260 BC to 805 AD, 72 turns
First, I'd like to respond to some of the comments above.
Turinturambar, congratulations on finishing in 1830. Very impressive. The use of commando mechs is a good idea. That is what I produced post-rifling. They tend to die in city attacks more than city raiders, but their speed is an undeniable asset. The globe is a good choice is you don't do mass upgrades. As you note, once the conquest starts, there is no money issue.
Quornix, in retrospect I agree that the Statue of Zeus is a good idea. It might have slowed Hammurabi's teching, which nearly cost me the game. At the time I was trying to avoid Great Artist points, but it would have been worth the risk.
Turn 158 (230 BC): I get both a great spy (yuck, but I settle him) and my 2nd great general (Adolphus) who joins one of my axemen, then upgrades to samurai.
Turn 162 (170 BC): Having finished a market, I start Angkor Wat.
Turn 163 (155 BC): Printing press in. Research Monarchy, Feudalism, Guilds, Banking, and Economics.
Turn 169 (65 BC): 3rd great general (Sun Tzu) boosts axeman to samurai.
Turn 172 (20 BC): 4th great general (Vercingetorix). Banking in so revolt to Mercantilism. Angkor Wat in (switch to priest specialists). Start bank, followed by grocer.
Turn 176 (40 AD): Another great general (settled). There are coming fast during this period. If you are wondering how I can take so many attacks without loss, look at the following picture:
7-10 first strikes! It is very rare for an attacker to do any damage at all. The drill promotions also reduce collateral damage from siege weapons. No other unit can get this many first strikes (not even the chokonu). You might wonder why I gave the unit city raider and charge promotions. I plan to upgrade to grenadiers soon and will lose the opportunity to take these promotions after that. I want all possible promotions in the long run.
Turn 177 (55 AD): Economics in. Get both a great merchant and engineer (both settled). Research Construction, Engineering, Gunpowder, Chemistry. My Statue of Zeus is cashed in for 417 gold.
Turn 183 (145 AD): Start Parthenon.
Turn 187 (205 AD): Parthenon becomes 466 gold. Start Chichen Itza.
Turn 189 (235 AD): Chemistry in. Start Liberalism. Note that none of the AIs has Paper yet, so I've got the slingshot for sure.
Turn 191 (265 AD): Great general (settled).
Turn 192 (280 AD): Great prophet (settled). Stop Liberalism one turn from completion. Research Scientific Method.
Turn 193 (295 AD): Chichen Itza becomes 602 gold. Start Notre Dame.
Turn 199 (385 AD): Scientific method in. Finish Liberalism.
Turn 200 (400 AD): Liberalism in. Pick Biology. Research Divine Right. Stop Notre Dame to build National Park. Great general settled.
Turn 203 (445 AD): National Park in, huge surge in growth. Finish Notre Dame, followed by Taoist temple, Islamic temple, mosque, pagoda, Confucian academy, and cathedral (lots of happy and lots of priest specialists).
Turn 205 (475 AD): Divine right in. Found Islam. Research Military Science.
Turn 209 (535 AD): Great prophet settled.
Turn 210 (550 AD): Military science in. Research Sailing, Calender, Replaceable Parts, and Steam Power. I start upgrading to grenadiers, starting with Geronimo, my lowest experience unit. I want to keep the experience as even as possible.
Turn 219 (685 AD): Great general settled.
Turn 222 (730 AD): Build spy (to counter espionage, which is becoming a nuisance), followed by colosseum.
Turn 225 (775 AD): Steam power in. Research Nationalism, Constitution, Corporation, and Assembly Line. Start levee.
Turn 226 (790 AD): Great general settled.
Turn 227 (805 AD): Levee in. Build University of Sankore and Spiral Minaret, both to within 1 turn of completion.
The levee gives a huge boost to my production as seen here:
My troops continue to develop, but Geronimo can't seem to earn any experience, due to making him a medic:
The save game at this point:
View attachment mwilliam AD-0805.CivBeyondSwordSave