
Jun 15, 2017

350+ New responses!

Growing a little bored with the repetitiveness of the AI and how they interact, I decided to start a collection of new dialogue lines to bring more flavor into the game. This mod adds 350+ new responses for most of these interactions. I kept the tone of Civ5 in mind when building this project, so there wouldn't be any silly or outrageous lines found. Most of the new lines are fitted for any AI player to use them as they are listed as "generic", but I plan to add more unique lines for individual leaders in the future. This only adds onto the AI lines that can already be extended upon (only TXT_KEY lines ending in a number).

This mod is built for the Community Patch (7/17) which you can download here. May be compatible with previous versions, but not tested with those in mind.

Diplomacy Extended (v1)
File size: 15 KB

Adding your own dialogue
  1. Open the DiplomacyExtended.sql file.
  2. Find the dialogue category you want to add to (E.g. TXT_KEY_DENOUNCE) and create a new line copying one of the pre-existing ones for that category.
  3. Change the number on the TXT_KEY line. All custom dialogue must have its own unique identifier or the game will reject the whole file! (E.g. you cannot have two copies of "TXT_KEY_DENOUNCE_4".
  4. Add in your custom dialogue between the set of apostrophes after the TXT_KEY. E.g. ('TXT_KEY_DENOUNCE_11', 'YOUR CUSTOM DIALOGUE GOES HERE'),
  5. Save and launch the game.

I'm not very good at writing authentic-sounding dialogue, so the vast majority compiled into this mod are stripped from custom Civilization mods on the Steam Workshop. I do not take credit for them in any way. The mods used are listed in the "credits.txt" file in the mod folder.

Feel free to leave any suggestions or feedback below.
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('TXT_KEY_GENERIC_RESPONSE_HUMAN_STOP_CONVERSIONS_DISAGREE_5',        'Your missionaries have been...annoyances. Remove them before we remove them by force.'),

The AI says this line when you ask the AI to stop sending missionaries to YOU, but it doesn't make sense in that context. I assume it's meant to be for when the AI asks you to stop sending missionaries to them.
This mod breaks several things in the dialogue screen and is currently incompatible with Vox Populi; you lose the ability to end a declaration of friendship or ask them to move their troops, as examples. AIs also weren't able to declare war in response to insults (or respond at all, in fact. The screen just disappears after you click the button.)
This mod breaks several things in the dialogue screen and is currently incompatible with Vox Populi; you lose the ability to end a declaration of friendship or ask them to move their troops, as examples. AIs also weren't able to declare war in response to insults (or respond at all, in fact. The screen just disappears after you click the button.)
I find the same thing, I have disabled it for now.
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