Second, there's some aspect of illegality. Third, there's the use or threat of force. All of that defines what just happened in Egypt or Paraguay out of the picture, but it's not what many people mean when they say 'coup.'"

The most recent example of an old-school coup was the Malian government's overthrow by the military on March 21. The governments of Fiji, Mauritania, Madagascar, Niger, and Guinea-Bissau have also been overthrown by relatively by-the-book coups since 2006. Despite these examples, classic military coups are still fairly rare these days compared with the height of the Cold War (1964 alone saw 12 military coups).

So where have all the coups gone? In a widely cited 2011 paper, political scientists Hein Goemans and Nikolay Marinov attribute the decline of military coups to the end of Cold War superpower competition. Whereas military juntas could once count on the support of either the Soviet Union or the United States depending on their ideological orientation, in the post-Cold War world, political stability is more valued and coups are frowned upon. Goemans and Marinov also argue that coup governments are now more likely to revert to at least semi-democracy in a short period of time (this has already happened in Niger) rather than face international isolation and sanctions.

The second type is the self-coup -- known in Spanish as an autogolpe -- in which a government that came to power through democratic means gradually erodes a country's democratic institutions to keep itself in power permanently. The Peruvian autogolpe of 1992, in which President Alberto Fujimori dissolved Congress with the help of the military, is a classic example. Venezuela's Hugo Chávez and Russia's Boris Yeltsin have also been accused of instituting slow-motion self-coups. The "deep state" operated by the Pakistani military and security apparatus is arguably a type of perpetual self-coup as well.

Some have termed the recent actions of Egypt's Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) an autogolpe, but the label doesn't completely fit because the SCAF was never democratically elected to begin with. Steven A. Cook, an Egypt expert at the Council on Foreign Relations, argues that a better precedent for Egypt may be Turkey's 1997 "post-modern coup," in which the military brought down an Islamist government through behind-the-scenes pressure and leaks to the media rather than through an overt military show of force. "The defining characteristic of a post-modern coup is not putting troops on the streets," Cook said in an interview with Foreign Policy. "Instead, you have the informal institutions of the state and past patterns of civil-military relations at work. It's a more subtle kind of way to get what they want." Indeed, Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, leader of the SCAF, reportedly requested a translated copy of Turkey's 1982 Constitution, which gives the military wide oversight powers, shortly after the fall of President Hosni Mubarak.

Cook argues that "post-modern coups" demonstrate the frailty of a military regime. "The Turkish military is actually pretty weak because it's always had to intervene to keep the political system along the lines that it wants," he says. Cook predicts that because of popular pressure, Egypt's military authorities will have an even more difficult time than their Turkish counterparts in maintaining control over political developments.

Finally, there seems to be an emerging form of hybrid coup, in which the military takes power through use of force but provides at least a fig leaf of legal justification for its actions. The textbook example may be the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis, which saw the removal of leftist President Manuel Zelaya from power. On the one hand, Zelaya's residence was stormed by the military, which forced him onto a plane out of the country in an echo of Latin American coups of old. On the other hand, the country's Supreme Court had, a day earlier, found him answerable to charges of treason and abuse of authority. Further complicating matters, Zelaya was accused by his opponents of instituting a kind of autogolpe by pushing for a referendum to eliminate presidential term limits.

The Paraguayan Senate's unprecedented move to impeach Lugo over the course of only a few hours without any chance to mount a defense -- termed a "golpeachment" by some -- over the killing of 17 landless peasants in clashes with the police, also falls into the hybrid category. The conservative political establishment that has long opposed the leftist Lugo, who has exhibited some autocratic tendencies, seems to have found a convenient way to push him out. It may not have been technically illegal, but it wasn't particularly democratic either. Brazil and Argentina have withdrawn their ambassadors from the country to protest Lugo's removal.

Hybrid coups are extremely difficult to judge from the outside. After the ouster of Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed in February, the United States initially recognized what seemed like a legitimate and lawful transfer of power following months of conflict between the president and his security forces, before it became clear that Nasheed had been forced to relinquish his position at gunpoint. Nasheed was also accused by opponents of undermining democracy by interfering with the country's judiciary. And in the case of Honduras, many conservative commentators in the United States continue to maintain the legitimacy of Zelaya's ouster.

Ulfelder says that in Latin America, the ongoing ideological dispute between leftist governments led by Chávez and his allies and their conservative opponents makes it hard to find objective views on whether a transfer of power is legitimate or not. "The leftist view is that it's democracy versus nefarious elite forces on the right and that these things are coups for sure," he notes. "Those on the right say the real issue is Chavismo as a regional threat comparable to communism and that these are legitimate efforts to reinstate democracy." In other words, whether you see these actions as coups or reinstatements of democracy likely depends on your own political sympathies.

The end of the Cold War has indeed made traditional coups more difficult to carry out -- a welcome development no matter which side of the political spectrum you fall on. But recent events show that anti-democratic leaders have more subtle ways of increasing their power, and their opponents are often willing to stage power grabs of their own in the name of defending democracy. No one's hoping for a return to tanks on the streets, but it is often much harder these days to figure out who the bad guys are.

Interesting point, that people consider a 'coup' to be whatever their enemies do, and anything else is 'democracy'.
Latin America seems really sensitive to coups whenever something that can be vaguely described as one takes place.
Remember the Honduras 'coup' even though everything was by the book?
Everything by the book? Such as the military evicting the democratically elected president from the country even when he was supposed to be arrested for impeachment?
Everything by the book? Such as the military evicting the democratically elected president from the country even when he was supposed to be arrested for impeachment?

I though what's-his-name fled by himself when they tried to arrest him?
Nope, read here:
2009 Honduran coup d'état
The 2009 Honduran coup d'état, part of the 2009 Honduran constitutional crisis,[1][2] occurred when the Honduran Army on orders from the Honduran Supreme Court ousted President Manuel Zelaya and sent him into exile on 28 June 2009.[3] It was prompted by his violation of the constitution through attempts to schedule a non binding poll on holding a referendum about convening a constituent assembly to rewrite the constitution.[4][5] After Zelaya refused to comply with court orders to cease, the Honduran Supreme Court secretly issued a warrant for his arrest on 26 June.[6] Two days later, Honduran soldiers stormed the presidential palace in the middle of the night and detained Zelaya,[7] forestalling the poll.[8] Instead of bringing him to trial, they put him on a military airplane which flew him to Costa Rica. Later that day, the Honduran Congress, in an extraordinary session, voted to remove Zelaya from office and appoint his constitutional successor, Speaker of Congress Roberto Micheletti, in his place.[9]

International reaction to the 2009 Honduran coup d'état was marked by widespread condemnation of the events.[10] The United Nations, the Organization of American States (OAS),[11] and the European Union condemned the removal of Zelaya as a military coup. On 5 July, the OAS, invoking for the first time Article 21 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter voted by acclamation of all member states to suspend Honduras from the organization.[12]

In July 2011, Honduras's Truth Commission concluded that Zelaya broke the law when he disregarded the Supreme Court ruling ordering him to cancel the referendum, but that his removal from office was illegal and a coup. The designation by Congress of Roberto Micheletti as interim president was ruled by the commission as unconstitutional and his administration as a "de facto regime".​
He wa san asstard who ran as a conservative and then became 'leftist' and intended to stay in power as long as he could elected, but the 'impeachment' was done the wrong way.

Thank WikiLeaks for this piece from the US Embassy there:
The Embassy perspective is that there is no doubt that the military, Supreme Court and National Congress conspired on June 28 in what constituted an illegal and unconstitutional coup against the Executive Branch, while accepting that there may be a prima facie case that Zelaya may have committed illegalities and may have even violated the constitution. There is equally no doubt from our perspective that Roberto Micheletti's assumption of power was illegitimate. Nevertheless, it is also evident that the constitution itself may be deficient in terms of providing clear procedures for dealing with alleged illegal acts by the President and resolving conflicts between the branches of government.​
Huh, my picture of the coup has changed. Oh well, that's what you get when you skim through the headlines of a country far far away.
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