Deity Always War OCC

But playing Vanilla denies you an important if not the most important strategy of this scenario: the Great Generals.
With them you can increase your units experience right out the barracks and have powerful, heavily promoted and upgraded for free units.

I guess the strategy for this game will not work without GGs.
It is. Note that having 10-12 units with 300-350 xp might be better then 4 with 1200. Woodsman3 + Drill4 + CR3 + Combat6 + Commando + Pinch + Formation is all you need for 99.9-100% odds vs top defender late game.
It is. Note that having 10-12 units with 300-350 xp might be better then 4 with 1200. Woodsman3 + Drill4 + CR3 + Combat6 + Commando + Pinch + Formation is all you need for 99.9-100% odds vs top defender late game.

Even the defending is not so easy, when you have to actually build something else than units (sometimes it's easy, but sometimes there is just huge stacks same time with catapults from many players...). I am currently researching CS and building longbows for coming enemy rush (I already lost it 2 times..).
IMO it's hardly winnable w/o huts. OP got BW from huts and pulled Oracle->CS gambit leading to Lib->Biology gambit.

Defending is less of a problem here. Having 2-4 woodsman axes kept me out of trouble for long time.
I lost when enemy got Maces before I got samurais. It is quite difficult to even defend..Maybe I'll replay and choose better tech path (I didn't even got any religion..).
Is there an event that pops uranium? (like you can pop gold or silver mines?)

Because nukes would really help in this scenario (provided you are the one getting them :-))

I've tried this scenario when it was first posted, and refused to pop the huts "in optimal order". I managed to survive pretty well but never had a chance of breaking out.

I think the original "solution" also relies very strongly on cheap unit overflow gold going into upgrades in order to get a lot of city raider mech ints...

Tempted to try again. Thread necromancy ftw!

Heh, on rereading the thread it seems that I made quite a number of posts there, some of which in a discussion with you. Now I just need to find a day without anything to do...
Had some fun this again.. :)

On my last attempt (Deity) I finally managed the Oracle > CS slingshot (1700 BC).
I only got Mining from the 1st hut, subsequent huts give me other stuff (gold, then XP) regardless of the order.

Tech orders was Hunting > BW > Pottery > Writing

I think the key in getting the sling shot is getting a library up ASAP combined with get BW quickly as well to get the gold / silver / gem mines.

In this attempt I researched CoL @ 1800 BC, but had to wait 4 turns for the GS to bulb Math. Not sure if I research Writing before BW I'd be faster.

I found Vanatteveldt's save w/o huts, events, espionage and vassals here. I will use this in my next attempts, as it allows to compare strategies better.

I would like to learn your starting strategies, esp. if you are plauing w/o huts
Hah! This thread was posted back in 2007 before the over-flow mechanism was broken (due to catastrophic bug in last patch)... Yet I've been pointed to this thread many times the last two weeks since I've popped around again for nostalgia.

One thing I noticed is people are putting a little too much weight into the UU. It's an interesting UU, and you can do a few tricks with them, but I played an awful LOT of deity Always War games years ago, and it always comes down to Long-Bows. So I avoided what everyone was doing and went my LongBow path... That said, I still built a few UUs for kicks, and also for the fact you can promote them to CR-III, to go on the offensive later. The long-bows get their CG-III instead.

My micromanaging wasn't perfect after a while, but I didn't care, this start makes it pretty hard to lose once you have your basics set up. I never even bothered to lightbulb anything, and decided to go for more of a regular game style of mine, instead of pulling off insane oracle sling-shots... really, with this ridiculous start, non of that should be needed...

The biggest problem I had, is stupid Raggy kept DoWing on someone else... and I got robbed of extra GGs and promotions because he was too scared to suicide more units into my bloody-hill across the river, LOL. Another reason why Events really messes up a fun game... Grrrrr.

After Action Report:
Spoiler :

Nothing fancy... no insane gambits... honestly, Metal-casting is good enough...I'm happy to have it and won't complain.

Again, nothing fancy here... I'll take Astro please...

One of my favourite exploits I used to do back in the day... When Firaxis made CG & Hills promotions illegal on MGs, I started to build crossbows for JUST that purpose, to later upgrade them to MGs. AHAH! Put that in your pipe and smoke it Firaxis...

The promotions you see on my selected tank are what all my tanks are looking like... and NO, they are not with any generals attached. Those are just my REGULAR tanks... and I have level 8 units of anything I want right out of the gate... My machine-guns oddly as it may seam are mostly city readier-III (among a billion other promotions). In a few turns they will be mech-inf to be some really nice city crackers and healers, etc.

Why am I now finishing the internet, when I have such a huge tech-lead that it wont net me anything? I guess for the same reason I even built the rock&roll.. ahah! I just wanted to keep hitting end-turn and build something pointless.

Now for the reality check, none of the AI's are close to me in tech, none of them can win through AP, UN, or any other means... no one even has close to 100 years from a culture vic... And I am soon to go on offensive with an untouchable army of tanks & mech-inf, and I can even soon bring in Modern Armour or anything else I want... if I want.

And of course this silly game is set on epic-speed cheat.... as if the AI can't have anything else skewed against it.... With over 400 turns in... I am punching out, as I just do not have the patience anymore to do the clean-up. I think it's obvious the end is a forgone conclusion here, and I think I'll hop down into a standard-speed game instead this evening.


Was fun... but not anywhere as thrilling as non-cooked settings... don't you think?
Ah what a fun this thread was!
Main point of UU is base str 8 versus 6 of longbows, 2 additional first strikes don't hurt either.
Gkey sighting!

Ha..yeah, I played this one years ago. The map setup was nice. Fort that hill in the entrance and watch AI sacrifice millions of units on your GG Longbow/Rifle. I don't think I was very really able to break out, but wasn't very good at that time.
Cottages? Who are you and what have you done with obsolete?:eek:

Like lymond I wasn't good (well, maybe I'm still not, but worse then) when I tried and didn't get very far. Do remember a couple things
-without dualdoc's incredible luck of BW from a hut, I thought the forests on all the resources were somewhat counterproductive (esp. with japan's horrid starting techs)
-made we wonder about AI stack behavior; things were pretty straightforward if they attack as soon as they get to you but if they pause a few turns (and 3-4 AI unit groups arrive) can get rather dicey.
I just played that map a week ago (again). The whole hut thing was somehow hard coded into the game. Take the one north east first and you get mining. Then head straight for the one south east and you'll get masonry. After that take the most northern one for BW.

You can build every WW in the game (exept the TGL and Colossus), be tech leader for the entire game (for a while I was even top of the board mid game) and get multiple 1000+xp units. Chose to (really) breakout with modern weapons. 8 GG CR3 commando mech infantry to go clockwise and a normal stack with modern armor, mobile artillery and so on to go counterclockwise. I am pretty sure you could also do it with cavs and rifles (or grenadiers).

Cottages are better here btw, because of the limited health you have till biology.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that under no circumstances do you want to build the UN for (obvious) reasons.
Cottages? Who are you and what have you done with obsolete?:eek:

-without dualdoc's incredible luck of BW from a hut...

I never popped BW, and we RARELY should needed to in order to win a game. I still LOL @ those needing lucky-huts to pull through a game... So, if it fails, just re-roll and try, try, try again? Seems to be the direction a lot of players were in from reading the posts.... sigh. What happened to winning a game without cheating?

As for the cotts, the added poison from all the silly river-desert-plains tiles kind of negated the point of putting a farm down in this instance, no? Not to mention, figures we had a useless financial trait, only possible way to make use of it here.

I will honestly say, I am pretty sure a non-tampered OCC-Monarch map, or even Noble is much harder to play than this silly HOF map for AW...despite the scary deity term.

It was a little fun for experimenting I guess with a UU from a civ I never play... but not as fun as winning a legit game.
Deity Conquest Victory 980AD by Samurai + Grenadier (later). Score 59891 Augustus Caesar
All great general became Samurai Warlord (2 later ones became Grenadiers), none settled and main sweeping force consists of 6 High level Samurai Warlords (2move + Commando) going deep inside enemy territories.

Earlier Warring with Statue of Zeus was key as it keep adding more and more War weariness to your enemies and cripple their cities so much.

Some milestones:
1) Civil Service slingshot BC-1875
2) Pyramid + Great Lib BC-1300
3) Education + Machinery BC-575 this is when I started producing samurais non-stop
4) Shaka done AD-0040
5) Boudica done AD-0295
6) Toku done AD-565
7) Monty done AD-760
8) Khan done AD-960
9) Hammurabi done AD-970

It was a fun game!
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