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Darths and Droids Mafia- Game Thread

Wait, no, eliminate the cult first, just in case they can still convert somehow.
Wait, no, eliminate the cult first, just in case they can still convert somehow.

If the Cult could convert after Mech was killed, then I think the game would have ended by now. Instead, we saw kills in its place. I highly doubt the Cult could convert after mech was offed.

Xenoneb said:
Guys. Didn't R2D2 have a dreadnought?
On more than one occasion I considered throwing the idea out there to relynch ATPG, since the role has existed before, coincidentally in one of ATPG's games over at .org land some years ago. But then I thought that idea was a bit out there.
This Game: ATPG's The Revengening. Seon's Blackwings role. He was killed early in the game (day two or three), and due to his role his mafia team gained a kill because once he was dead, he could now kill. That role completely screwed my analysis over and only when it was too late did I/we (the town network) realize it was in fact real, despite Earthling, would had been a huge pain all game (and townie to boot), stating it for a while. I expressed my displeasure at the role to ATPG afterward because of how unbalanced it is/was. How do you counter a dead guy still killing when there's nothing even hinting that was possible, nor was there any track record of that role even existing before? So yea, naturally when I saw the dreadnought killing I instantly thought of the role (as Artoo makes a big deal out of his dreadnought in the comic), but figured it'd be way too out there, even for this.
If the Cult could convert after Mech was killed, then I think the game would have ended by now. Instead, we saw kills in its place. I highly doubt the Cult could convert after mech was offed.
Hmmm… well, it's not as if they could kill or convert me anyway.
Backwards Logic said:
Guys. Didn't R2D2 have a dreadnought?
On more than one occasion I considered throwing the idea out there to relynch ATPG, since the role has existed before, coincidentally in one of ATPG's games over at .org land some years ago. But then I thought that idea was a bit out there.
I don't think even choxorn would be that evil. That's too farfecthed, Xenoneb, why bring out such a suspicion now? Just to mess with our minds?
Mid-day Tally:

Mergle: 2 (topsecret, Zack)
Gone 3 the Celt: 1 (Backwards Logic)
topsecret: 1 (Buddhafish)
Buddhafish: 1 (Mergle)

Not Voting: 1 (Gone 3 the Celt)
Hmmm… well, it's not as if they could kill or convert me anyway.

I don't think even choxorn would be that evil. That's too farfecthed, Xenoneb, why bring out such a suspicion now? Just to mess with our minds?

Xenoneb is Grevious. You should believe anything he says on the Mafia Scum just as much as you should trust what I say about Cultists. For instance: There are no towns left! It's all Cult and Mafia! :goodjob:
I don't think there's that much I can say. It's clear to everyone, I think, that buddhafish is cult. It comes down to, who is the more likely mafia, me or topsecret? Zack's points are all reasonable ones against me - there are counterpoints (like, I revealed straight away to Zack night 2 because it was night 2 and I had no network to speak of to protect or consult. I did ask in PMs about what the others thought about contacting topsecret, but got no response and, yes, I didn't chase and perhaps I should have. I voted mechaerik over Xenoneb because I was paranoid that JHT had been turned cult and so mechaerik was not in fact roleblocked and still recruiting - fortunately, that turned out not to be so. The orb powers up my scan as is proved by my personal goal) but there's definitely no proof.

Ultimately, it comes down to this. buddhafish is definite 100% cult scum. Probably, either I'm a mafia scanner, or topsecret is a mafia godfather. I don't think there's anything more I've got to contribute. Just make the right choices, guys.
I 100% agree with Zack's analysis. Because my PG is to kill a mafioso, I'm going to vote:BuddhaFish so that I can kill the last mafia member tonight.
The Grevious comment makes it obvious we hit the right person. I agree that there is a chace Pizza has that as a role, but the fact that Grvious says that now means that someone important (last fed) is on the chopping block. If we kill both suspects, we can't fail. Relynch Pizza later.
Mergle is the safer bet. There's no conceivable scenario in which he is not Trade Federation; on the other hand, since Mergle's scans are likely meaningless, either topsecret or Buddhafish could be cult, and I'm not which. Always lynch the sure thing before a mere suspect.
My point exactly, herr Zack.
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