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DaftNESIV: The Prophecy

OOC: Can I control my units in the Maar civilization?

Sorry I forgot to say - yep, the two units on the left side of that territory are yours to control, although one of them has Maar ancestry and has some split loyalties.

Different cultures can share territories, so long as the total population isn't a problem, I'll try to use the graphics to show who belongs to what culture, regardless of genetic mixing!
EDIT: I have a question: what's that thing that looks like a bush, of yellow and orange colours with some brown/black lines below the orange?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean - its possible you're looking at generic cereal/grass or flowers on the map, or a campfire :)
Spoiler Jade Tigers :

To the East of Dakinsa, they named the jungles between the Tiducus River and the hilly Octsan River as Octansa.
South of Octansa, they named the jungled peninsula Fazusa.
1 Unit will Migrate from Dakinsa to Octansa; This unit will work with explorers last turn to try to domesticate the "Octsas Titan"
The unit in Fazusa will seek to trade with the Dark Dude and with our people back in Octasna. If this is not possible, then try to fish on those bubbles south of the peninsula.
Back Home in Dakinsa, 3 Units stayed behind.
1 Unit will build Tools in the hut. In the future, maybe we can Bridge the Tiducus River to connect to Octasna
1 Unit will start looking to see whether the Apes or the Antelope can be domesticated
Another Unit is more fiesty, he will hunt whatever the first unit stops protecting. When the "Wait! They can help us!" complaints stop flowing.

In Octansa, more Jade Tigers joined their nomadic brethren. They sought out the Octasus Titan in hopes of domesticating it, or at least learning it's habits. A steady flow of adventurous young boys and their "stolen" brides cross the Tiducus River during the floods of the wet season and survive until a "search party" can find them becomes a rite of passage from a bachlor to a responsible married man. However, many of them refused to return to Dakinsa for they are too busy watching the Titans with their Octansite friends. There are plans to build a hut in the future, for a permanent base in the Taming of the Titan.

In Fazusa, the nomads cautiously contacted the dark people from the east. From the slow flow of messengers over the years, they've learned of the accomplishments of their brothers. However, they are too busy fishing and trying to learn new language to worry about that. A trickle of the new settlers in Octansa comes here, carrying a few cultural artifacts which makes them proud of their membership in the Jade Tiger tribe.
Excellent update Daft! Couple of quick questions:
What is my current population capacity in Pentora? Will that increase with Herbal Lore?
For role-playing purposes, do I know about the Maar?
Can we trade domestication & knowledge?
Thanks guys!!! :)

A note about monuments - to make something really awesome like stonehenge or pyramids stylee, it will take several turns, or several people working together. But the monuments you have now can be expanded upon later if you choose.

it is possible to get rideable mammoths (and maybe rhinos and other things), and they will last for several turns at least (as we assume the riders also have a tradition of capturing and taming new mammoths). Once succesful it will be easier to repeat, but they are not going to be something you can easily 'farm' and have at all your villages all the time, they are just unmanageable that way. The dogs are a benefit but also some kind of tools would definately help to tackle these beasts!

Soon I will post up some clarification / changes about domestication and rideable units.

Well, For monuments, I figured that's how they worked, considering most early monuments were mounds built over periods of centuries (things like Cahokia, in the US, Aspero, in Peru, or the European burial mounds.)

As for Elephants: Historically, they were domesticated: If you want me to, I can do some more research on that. If Elephants can't be in the game, though, then can I change my orders?
Excellent update Daft! Couple of quick questions:
What is my current population capacity in Pentora? Will that increase with Herbal Lore?
For role-playing purposes, do I know about the Maar?
Can we trade domestication & knowledge?

6 people and 3 huts; a normal support of 5 people and 2 huts, as I want to reduce the default support of Forests a bit. Then due to a crop (Oats), theres +1 people and +1 huts. Knowing Herbal Lore may not increase that for forests. I will post up new rules/revisions (and stats) asap :crazyeye:

Not much is known about the Maar, they just seem like more-or-less settled people going about their business of foraging and hunting. They are not shy to marry into other tribes.

You can trade domesticated animals and knowledge, either deliberately, or accidentally through frequent trade contacts. But it may take a couple of tries for another tribe to learn how to manage new animals etc.

Well, For monuments, I figured that's how they worked, considering most early monuments were mounds built over periods of centuries (things like Cahokia, in the US, Aspero, in Peru, or the European burial mounds.)

I had the same kind of thought :)

As for Elephants: Historically, they were domesticated: If you want me to, I can do some more research on that. If Elephants can't be in the game, though, then can I change my orders?

Lets say Elephants are more likely for domestication/taming, but they take so much work and resources to look after that they won't provide a net bonus, like cattle etc. They are also much more slow breeding. You won't be able to spread domesticated elephants all over the place, like you can with goats and dogs etc. So, like mammoths, they wont be a 'bonus item'. But you'd be able to create a special rideable unit for warfare, trading, construction work, etc (as I believe is the case historically). This would multiply very slowly, or not at all, so its a case of capturing/taming elephants when you need more, a process that gets easier the more experience is learnt. Again, I will post up new rules/revisions asap!
Spoiler Jasmine Revolution :

Have one unit finish cultivating rice
Have one unit make a boat
Have one unit fish in the sea
Have two units migrate southeast, toward the open land we spy there. Have them hunt and forage new food sources on the way.
Clay Mound:

1x domesticate Millet
1x Continue to hunt Lion.. hopefully practice different methods of attack.. bow and arrow? Javelin? Hopefully discover a new weapon on continued warfare with this beast.
1x Camel domesticating
1x Desert Lore
1x Grassland population move North
I was going to wait for the new rules/revisions, but I don't think it'll affect my orders.
Pela'nor Orders:
Spoiler :
I would like one pop to build a new hut.
Another should finish herbal lore, then assist another (if possible) with boar domestication.
The fourth should craft cultural artifacts, with the specific intention of trade with Maar and Blue Wood. Religious artifacts are of special importance. Try to trade for new sources of food, and cultural exchange is emphasized.
Fifth should continue to work on the monument. (Monument, BTW, is a still very much a work in progress.)

Western Forests (Ilthor):
Build huts!

South Western Hills (Nallos, unless Merciary objects):
Mingle with the Olive Grove people. Learn their ways, and try to spread our culture.

Any new people should probably go to Ilthor, once Pentora is filled. If possible, the bows should go to them as they tame this wilderness.
OOC: Is trading something you have to order a specific unit to do, or does it occur naturally?

By the way, the picture of the tribespeople staring at the night sky for the last update was quite beautiful. You should do more of those.

Spoiler Shahanar Era Three Orders :
Era 3 - The Time of Growth

H'eve Shandah, H'avalok Shahan "Great praise to Shandah, greater praise to the true land" -Ancient gold circlet inscription

The southern land that lies between us and the Golden Falcon peoples is called Dera'h. Strange people called the Shadari live there. We can speak to them, but only barely, they are not true people like the Shahanar. We will try to understand these half-people and make them into full-people like the Shahanar. Give them gifts of gold Artefacts and wine and invite them to worship Shandah and Nedit, the Great Consorts of the Sky. One Shahan unit will Migrate south to accomplish this new Trade activity.

Many people desire our wine. In recognition of this, we will do a great new thing. One Shahan unit will create Tools - Advanced, glazed pottery urns. These pots will allow us to store wine, milk, and meat, increasing our ability to better survive lean harvests. The pottery itself will also be a useful trade good.

Another Shahan unit will create Armor - This is to protect our hunters from the lions, and to impress the Shadari. It will also give us increased experience with metal smelting.

The fourth Shahan unit will build a third Hut in the region to accommodate our increasing population.

The fifth Shahan unit will continue to Cultivate and expand our vineyards, trying to Domesticate other plants if possible.

The two Ladekh units are expected to Hunt and Cultivate. Their food surpluses can be sent to Shahan to be traded for the Tools produced by the larger villages there.

Based on various metal inscriptions, we can postulate that the early Shahanar were ruled by a sort of tripartite council, where the Shaman, Hunter, and Farmer/Herder classes each had a sort of tribal chief or king that met with the other representatives.
OOC: Is trading something you have to order a specific unit to do, or does it occur naturally?

Lets say it will be a unit action if the trade partner is overseas or not adjacent to your territory. Otherwise it can and will happen automatically.

BTW, a slight problem with your orders, not enough huts are built in Shahan for all the crafting, but one unit can go use the hut in Ladekh, so its not an issue. Also I believe I took a liberty in naming the Shahan region, would you have another name for it?

By the way, the picture of the tribespeople staring at the night sky for the last update was quite beautiful. You should do more of those.

Thanks :) I will try!
Fingers crossed for lots of positive rolls this turn, i've lots of nearlies!
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