Dan Edalian Civ [MODULAR BtS]


Writing Letters
Aug 16, 2005
United States
Here's my newest future civ, the Dan Edalian Company. Basically, it is a civ that represents a future America taken over by a corporation. This civ is intended to be used with mods such as Next War, ViSa, Amra, RoM (the intended mod; I will issue a version for it soon). Be sure to check out the Reman civ in my sig, since the stories of the two are tied together.

Name: Dan Edalian Empire

Spoiler :

Leader: Mr. Big (Financial, Industrious)

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UU: Protection Agent (SAM Infantry)

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UB: Local Branch (Courthouse)

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Credits: The CIV Gold team for the Williams leaderhead. hrochland for the UB (Versaille pyramid). Rabbit, White for futuristic SAM infantry.

Enjoy :)

Download here.

Hi im sorta new to this, so I download this, unzip it, then put it the entire folder Danedalian into the MODS folder of civ4 bts....ok then what? load up Next war then go to upload a mod, open up the Danedalian mod? please tell me step by step what to do, im sorry but if youve not the time, its ok. thanks
At the moment, it's not designed to go into Next War. You can try it if you want, but I haven't, so I can't really help you merge it.

Otherwise, create a new folder in the MODS directory (I doubt it make a difference whether it's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods or \My Games\Beyond the Sword\MODS directories), name it what you want (let's call it DanEdalianCiv), then open it up. Next, make another directory in that folder and name it Assets. Open up your new Assets and create the Modules folder. Open up Modules and create Custom Civilizations folder. Paste the DanEdalian module in the zip file into Custom Civilizations.

Sorry if that's a mouthful. :)
The Dan Edalian module part, the last sentence...what it the Dan Edalian module exactly? the entire zip folder? or a specific item in the zip folder? please explain, thanks for your patience with me! :D
Ok for some odd reason, the Dan Edalian civ doesnt show up. I am using the latest version of civ 4 bts. I followed your steps to creating the folder for this civ, and yet, when I start it, it does show DanEdalianCiv at the top right corner of the main menu, but no Dan Edalian Civ in the Civilopedia or nothing....whats going on? I really want to use your civ, i've been looking for a corp. ruled civ for the longest time.
Aha! Now I know why. You need a config file that turns on modular loading. I'll provide one for you. Take that .ini file in the .zip archive and drop it into the DanEdalianCiv folder. That should turn on modular loading.


Alright! that did it! Now its working! Thanks, I was beginning to give up on my dreams of ruling the world with corporate might. Thanks a billion man!
Hey Circuit, I was wondering if you could perhaps make me a custom civilization? I know its a big thing to ask, but I see you've mastered pretty much everything it takes to make your own custom civilization. I know you used the graphics from here and there, like the Williams LH from Civ Gold etc. so you also know how to use other creations and apply them to yours. I've been trying to do the same as you but I honestly cant...I successfully made the button and flag work just fine, but I cant crete my own. I used a copy of your Dan Edalian civ(which I love by the way) So could you help me out abit? If you do decide to help create my own Corp civ, i'll give ya somethings i want in this civ, cool? Thanks in advance, whether or not you help me, thanks for your time man! :D
Hey Circuit, I was wondering if you could perhaps make me a custom civilization? I know its a big thing to ask, but I see you've mastered pretty much everything it takes to make your own custom civilization. I know you used the graphics from here and there, like the Williams LH from Civ Gold etc. so you also know how to use other creations and apply them to yours. I've been trying to do the same as you but I honestly cant...I successfully made the button and flag work just fine, but I cant crete my own. I used a copy of your Dan Edalian civ(which I love by the way) So could you help me out abit? If you do decide to help create my own Corp civ, i'll give ya somethings i want in this civ, cool? Thanks in advance, whether or not you help me, thanks for your time man! :D

So what are you thinking of? A corp civ. So, its name? Units? I'll see if I can fit it in. I just made a scenario (including Dan Edalian Company) that I am getting started right now. I currently don't have many plans for new civs.
Ok awesome! I would love if you could do this for me, i'd pay you $5 bucks if you want some motivation! XD no but seriously, I really thank you for this, your the man! ok so umm i'll have the info sent to you regarding what specifics I have for the UU, UB, city names, and leader stuff. again, thank you in advance! X)
by late today, or tomarrow i'll have everything ready for you, I promise. Im working on the description's of the civ's Leader, UU, and UB right now.
Ok I finally finished up the final parts of the civilization. I have it all in a folder for you to put into working order. I'll send you the folder and its content through e-mail. tell me your e-mail and i'll have it sent to ya cool? thanks again man!
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