Demogame Constitution


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Code of Laws
A.  Citizen Rights
    1.  Naming Rights
      a.  City Names
          All cities founded by Fanatannia will be named by citizens
          using a rank-based system.  The President will maintain 
          this list in a thread.  Should a citizen fail to provide a 
          city name, they will be skipped until they provide a city 
          name.  The Director of Expansion will include the city name 
          to be used in the instructions to found that city.  No 
          citizen may name more than one city until all citizens 
          have named a city.       
          1.  Ranking Order - elected officials
              The rank order is based on the term and the Chain of 
              Command.  All officials of an earlier term have priority
              over officials of a later term.  Within a term, the 
              Chain of Command will determine who has priority.  
          2.  Ranking Order - citizens
              Once all elected officials have named cities, the 
              Citizen Regsitry will be used to name cities, using the 
              order citizens were registered.
      b.  Province Names
          The first Governor of a province will name the province.
      c.  Unit Names
          The Commander of Armed Forces will utilize the unit naming 
          preferences within the Citizen Registry thread to rename all 
          military units.  
      d.  Natural Feature Names
          All natural features within a province may be named by the 
          Governor of the province.

    2.  Confirmation Polls
        a.  Confirmation polls are used in certain, specified 
            situations to challenge the decision of an elected official.
            Confirmation polls may be used only when explicitly allowed 
            by law.  Any citizen may create a confirmation poll, should 
            one not already exist.  This poll must be created within 24 
            hours of the appointment or decision, and ask the question 
            "Do you approve of the <description of decision>?", with 
            Yes, No and Abstain option.  If the confirmation poll 
            directly concerns a citizen (e.g. appointment), this poll 
            is to be private, as it is a form of an election.  The poll
            will run for 2 days. At the end of the time, if a majority 
            of the citizens vote "No", the decision is overturned. Any 
            other result approves the decision.

H.  Elections, Deputies and Vacancies
    1.  Nominations and Debate
        a.  Nominations will be created by the Election Office 7 days 
            prior to the end of the month.  Citizens may nominate 
            themself or another citizen in this thread.  Citizens may 
            also post pre-nominations in the Election Office thread if 
            they will not be present during the nomination period.  
            This nomination thread should contain a description of the 
        b.  All debates will be within the nomination thread, and will
            continue through the end of the election cycle.  Any citizen 
            may post questions for the candidates to answer.  Candidates 
            may answer or not answer as they wish.
        c.  A nomination is not considered Accepted until the candidate 
            makes an explicit post.  All self-nominations are considered 
            Accepted unless otherwise stated.
    2.  Election Polls
        a.  Election polls will be created by the Election Office 3 
            days after the Nomination threads are created.  These polls 
            will contain the names of all Accepted candidates for the 
            office, a description of the office, a link to the 
            nomination thread, be set to run for 3 days and be marked 
        b.  Should a citizen Accept multiple nominations, and does not
            explicitly clarify which office they wish to run for, the 
            Election Office will use the first office they Accepted.
        c.  The citizen with the most votes at the close of the poll 
            is the winner of the election.  Should two or more 
            candidates tie at the end of the election poll with the 
            same number of votes, a runoff election of two days 
            duration will be conducted with the tied candidates only. 
            This process shall continue until one candidate receives 
            the most votes.
    3.  General
        a.  The Election Cycle will run from the first nomination thread 
            is opened until the last runoff poll closes.
        b.  All threads and polls should be posted at approximately 00:00 
            GMT on the correct day.

    4.  Deputies
        a.  For all positions with deputies, the leader may appoint the 
            citizen of their choice as their deputy.
    5.  Vacant Offices
        a.  An official or Justice may declare themselves to be 
            Absent for a period of time. This period may not exceed 1 
            week.  During this time, the deputy or pro-tem will act 
            with all power and duties of that office, surrendering 
            them to the official or Justice when they return or at 
            the end of the planned absence, whichever comes first.
        b.  Should an official fail to post in the DG forum for 3
            days in a thread related to their area without prior 
            notice, the Judiciary may declare that office Vacant.

        c.  If a Justice has not posted on any active Judicial matter 
            for three days, the remaining Justices may declare the 
            Justice Vacant.  If all three Justices fail to post on 
            any active Judicial matter for 3 days, the President may 
            declare all Judicial offices Vacant, and immediately 
            appoint a new Chief Justice.

I.  Polling Standards
    1.  Any poll posted by an official of the Democracy game is considered 
        official and binding, unless otherwise stated. 
    2.  All polls must simply and clearly state the question and all 
        options in a neutral manner, and contain an abstain option. 
    3.  A poll should state the objectives of the poll and the time 
        limit (if any) of the poll. 
    4.  A poll must also contain all releveant information, including 
        links to the respective ministry thread, discussion, and other 
    5.  All official polls will be public unless they deal with 
        specific citizens.  Those polls must be private.
We, the people of Fanatannia, in order to create an atmosphere of 
friendship, cooperation, and pride, establish this Constitution of our 
beloved country. We uphold the beliefs that each citizen must have an
equal voice in the government and ruling of our country, that 
government itself is a construct of and servant to the people, that 
rules, regulations, and laws should be established to facilitate the 
active participation of the people and to make possible the dreams and 
desires of the citizens.

Article A.  All Civfanatics Forum users who register in the Citizen 
            Registry are citizens of our country. Citizens have the 
            right to assemble, the right to free movement, the right 
            to free speech, the right to a fair and speedy trial, the
	    right to representation, the right to name units (within
	    the naming convention), the right to request an 
	    investigation into possible violations of law and the 
	    right to vote.

Article B.  Governing rules shall consist of these Articles of the 
            Constitution, any amendments that follow and the Code of 
            Laws. No rule shall be valid that contradicts these 

Article C.  The government will consist of four branches: Strategic 
            Branch, Tactical Branch, Judicial Branch, and the General 

Article D.  The Strategic Branch consists of the President, the Vice 
            President, and the Consuls. The Consuls, as listed below, 
            are in tasked with deciding on the broader picture of how 
            Fanatannia will operate.
            1.  President - Leads discussions crossing over multiple 
                areas of different Consuls. He/she will also decide on 
                any strategic tasks not designated to another consul 
                in this constitution. The President is the primary 
                designated player. He/she has the following 
                responsibilities, and may appoint a citizen to oversee 
                a responsibility: Naming of Cities and Units, 
                Elections, and Polling Standards. These appointed 
                officials remain in office until removed by a 
                President. The President also leads discussion on how 
                to use military and scientific great leaders.

            2.  Vice President - Assistant to the President. He/she may 
                take over the President's tasks when the President is 
                absent. If the President should be removed from office 
                for any reason the Vice President will then take the 
                position of President and appoint a Vice President. 
                The Vice President must be approved by a majority of 
                the consuls, if the Vice President is appointed mid-term.

            3.  Consul for Domestic Policy - Oversees long term 
                settlement, long term worker plans, and long term city 
                development objectives. Plans government switches.

            4.  Consul for External Policy - Oversees long term planning 
                of policy regarding other nations. This includes 
                military plans, long term foreign affairs, and long term 
                trading goals.

            5.  Consul for Cultural Policy - Monitors culture. Pushes 
                for culture improvements. Fits science and religious 
                improvements into the big picture. Plans wonder 

            6.  Consul for Resources and Technology Policy - Decides on 
                long term tech queues, long term resource policies, 
                long term fiscal policies.

Article E.  The Tactical Branch consists of the the officials in charge 
            of micromanagement of the game, within the boundaries of 
            the Strategic Branch's policy. The Tactical Branch consists 
            of the officials below.

            1.  Commander of Armed Forces - Micromanages the military 
                operations against foreign countries and unit 
                (excluding worker, settler, and non-military transport) 

            2.  Director of Commerce - Decides on foreign affairs and 
                trading. Sets exact tech queue. Manages budget. Adjusts 
                slider and approves/denies requests from leaders 
                regarding the use of gold. Also decides on espionage 

            3.  Director of Infrastructure - Controls the worker 
                actions. Reviews requests from governors about worker 
                requests and accepts/denies these.

            4.  Director of Expansion - Decides on where to settle with 
                settlers. The Director of Expansion also oversees the 
                creation of provincal boundaries. Controls movement of 
                settlers and settler carrying transports.

            5.  Governors - Each Governor shall determine any policies 
                and procedures needed to carry out their duties. 
                Governors are responsible for the care, management, 
                use of the cities, and use of lands of a province 
                through the setting of build queues, allocation of 
                laborers on tiles, population rushes and drafting of 
                citizen soldiers.

Article F.  The Judiciary or Judicial Branch is tasked with upholding,
            defending, and interpreting the laws of Fanatannia. The
            Judiciary also upholds the rights of all citizens. The 
            Judiciary may create Judicial Procedures which define how 
            the Judiciary will operate. These procedures must be 
            approved by 2/3 of the justices. These procedures are lower 
            than the Constitution and Code of Laws, so they must be 
            within the boundaries of the constitution. The Chief 
            Justice, Judge Advocate, and Public defender make up the 

            1.  Chief Justice - Organizes and heads the affairs and 
                discussions of the court. May take place of other 
                Justices if there is no pro-term justice.

            2.  Judge Advocate - Prosecutes Citizen Complaints if the 
                Citizen Complaint is filed anonymously or the accuser 
                wishes to have the Judge Advocate prosecute. He/she 
                ensures CCs are following constitution, code of laws, 
                and court procedures guidelines.

            3.  Public Defender - Acts as Chief Attorney for the 
                accused, unless the accused wishes otherwise. 
                Ensures the accused understands his/her rights and the

Article G.  The Citizens make up the General Assembly. The General 
            Assembly is tasked with the creation of laws and leading 
            the elected officials. After a law is created or changed 
            by the citizenry, it is presented to the Judiciary to 
            ensure it is in the correct format and does not violate 
            the constitution.
Article H.  No person shall hold multiple positions of leadership 
            (Strategic, Tactical, Judiciary, or Deputy) simultaneously, 
            nor shall have more than one accepted nomination at the 
            commencement of the general election.

            1.  All elected positions shall have a fixed term of one
            2.  Each position will be granted to the candidate
                receiving the largest number of votes in that election.
                In the event of a tie between two or more front
                runners, a runoff poll shall be opened between those
                candidates only. This poll shall run for 2 days, and 
                be repeated as often as needed to resolve the tie.
            3.  All Strategic and Tactical positions shall have a
                deputy. The Deputy will be permitted to conduct the 
                affairs of the office as directed, or during a planned
                Absence of the elected official. If no instructions 
                have been posted for an office within 24 hours of the 
                upcoming Game Session, the deputy for that office may
                post the official instructions for the office.

            3.  The Judiciary does not use deputies. In the event of 
                an Absence, a pro-tem justice(s) may be appointed by 
                the Chief Justice (or Judge Advocate if the Chief 
                Justice if absent) and confirmed by the President and 
                the remaining justice if not also absent. If both the 
                Chief Justice and the Judge Advocate are absent, the 
                Public Defender may appoint pro-tems to the other 
                seats, with Presidential approval.

            4.  The President will appoint a citizen to any Vacant
                office. If a deputy exists for that office, the 
                President must appoint that citizen. This appointment 
                may be challenged by any citizen by that citizen 
                posting a confirmation poll within 24 hours of the 

Article I.  Elected officials must plan and act according to the Will
            of the People.  The Will of the People will be determined
            through discussions and polls.

Article J.  All irreversible game actions must progress during a 
            scheduled game session while reversible game actions 
            (i.e. build queues) that adhere to legal instructions can 
            be prepared offline before the scheduled game session. 
            1.  An instruction thread must be created at least 3 days 
                before the scheduled turnchat.
                a.  All official instructions must be posted in the 
                    current instruction thread. Instructions must be 
                    clear and defined.
                b.  Officials must post their instructions at least 
                    one hour before the game session. Offcials may 
                    make changes to their instructions up to an hour 
                    before the game session, so long as those changes 
                    are clearly noted.                  
            2.  The Designated Player shall be charged with the creation 
                of a date and time for all gameplay sessions.
                a.  The DP must specify when scheduling the gameplay 
                    session (or when posting the TCIT) whether it will 
                    be an online or offline gameplay session.             
                b.  Any citizen may create a confirmation poll if they 
                    disagree with any particulars for a scheduled game
                    session.  Any such poll must run for at least 24 
                    hours and be considered final at the start of the 
                    scheduled game session.                

Article K.  The Constitution, laws and standards of Japanatica can 
            never be contrary to the rules and regulations of the 
            Civfanatics forums.  Moderators may veto any such 
            constitutional amendments, laws or standards.  

Article L.  Commission of any game action by any person other than the 
            Designated Player while carrying out their duties that is 
            not instantly reversible without reloading the save is 
            strictly forbidden.
            1.  Exception: Determining options in the renegotiation of 
                Peace agreements requires an action of acceptance or war 
                to exit the bargain screen. This may be done but the game 
                must be immediately closed without saving. 

Article M.  All elected/appointed officials are charged with the duty 
            to post enough information for the citizens to make a 
            informed decision. This includes information from the save, 
            discussions, and past polls. Any citizen of the demogame 
            may demand an official to supply more information within 
            their area. A elected official may appoint a citizen to do 
            this task for them.

            1.  Each Minister shall post a basic department update, 
                every turnchat, inside of there respective Ministry 
                thread. This update must include information about the 
                progress of the minister and their respective duties.
I'm not sure if this should be posted here, but I noticed a couple things in the constitution. Minor nitpicks really.

1) Article J.2.a mentions the TCIT, which is not exlained. I don't even know what TCIT stands for. (Actually now that I think about it, it's probably "Turn Chat Instruction Thread", but I still believe it should be spelled out in the constitution).

2) Article K mentions Japanatica, which doesn't apply to this demogame. :)
I'm surprised that they're isn't an intelligence directorate, dont you get intel on the cities that you're about to waste??

or does that fall under a different consul or something??
As recorded by this poll the Code of Laws was amended to add criteria for amending the Code of Laws, and to allow a confirmation poll for deputies.

Y.  Amending the Code of Laws
    1.  A Proposed Poll post must be posted in the discussion 
        thread for the amendment for 24 hours before submission 
        to the Judiciary for review.  This post must include 
        the current text and the proposed text.
    2.  Judicial approval of the Amendment.
    3.  A poll which is open for at least 96 hours, which states
        the text of the proposed section(s), the text of the
        section(s) being replaced and the posing the question
        in the form of Yes/No/Abstain.
    4.  To pass, the proposal must meet both of the following 
        a.  A 55% majority of all votes cast.
        b.  The total number of votes must exceed 37% of the census.

The following will be changed:
4.  Deputies
        a.  For all positions with deputies, the leader may appoint the 
            citizen of their choice as their deputy.  [b]This appointment may
            be challenged by a confirmation poll.[/b]
Bolded text is the change.
As recorded by this poll the Constitution was amended to add articles defining the Census, and defining the manner in which the Constitution may be amended, as follows.

Article X.  The Census is defined as the average number of votes cast,
            dropping fractions, in each of the contested elections in
            the most recent general elections.  
            1.  Should more than 3 citizens request it within a 48 
            hour period in the Judiciary thread, the Chief Justice 
            will create a poll to determine a true Census.  The results
            of this poll will override any previous Census.             
Article Y.  As this is intended to be a living document, and can change,
            this Constitution may be Amended as outlined below.
            1.  A Proposed Poll post must be posted in the discussion 
                thread for the amendment for 24 hours before submission 
                to the Judiciary for review.  This post must include 
                the current text and the proposed text.
            2.  Judicial approval of the Amendment  
            3.  A poll which is open for at least 96 hours, which states
                the text of the proposed section(s), the text of the
                section(s) being replaced and the posing the question
                in the form of Yes/No/Abstain.
            4.  To pass, the proposal must meet one of the following 
                a.  A 2/3 majority of all votes cast.
                b.  A simple majority of all votes cast and the total
                    number of votes exceeds 60% of the Census.
As recorded by this poll, Articles D and E of the Constitution were amended as follows.

Article D.  The Strategic Branch consists of the President, the Vice 
            President, and the Consuls. The Consuls, as listed below, 
            are in tasked with deciding on the broader picture of how 
            Fanatannia will operate.

. . .  Sections 1-2 unaffected

            3.  Consul for Domestic Policy - Oversees long term 
                settlement, long term worker plans, and long term city 
                development objectives. Plans government switches.
                Decides on where to settle with settlers. Oversees the  
                creation of provincal boundaries. Controls movement of 
                settlers, escorts, and settler carrying transports.
                Plans switching the economy between normal and mobilized.

. . . Remainder of article D unaffected

Article E.  The Tactical Branch consists of the the officials in charge 
            of micromanagement of the game, within the boundaries of 
            the Strategic Branch's policy. The Tactical Branch consists 
            of the officials below.

. . .  Sections 1-3 unaffected
Section 4 deleted, section 5 renumbered to 4

            4.  Governors - Each Governor shall determine any policies 
                and procedures needed to carry out their duties. 
                Governors are responsible for the care, management, 
                use of the cities, and use of lands of a province 
                through the setting of build queues, allocation of 
                laborers on tiles, population rushes and drafting of 
                citizen soldiers.
Articles D and E of the Constitution were amended as follows, as recorded by this poll.

New text, changes are hilighted, bold for insertions / changes, strikethrough for major deletions. Unaffected sections skipped.

Article D.
            1.  President - Leads discussions crossing over multiple 
                areas of different Consuls. [b]Sets the overall budget
                and balances financial needs.[/b]  He/she will also decide on 
                any strategic tasks not designated to another consul 
                in this constitution. The President is the primary 
                designated player. He/she has the following 
                responsibilities, and may appoint a citizen to oversee 
                a responsibility: Naming of Cities and Units, 
                Elections, and Polling Standards. These appointed 
                officials remain in office until removed by a 
                President. The President also leads discussion on how 
                to use military and scientific great leaders.

            4.  Consul for External Policy - Oversees planning 
                of policy regarding other nations. This includes 
                military [b]objectives[/b], [b]declarations of war, peace
                treaties, alliances, rights of passage, and mutual protection
                pacts.  Authorizes building of embassies, diplomatic missions,
                and espionage missions.  Authorizes trade embargoes[/b]

            5.  Consul for Cultural Policy - Monitors culture. Pushes 
                for culture improvements [b]and authorizes cash rushing of
                improvements.[/b]  Plans wonder strategy.  [b]Authorizes use of
                luxury slider vs specialists.[/b]

            6.  Consul for Resources and Technology Policy - [b]Decides on 
                tech queues, science slider, and all trades which do not involve
                items specifically listed under other consuls.  Authorizes use
                of tech and resources by other departments.[/b]

Article E.
            1.  Commander of Armed Forces - Micromanages the military 
                operations against foreign countries and unit 
                (excluding worker, settler, and non-military transport) 
                movements.  [b]Plans military operations within the boundaries
                set by the Consul for External Affairs regarding military
                objectives.  Authorizes unit upgrades within the budget
                limits set by the President.[/b]

            [s]2.  Director of Commerce - Decides on foreign affairs and 
                trading. Sets exact tech queue. Also decides on espionage 
The Code of Laws has been amended with regard to naming rights, as evidenced by this poll .

New Changes are in Bold
A.  Citizen Rights
    1.  Naming Rights
      a.  City Names
          All cities founded by Fanatannia will be named by citizens
          using a rank-based system.  The President will maintain 
          this list in a thread.  Should a citizen fail to provide a 
          city name, they will be skipped until they provide a city 
          name.  [B]The President (or appointee) will include the city names 
          to be used in the TCIT[/B].  No citizen may name more
          than one city until all citizens have named a city.

      c.  Unit Names
          The [B]President (or appointee)[/B] will utilize the unit naming
          preferences within the Citizen Registry thread to rename
          all military units.  [B]Unit names to be used will be included in
          the TCIT.
          1. Naming Convention - Unit names will include a unit type 
              designation.  If the citizen did not include an appropriate 
              type then one will be added by the DP.  Ex: "Spice Raider" is
              designated in the Citizen Registry, so the DP will name it:
              "MDI - Spice Raider".
          2. Ease of Game Play - We will go through the citizen registry
              only one time to get unit names.  Once we have gone 
              through the list any new citizens will be added to the next
              built unit.  Also, any citizen whose named unit no longer 
              exists may request from the President (or designate) to 
              have a new unit named with their choice.
          3. Renaming Existing Units - After upgrades the DP may rename
              units as appropriate at the next convienent time.  Any
              existing units not following these naming conventions may
              also be renamed by the DP as appropriate at the next
              convienent time.
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