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Danish city makes pork mandatory in public institutions

Wait, Warpus, they had fake bacon but not fake pepperoni? Either they don't realize that pepperoni has pork in it or you can't taste the difference between real pepperoni and fakeroni.
Wait, Warpus, they had fake bacon but not fake pepperoni? Either they don't realize that pepperoni has pork in it or you can't taste the difference between real pepperoni and fakeroni.

From what I've read pepperoni is usually made with pork and beef, but it doesn't have to be. So I assume they just use a variety of pepperoni without pork in it.

So yeah, I probably can't taste the difference. But that's fine, it was sold to me as pepperoni, it was pepperoni, and it tasted like pepperoni. But the bacon wasn't bacon, didn't taste like bacon, didn't look like bacon, but was sold to me as bacon.
An AP article notes that the Danish People's Party proposed the council motion. From the Party's website:

"The Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church is the church of the Danish people."
"Denmark is not an immigrant-country and never has been. Thus we will not accept transformation to a multiethnic society."

So they're not exactly shrinking violets about their views on Muslim immigrants.
I despise the Danish People's Party. They're very populist, its bowels randomly spew racist statements (that are then silenced by the party heads, but hey, racists tend to join the party, say things and make policies) and they have shifted all the major parties towards - what'd I call - a more cultural fundamentalist (kulturfundamentalistisk) line.

There was a recent article that listed 5 European far right parties, and they were listed there alongside Greece's Golden Dawn.

Their charismatic ex-leader, Pia Kjærsgaard, has also just been hired as the head of parliament. (A position that's supposed to mediate between the parties during discussions and policy making.) She's actually been surprisingly good at this, contrary to where she came from, but I think it's still a slap in the face of the plethora of growing minorities here. I also think her capable mediation may very well only be capable because the major parties are largely trying to assume the Danish People's Party's line.
I suppose they don't want to have a similar outcome to the UK where Tikka Masala replaced Fish and Chips as the countries most popular food? Oh my, think of the children!
I get the impression that this nonsense won't fly in the Land of the Free.
Id rather that they made halal food illegal instead. Id support that.
It's not very often you see modern European countries taking policy prescriptions from 16th century Spain.
One would think that since I severely disagrees with the bill, I wouldn't be ashamed of the actions of Randers due to my nationality, but it so happens that I still am. It is good to see foreign people think it is a ridiculous policy, and I hope Denmark listens.
I am getting oh so tired of folks trying to use the power of government to ram their religion down the throats of other people. :thumbsdown:
At first I thought that maybe this was done as a political act to throw a bone to the pork industry--but all the evidence here suggests that it's meant to be a "Take that!" to Muslims. Europe's drifting to the right by the day.
As a fan of culture and pork (and comedy) I am enthusiastically in support of this law.

My serious side though, says you shouldn't legislate culture. This only affects public institutions though, so I'm not sure. Meh, I think the danes should follow their heart, that's what I do.
Whatever. Pork is less expensive, more environmentally friendly, and more closely tied to the Danish economy than beef or any other agricultural product. When prepared correctly, it can be a lean, healthy meat. People who don't want to eat pork don't have to eat pork.

I get the impression that this nonsense won't fly in the Land of the Free.

School lunch standards are very highly regulated in the US. Fluid milk needs to be served at every school lunch as does servings of no less than one half once of meat or meat substitute.
Actually most people eat more meat than they actually need. Somewhat limiting the amount of meat served isn't a bad idea.

Why? So what if we eat more meat than we "need"? People should be free to eat whatever they want without some regulatory authority trying to limit or encourage one type of diet or another.

The only government involvement in food that I support is making sure the food being sold to the public isn't full of deadly diseases and parasites. Beyond that, they have no business telling me what to eat or how much of it I am allowed to eat.

With that said, I think it should be pretty obvious that I find the law in the OP to be extremely stupid and an unnecessary infringement on personal freedom.
I suppose they don't want to have a similar outcome to the UK where Tikka Masala replaced Fish and Chips as the countries most popular food? Oh my, think of the children!

You do know that Fish and Chips was introduced by refugees. It is not British food.
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