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DaftNESIV: The Prophecy

I dont want to bump the thread, as actually every day I've been expecting to get the update finished. I did post in WWW a few days ago.

Been unexpected business this week, apologies once again. I also spent quite a bit of time fiddling with the map and drawing new things, which wasn't essential. I'm going to catch up on some sleep now, and fingers crossed you will finally see the update sometime tomorrow.

Era 2

The first monuments are built, and the first religions take hold. The process of domestication accelerates. Metalworking becomes more widespread, but not especially more sophisticated. Cultures begin to mix more closely, but for now there are neither serious conflicts nor long-distance trade networks.

Emerald Leaf:

The unruly Green Chocobo is only slightly domesticated.

Seagoing boats are created. Two clans sail into the north-west and find an archipelago of uninhabited islands. Some of the local fauna are familiar, but others are not; giant omnivorous crabs appear to rule these jungles. Nonetheless a new village is soon established there and the population grows, keeping in contact with frequent trips back to the home island. More lands await on the horizon to the south and southeast, but there are rumours of giant sea monsters if one strays too far from shore in any direction (note: archipelagos count as one territory, but the population there should have access to at least one boat to be able to go about their business).

Alligator cannot be truly domesticated - it is possible to capture and tame a unit of Alligators, but the attempt has failed this turn. Alligators have been scared away from the villages, however.

Population is now 6 (3 on home island, 3 on new island chain).


The Purple Chocobo are domesticated after several generations (ride-able livestock: prefers Jungle, Temperate Hills, Forest). They can carry a rider on their backs, but rarely accept any more than one master during their lives. Riding on one of these creatures is a great prestige.

Maize is partly domesticated.

Seagoing boats are created; some people sail to the southeast and explore pleasant forest lands, staying clear of the local Terror-Birds. Many islands have also been sighted west of the homeland.

Population is now 6 (4 at home, 2 in the southeast forest).

Fuschia Cloud:

Ornate armour is created, along with other artefacts (carved Terror Bird beaks). Craftsmanship and culture are again more sophisticated, and Fuschia Cloud are among the most artistic of peoples of this era.

Hunters are equipped to hunt Terror Birds as a rite of passage. Hunting and fighting skills are learnt, as the Terror Birds learn to stay away from the villagers.

The obstinate Yellow Chocobo refuses to be domesticated (slight progress).

As the population expands, some choose to explore and settle in the forests of in the north-west. Population is now 6.

Sky Spirit:

The whole population migrates south along the great river, hunting and foraging as they go. New homes are found among temperate forest and hills. However, the Mòlìhuā Gémìng culture is soon encountered. Some of the younger Sky Spirit people begin to emulate their settled southern neighbours and learn of their peaceful philosophy.

Stories are passed down of the Ash Bear people who lie far to the east, and giant hairy wild-men who live in the north. Who knows if these tales are really true?

Total population is now 5.

Mòlìhuā Gémìng:

Rice is almost domesticated. The rewards of deer hunting are average.

A monument is built to the panda-ancestor forest spirits. As culture develops, a high value is placed on peace and tolerance. Thus there is little alarm when the Sky Spirit people arrive in the north.

Population is now 5.

Jade Tiger:

Chickens are fully domesticated (extra: prefers Jungle, Forest, Temperate Hills, Grassland).

Travellers move east and south, aided by long experience with jungle and herbal lore. Nomad camps are spread through large stretches of jungle. Two new jungle territories are explored - giant monsters roam these lands, with skins that seem as tough as stone, felling trees in their stride and showing no fear of humans.

In the home jungle of Dakinsa, Silver and Copper smelting are discovered by the craftspeople. Cultural artefacts of Jade and Silver are created; these are potential trade goods, and local culture has become more sophisticated.

Total population is now 6.

Crimson Star:

Wheat is domesticated (crop: prefers Grassland [x2 bonus], Temperate Hills). Herbal Lore is almost learned.

Tigers are hunted successfully, tiger skins becoming the sign of a true hunter.

The population grows to 6, which is too many for the home valleys, even with regular harvests of wheat. Thus some venture westwards into the jungles, where they find signs that other people are close by.

Ash Bear:

A Shaman class has arisen, and their influence is felt across the southern grasslands; even the nomads who never visit the home forest remain connected through a shared ceremonial culture.

Oats are slightly domesticated, horses are nearly domesticated.

Mammoth cannot be truly domesticated - it is possible to capture, tame and ride a unit of Mammoths, but the attempt has failed this turn.

As the population grows, some have wandered into the south following the seemingly endless expanses of grassland. Even more dangerous beasts lurk in these lands. From here, Shahanar peoples have been encountered in the south and east. Their is potential for trade and cultural exchange. Other strangers are seen roaming the plains, but they keep their distance.

Population is now 7 (4 currently in the home forest, 1 in each of the grasslands).


The land of Ladekh is settled, however the first goat herds to be brought here are scattered by sabre-tooth lions and hence lost in the unfamiliar forest. For now, the settlers revert to the older lifestyle of hunting and foraging. From here, Ash Bear people have been encountered to the west, and the Pela'nor and Olive Grove to the east.

Closer to home, notice is taken of the Golden Falcon and Shadari peoples who now occupy the southeast plains.

Grapes are domesticated (extra: prefers Temperate Hills); wine quickly becomes a sought-after commodity. Gold smelting is also discovered.

Copper weapons are made, and lions are forced further into the wilderness. At this time it seems a hunter-warrior elite is forming, with a monopoly on copper usage.

However, a Shaman class also arises at this time. Shahanar religion is evolving into a rich polytheism, focusing on the Lion God Shandah. Though widely separated, there may be some exchange of ideas with the Ash Bear shamanism.

Mysterious boat peoples have visited the shores, showing an interest in wine and copper goods.

Population is now 7 (5 in Shahan, 2 in Ladekh).

Olive Grove:

Wheat is domesticated (crop: prefers Grassland [x2 bonus], Temperate Hills). Herding/butchering tools are created, and Giant Goose are also domesticated (livestock: prefers Grassland, Temperate Hills). Much food is now available within easy reach, but the villagers must be wary of bears and wolves.

Copper smelting is discovered. Mysterious boat peoples have visited the shores, showing an interest in grain.

As the population expands, some choose to move into the hills of the north-west, meeting Giant Hippos, as well as the tall blonde peoples of Pela'nor, who are armed with menacing bows and an influential culture. Total population is now 6.

Pela'nor: (formerly Yellow Sun)

Some people move west, living as nomadic hunting with their improved bows, and their numbers grow. Lush forests and hills are explored, and the Olive Grove people are encountered in the south-west hills. Further still lie the Shahanar, in the forests south of the western mountains. There are also fleeting contacts with the Blue Wood peoples in the east.

Oats are domesticated (crop: prefers Grassland, Forest, Temperate Hills, Cold Hills), while Herbal Lore is almost learned.

Wild Boar are slightly domesticated.

Working without any sophisticated tools, the Pelan'or erect a megalithic monument to Pelos, the Sun God. The rise in agriculture goes hand-in-hand with the rise of sun-worship, with religious ceremonies to follow the cycle of the seasons. The midwinter solstice is especially important as the time of re-birth. Pela'nor culture now begins to influence the Olive Grove and Blue Wood cultures.

Population is now 7 (5 at home, 1 in each of the western lands).

Blue Wood:

Shir clan finishes the domestication of Sheep (prefers Cold Hills, Temperate Hills, Mountains).

One of the Abalkon clans settles with the peaceful brown-haired people known as the Maar tribe and intermarries with them; Blue Wood culture is not especially strong, the descendents may eventually be absorbed into the Maar. Meanwhile the Pela'nor peoples have been encountered in the west, who are also beginning to exert a cultural influence.

The remaining Abalkon clan try to learn herbal lore (slight progress). This forest is dangerous, roamed by saber-tooth lions and the great foul-tempered horned beasts.

Population is now 5 (2 in Shir, 1 in Abalkon, 2 with the Maar).

Golden Falcon:

New weapons are made, and dangers like crocodiles and leopards are forced away from the villagers. Meanwhile, a monument to the Crocodile-god is made from stones and clay, the signs of an emerging polytheist religion and a more sophisticated culture.

By the end of this era, Gold and Copper smelting are known to the Golden Falcon people.

Wheat is almost domesticated, but crops are not yet reliable over time, and fishing is not as prosperous as in pervious generations. This is unfortunate, as the population has continued to grow. Some people move west, across the Golden River, however they find these plains already settled by people called the Shadari, who are being split between the influence of the Golden Falcon and Shahanar cultures. To the east lie deserts roamed by hardy Clay Mound nomads. To the south lie arid hills, and settlers have been deterred from venturing there due to the harsh climate and stories of savage, hairy giant wildmen who rule those lands. The plains are left overcrowded at the end of this era, with starvation beginning to take effect.

Mysterious boat peoples have visited the shores, and the people must wonder about the islands that can be seen on the horizon...

Population is now 7 (5 on the home plains, 2 with the Shadari).

Clay Mound:

Millet is slightly domesticated.

Lion hunting is established as a test of bravery, however in these times the lions take a share of even the best hunters. The beasts are kept away from the giant goose herds, however.

Camel is only slightly domesticated (lots of bad luck, sorry!), Desert Lore is almost learned.

Desert travellers have met the Golden Falcon and Sapphire Lion people. However, there has been little to trade with them materially. Golden Falcon culture is a noticeable influence on the western nomads.

Population is now 5 (3 on the home grasslands, 1 in each of the deserts).

Sapphire Lion:

The wild goats of Cho'ch'kujin are slightly domesticated. Millet is almost domesticated in Ich'ch'kani.

The hunters of Ich'ch'kani are rather more successful. So far there is enough food for a growing population. Some people venture into the southern forest, where they find strange and dangerous creatures.

Clay Mound people have visited from across the northern deserts; there has been nothing much to exchange with them materially.

Population is now 5 (2 in Ich'ch'kani, 2 in Cho'ch'kujin, 1 in the southern forest).


Banana plants are party domesticated, banana harvests are brought south.

Palm wine is created as a tradable item and morale booster (Palm trees will not count as a special domesticated item). There are fleeting contacts with Sapphire Lion people in the dry eastern hills.

Wild Boar are slightly domesticated.

Population is now 6 (4 in Ukwabelana Isondo, 2 in CoxAmahlathi).

Spoiler :

Sky Spirit and Mòlìhuā Gémìng
Spoiler :

Shahanar and Golden Falcon
Spoiler :

Crimson Star
Spoiler :

Sapphire Lion and Clay Mound
Spoiler :

Olive Grove, Pela'nor and Blue Wood
Spoiler :

Ash Bear
Spoiler :

Jade Tiger
Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Emerald Leaf
Spoiler :

Tartesianos and Fuschia Cloud
Spoiler :


I do worry about the complexity of this already! I don't think I can accept any additional players, sorry :(

Stats will shortly be added to keep track of technologies learned. I will also post up a revision to domestication bonuses - I'm thinking each territory can now get bonuses from 1 type of livestock, 1 type of crop, and 1 'extra'. Each supports +1 people and +1 hut in the territory.
Efforts must be redoubled to achieve prosperous relations with dolphinkind! Fish quotas must be boosted to feed the homeland! :wavey:
Spoiler Purple People Eaters :
We wants us a giant chicken in our barn!
An alligator in each backyard and an alligator in each pot is our dream!
Lets make tools with which to harvest big marine - crab and seal - critters!
Lets make nets and traps with which to rape the sea!
I'm building a boat!
Explore, settle, expand!
Olive Grove Orders
Spoiler :
Two pop build two huts
one pop build some tool to protect us from wolves and bears
one pop trade with strange boat people
one pop herd Geese
one pop farm wheat
Lurker Comment: Holy poop I <3 reading this NES. And the visuals!
Great Update! Though that's sad about mammoth. Guess I'll have to try with elephants. :(

Ash Bear orders:
Spoiler :

Shaman, leading 1 population, Will orchestrate the beginnings of a large ritual mound, a monument dedicated to the glorification of the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, and, most especially, the Aurora Borealis, on which the Great Spirits travel on their unknowable business, followed by a retinue of dead humans.
1 Population in forest: continue to domesticate oats.
1 population in forest: Create weapons for aid in the Hunt.
1 population in west grassland: Continue to domesticate the Horse
1 population in central Grassland: Build a Hut.
1 Population in south grassland: Domesticate Boar.
I suspect Elephants will not be much different thomas, but then again who knows? Daft did say that domesticability would be a bit different in this world.

Great update Daft! I really appreciate your effort, staying up late and all. Here's to a great mod! :beer:
Great update, Daft! Enough to make me forget the shame from our defeat in the Superclásico...

Well, now, to write my orders...

Las Órdenes de los Tartesianos
Spoiler :
In Tartesia (the original land)
  • The maize will become a new source of food! It is truly a signal of the gods that we have this so that our people can grow and spread! (1 woman continues domesticating the maize)
  • The Purple Chocobos will for sure help much in our moving around, and this can be used to move faster. However, neither them nor us are as well protected as other animals. For that, they are to hunt crocodiles, whose skin will later be used to make protection for our people and the Chocobos (the person on the Chocobo hunts crocodiles, but without killing all of them: we will have to save everything from them to use their skins for armour and their bones for artefacts and weapons)
  • Those mountains that stay at the south seem to have many interesting things! We can't see for sure, but it is quite clear that we should be able to see what exactly can be taken from them, and perhaps we can find other things that can be used to improve our people's lives! (1 person moves to the mountains at the south of Tartesia)
  • For many years, the only thing that has held us together has been the fact that we have to live together. But, no more! We have to develop beyond just that! And someone must give the first step! We have to create artifacts that show how great we are, objects that can be put in many places, things that the gods may inhabit and we can then worship! (1 person creates cultural objects out of wood, animal bones, rocks and clay)
In Casuara (the other land):
  • While the tents are good, they are not enough! This place is great, looks great, and would be great to live in! We must construct villages where we can live, in a more permanent way, and exploit the resources the gods have given us! (1 person builds a hut)
  • Those Terror Birds are horrible! They are sure to start attacking us if we do not attack first! Have our people use their intelligence to attract those birds into traps, where they will be put down, and their threat to us ended! (1 person starts hunting Terror Birds, but not all, and saving the bones and other hard parts)
I put up some things that might point out what is my objective with each action. :)

EDIT: I have a question: what's that thing that looks like a bush, of yellow and orange colours with some brown/black lines below the orange?
Sky Spirit Orders
Spoiler :
Coastal territory = jinghai, non-coastal territory = sar ajrag
1 pop in jinghai on building bows to better allow for hunting
1 pop in jinghai on hunting speckled deer with said bows
1 pop in jinghai on building ships to go fishing as well as exploring
1 pop in sar ajrag on working to domesticate the water buffalo
1 pop in sar ajrag on building a monument celebrating the defeat of the ancestral spirits panda spirits over the spirits of the nomadic plains (stealing from Molihua Geming but infusing it with our traditional beliefs)
Thanks guys!!! :)

A note about monuments - to make something really awesome like stonehenge or pyramids stylee, it will take several turns, or several people working together. But the monuments you have now can be expanded upon later if you choose.

it is possible to get rideable mammoths (and maybe rhinos and other things), and they will last for several turns at least (as we assume the riders also have a tradition of capturing and taming new mammoths). Once succesful it will be easier to repeat, but they are not going to be something you can easily 'farm' and have at all your villages all the time, they are just unmanageable that way. The dogs are a benefit but also some kind of tools would definately help to tackle these beasts!

Soon I will post up some clarification / changes about domestication and rideable units.
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