That could be it then. I had not noticed it in base VP with the current version. It must be somewhat intermittent then cause I had no issues with it last game I played. But this time nobody is getting open borders.People have been signaling this problem in base VP too, and this mod doesn't do anything linked to AI flavours or diplomacy, so I really don't think it has something to do with it.
I was thinking more the right hand side bar. Those compacted notifications there when multiple things get compacted into one bullet point. I don't think I really pay to much attention to the things that scroll over the cities. It usually ends with you don't look at some corner of the map for a bit and then you have scrolling galore there.I think we should indeed replace this with flying notifications above the city when the citizen is born, instead of having a wall of notifications on the right. I never play with events, so thanks for pointing out the problem.
My way of using the GVoyageur is to focus as much experience on one (who discovers the whole map if possible), since the GMerchant points gained from leveling up can be great with a high level unit. The other ones are more like simili GGenerals that provides healing, combat buffs and the unique temporary promotions to units on their front. That said, losing one is a problem, but you'll gain quite a few of them in a game if you manage to ramp up the GMerchant points production.
I lost track now but I have gotten 11 or 12 so far. It's only really the two first that become "great" in that regard. The first one reached lv11 from scouting alone. Which is a bit odd since it's then only one level of promotions left. But the issue might be that the following once never really amount to much since there is no or very little scouting for them to do and they don't seem to spawn with XP or full XP. As they spawn now I think most of them have gotten like one promotion max or so even with a full complement of buildings plus Order. So those are somewhat awkward to level up. Slowly trying to pick things off or just let them sit somewhere and do some city- state quests fo XP. Most of them end up as Medics or Spotters (stand on mountains and grant vision for the artillery). Some in the middle pack that managed to do like the last bit of scouting and reach say lv5-6 or so can be used for guerilla combat trying to pick of things in the rear or units that are "fleeing" or far below you in technology.
(EDIT) Regarding the UU and removal of some units. What is the ratio of the remaining UU as far as ships vs horse vs archers vs melee units and such? As noted I seem to have gotten a fair chunk of ships and horse units and nothing much else. I thought on some level that it was a fair amount of horsy units but also an absolute crapton of various spear- and pikemen replacements. But it could have just been the random.
How about the spawning units that you don't have resources for? My first was a horseman replacement and I had no horses. So it could do like 2-3 attacks and then go stand in a corner waiting for me finding some horses. So less then useful in that regard. There was horses next to the capital I just had not found them and built a pasture yet before the unit spawned so it eventually resolved itself but when I got it then it felt kind of bad.
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