G&H's Louisiana for Vox Populi

Never had this problem and I just finished a game yesterday. It's strange. Are you sure it's really 3 GW of Music from Louisiana that you have?
Yeah, absolutely. 3 GW of Music created by 3 Louisiana Krewe in 3 different eras.

Otherwise, I think the UA produces a little too much gold and I wanted to lower it slightly.
The gold and faith weren't the issue, but the free City-State Influence with every building and improvement can be really OP.
Krewes being able to trigger resistance in enemy cities can also be really crippling, and annoying, in the late-game.
Grand Voyageurs spam in the late-game can also snowball to ridiculous levels.
v.8 Online:

Lua bugs fixed
  • The Krewe's ability regarding :tourism: Tourism bonus on buildings did not stop after 15 turns, this has been corrected.
  • Reported by @Karlos_BR , a non-maritime Capital could obtain sea units. Correction made by code kindly provided by @jarcast2 , thanks to them.
Now that the base movement of pathfinders has been increased to 3; I find the Grand Voyageur's 2 a bit underwelming. Perhaps this merits an update?
This civ is deliciously overpowered if you just rush production and city spam with authority, which then shifts gear into turbo when you finally spam out a bunch of UU's (and even better with zealotry siege units) with giga XP AND authority's combat boons.
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This civ is deliciously overpowered if you just rush production and city spam with authority, which then shifts gear into turbo when you finally spam out a bunch of UU's (and even better with zealotry siege units) with giga XP AND authority's combat boons.
Thank you for the deliciously :cool:. Were you able to identify how it could be more balanced, in your opinion?
v.10 online:

Bug corrections and tweaks
  • At @KlHannibal2 's suggestion, a Grand Voyageur can be purchased if you have lost several, but the purchase is only possible if you have fewer than the number of Town in your empire.
  • The Vieux Carré didn't give +50% :c5production: Production towards Diplomatic Units during WLTKD, corrected. Thanks to Goblin Mage.
  • The bonus XPs coming from the CSs weren't working properly, that's fixed. Thanks to Goblin Mage.
  • You now have a message each turn giving the number of XPs earned from CSs, as well as the number of UUs that will arrive and in how many turns.
Note: This version has not been tested with VP4.17.x
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