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CVN1 - Not So Corrupted Romans


I thought about it, but then it's just too tight.. these are first ring cities and will grow big.
Even though you already founded the city, I wanted to remind you that you are the not so corrupt Romans. Where your cities are have very little effect.
Very true, Tomoyo, I completely forgot about it. But again I still wouldn't like it to be that tight.

So here comes an interesting question: with such a low corruption (how much exactly?), which government should we revolt to? Monarch or Republic?
Originally posted by Cuivienen
The goal: to explore what the game would be like if Corruption was greatly reduced. This should be easier than your standard Demigod game, so Emperor- or even Monarch-level players can participate.
Sorry, but that is totally wrong! It is the AI who cannot handle corruption properly, not the player! Reducing corruption actually makes the game harder!
Since I have only read the 1st post and I see that this thread has a lot of posts, it of course may be that you found that out yourself in the meanwhile... :king:
Thanks, microbe.

Got it if that fits with the roster.

Dispatches tomorrow.
Good job. It's about time, I was starting to feel schizophrenic. :crazyeye:
Thanks for the opportunity to play in this one. It's gonna be fun!

Ready for Roman

CVN1 750BC-500BC

Courtesy call on Hittites. Mursislis has every first and one second bracket tech, and I'm sure others as research times for all second bracket techs are <10turns

Retask coastal cities to harbors and some other towns to build barracks or granaries instead of temples as we need military and population and gold more than prayers.

Rome switches from settler to temple as prebuild for library, Carnegie if not Bodleian.

A conference with espionage agent Effeleven shows the Romans 10th in literacy so our hopes of getting the Great Lib to be less than slim as nine opponents already have literature. Don't change research path in brave hope we can use Literature as trade bait with Mursilis.

A meeting with his colleague and countryman Effseven is even more disheartening. France has built a last bracket wonder and J D'Arc is wearing a chain mail cap. The Japanese have also finished a last bracket wonder and Toku has new robes.

T1 730BC
Neapolis finishes its barracks and starts a spear, as we won't have enough cash to upgrade warriors. It will go on a spear, archer cycle.

Ravenna finishes its galley and starts a harbor for growth and gold. Galley sails east.

We meet the Koreans.

They are not much further ahead than we are as they lack Writing and have some really nice techs to trade for Writing and Map Making.

Here's the first trade (Bede's rule of horse trading: get the money first)

and the second offer fails:

Will come back at him in four to trade Literature for Math or Mysticism.
Don't need the wheel as horses will be useless in the Hittite rain forests.

T2 710
Galley starts suicide mission and may survive.

Hittites are trekking 1 spear, 2 settlers and 1 sword north. Shift troops around to stop that.

T3 690
Only iron is just outside borders of Neapolis. Worker irrigating plains is interrupted to go build a colony ~nine turns versus 17 with temple build at Neapolis.

Suicidal Sailors sink.

Hittites turn back into verupting volcano! May they crisp.

T4 670
Meet the Arabs.

Risk losing a spear to lava flow but don't want to break the blockade.

Arabs start Great Library

T5 650
Rome opts for Carnegie as Great Library will take 50.

Shut off research to build cash for warrior upgrades and start warriors in all towns with barracks where it won't waste too many shields.

Make this deal with the Koreans.

And this one with Mursilis.

Korea and Hittites lack Math so crank up the research budget to get in 7 and hope for some more deals. Could buy it from Arabs but feeding gpt into the AI research machine is a really bad idea right now.

There are no horses in our part of the island. The Hittites ahve horses in the very southern tip.

T6 630
Hittites start trekking north again. Reform blockade on lava flow.

We meet Egypt

Cleopatra has no interest in trading
Cumae grows and riots, get a tax guy.

Hittites head south again.

T7 610
Found Lutetia on east coast

T8 590
Moving warriors south. Neapolis keeps its tax guy as it doesn't need the shields for 2 turn warriors.

Arabs land settler and spear on NE coast.

No effective way to blockade them

T9 570
Arabs found Khurasan. Might make a more interesting target than the Hitties: weak sea borne counter attacks and more opportunities for extortion.

T10 550
Assembling warriors at Pisae for Hittite Expedition.

Curragh discovers Hittite town on smaller of southern islands. Make a nice homeland for them soon.

I am afraid I committed us to the south when the more interesting opportunity is now in the NE.

I'd go ahead and trade Math to the Hittites for HBR and whatever's in the treasury. My attempt to research Math as trade bait for Korea failed.

Iron will hook up in three (one more turn to finish road on plain, move worker, build colony). And there will be cash in the treasury to upgrade the warriors at Pisae for the assault on the Hittites. They are sending reinforcements to the hills south of Pisae

Cumae is building a library and a worker is lumberjacking to finish the bookshelves. Rest of the workforce is improving the core with mines and roads. There is a cattle herd which could use water at Neapolis to accelerate the growth there.

The northern coast towns are both training workers now that the harbors are done.

Rome Rising

The Towns

The Sheep Await the Wolf


Roster check
Cuivienen -- take us to war
Bede -- played
microbe -- swapped with Bede
A minor thing. Since we've already had name clarifictions, can you guys stop transposing my "s" and "n"? seSNofwthr.

Thanks for humoring me.

EDIT: or use Sesn, or Wes, or m******* .....
Originally posted by microbe
Arabs created a city on our island. We need more settlers - there is still a lot of land to settle. I suggest switching two towns to settler?

Good job!

IMHO, if the Arabs or the Koreans or Egyptians want to settle on the island, the more the merrier. Just means more targets for our Legions and the chance to extort some more knowledge and cash and seize pre-built towns, and did I mention slaves? We have more land than we can effectively make use of right now anyway and our military can grow another 30-40% before we're up against the unit support limit.

Another tuppence from the poor box...
Good trading, Bede!

I definetely agree that we want to encourage the Egyptians, Arabs and Koreans to settle in the north so we can extort techs later after taking the towns.

Also, I'm going to hold on attacking the Hittites -- they are valuable trading partners, and we can really eliminate them at our leisure. Poor, jungle-ridden Hittites. Almost feel sorry for them.

"Got it"
Horses out of Hattusha might be more use to us than them, but....

Hitting them with Legions will trigger the GA when our land could still use some serious development and we're still a despotism. Though the despotism GA thing is a piece of received wisdom which I am beginning to question, especially since we are so far behind the big dogs in tech and many turns to a better government, getting the GA when the lands are a little better developed, even in despotism, will speed up our research pace to a better form of government.

Your call, Cuivienen.
Personally, I'd rather get a Republic-GA than a Despotism-GA and Horses. We don't need Horseman ASAP. I'll hold off for now, but whether to declare war or not will be up to the next leader.
Roman Resurgence!

550 BC (IT) -- Everything looks good to go! *Press enter*
530 BC (1) -- The Hittites will give us Horses, along with Horseback Riding AND 11 gold for Mathematics. Awesome. Any doubts about keeping peace with them for a while at least fly out the window. Research to Philosophy, 4 turns at +1 gpt.

Rome: Warrior --> Warrior
Veii: Warrior --> Warrior
Neapolis: Warrior --> Temple (gets Iron in radius)
Pisae: Walls --> Spearman

Koreans found Cheju in the north.
Switch Pompeii to a settler. Much as we want to allow the Arabs, Egyptians and Koreans toeholds on our island, we also want more cities. Low corruption means more cities are always good.

510 BC (2) -- Colony founded on Iron. Rome, Veii, Pisae switch to Legionary.
490 BC (3) -- Viroconium: Worker --> Worker.
470 BC (4) -- Ravenna: Worker --> Settler, Lugdunum: Worker --> Worker
450 BC (5) -- Philosophy comes in. Start Code of Laws. 8 vturns at +4 gpt. Pompeii: Settler --> Temple. Gotta get that Cattle and Wheat.
430 BC (6) -- Rome: Legionary --> Temple. Veii: Legionary --> Settler.
410 BC (7) -- The Egyptians land a Settler pair on our site. *sigh*
Cumae: Library --> Legionary, Hispalis: Granary --> Barracks, Viroconium: Worker --> Granary, Lugdunum: Worker --> Granary, Lutetia: barracks --> Worker. Switch Veii to a Temple.

The English complete the Great Library.

390 BC (8) -- Meet Sumeria. They are en par with Egypt and Arabia.
370 BC (9) -- Fortify some Legionaries in the north to deter Arab sneak attacks (the others are not very agressive).
350 BC (10) -- Neapolis: Temple --> Legionary. Some Wonders (Sun Tzu, Sistine and Knights Templar) start.

Not many changes to the map, so no screenshot.

~ Cuivienen (Sunbathing)
~ andvruss (Playing)
~ SensOfWthr (Returning From Beach)
~ Bede (Sunbathing)
~ microbe (Sunbathing)
Originally posted by Cuivienen

I definetely agree that we want to encourage the Egyptians, Arabs and Koreans to settle in the north so we can extort techs later after taking the towns.

You will not extort techs from AI by just taking one or two remote cities.

I'd rather settle those cities ourselves, especially the good tiles. The earlier the better consider low or no corruption.
Kudos to you also on the trade with Mursilis.

Suggestion for andvruss:

Switch temple builds to libraries for border expansion. With the low corruption model research money goes further and libraries enhance that effect.
Sorry, but that is totally wrong! It is the AI who cannot handle corruption properly, not the player! Reducing corruption actually makes the game harder!

It would make the game much easier, when the human empire outgrows the ai empires.
But your right. On demigood the ai is bigger than the human at the start and therefore the game would be quite a lot harder ;). And then the demigod discount on top of this all...
Wish you much luck! :)
Originally posted by microbe
You will not extort techs from AI by just taking one or two remote cities.

I'd rather settle those cities ourselves, especially the good tiles. The earlier the better consider low or no corruption.

No, your right, but we will be able to extort some gold, All of the major sites are already settled now, anyway, with a Settler headed to the desert tile near Veii.
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