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Discussion: Events


Feb 7, 2006
A handful of events have been scripted so far, but so much more can be added, and the coding for the existing ones often need a tune-up. Here's the basic text I'm using for the event triggers to give you an idea of what I'm thinking of.

Spoiler :
"Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair (name of city) where we lay our scene, have received a fatal blow to their standing. Two of their children fell into a doomed romance, which eventually killed them both. The feuding families have temporarily put aside their quarrels and built a monument honoring the star-crossed lovers."

"The recent dead are rising from their graves! We don't know if it's radiation from a satellite, an evil spell, or a new virus. All we know is that they're out for human flesh!"

"A sorceress has taken out her wrath on a village outside of (name of city), transforming the locals into swine."

"Men across the country have suddenly become furiously angry. White and blue collar workers have been spreading mayhem and raging against corporate culture. Corporate institutions across the nation have taken severe blows because of this."

"A man has come forward claiming to be the leader of the anti-corporate movement that's been spreading across the country. His ID says otherwise, but he's identified himself as Tyler Durden."

"A local population of highly intelligent elephants has absorbed our culture. Their leader, Babar, newly crowned and newly civilized, has demanded independence for his people and the end of the exploitation of ivory."

"A documentary about a little known band has become a smash hit. The band, called Spinal Tap, has created a new hit single."

"Broadway has produced a smash hit with its controvertial new musical, "Springtime for (name of foreign leader)", an unprecedented political satire. Our audiences love it, but (name of foreign leader) has gotten a little peeved."

"Enemies of justice beware, a vigilante has taken to the streets of (name of city). The vigilante, calling himself [The Shadow, Batman, Spider-man, Green Arrow, The Spirit, The Rocketeer, Rorschach, The Green Hornet, The Flash, The Punisher], has taken down crime rates and made the citizens of (name of city) feel safe." (recurring event)

"Enemies of injustice beware, a crazed, powerful criminal has taken to the streets of (name of city). The criminal, calling himself [The Joker, Fantomas, Cheetah, Green Goblin, Bullseye, Absorbing Man, Bane, Sylar, Syndrome, Diabolik], has raised crime rates and left the citizens of (name of city) in fear."(recurring event)

"A group of actors in (name of city) have stumbled upon a spy plot. By impersonating the key players in the enemy's plan, they've managed to avert disater."

"A man with a strange accent has been found in (name of city). The man, though a bit dazed, claims to be from a place called Connet-tickut, from about 1000 years into the future. He has some knowledge from that time which may prove useful."

"Four members of our nobility have been accused and found guilty of kidnapping a group of young men and women and holding them in a private estate. Over a period of four months, the kidnapped youths were humiliated, tortured, and eventually killed. International press has found out and branded the incident, "120 Days of Sodom"."

"A pasture outside of (name of city) has undergone a revolt! The animals have thrown out their master and established a dictatorship of the quadrupeds."

"The ongoing war has driven our women to desperate measures. They have refused to "love" their husbands until the war ends."

"Some local filmmakers have made a few movies, but unfortunately no one wants to see them. However, we've recieved an offer from a research institute called Gizmonic that's willing to try a marketing scheme that will make the films more watchable, if we can cover the cost of a satellite launch."

"Some careless archaeologists working on the area around The Pyramids have accidentally ressurrected the corpse of an ancient prince named Imhotep. The mummy, now arisen, aims to wreak havok on our land!"

"Rumors of a great ape 35 feet high have been confirmed. The ape known as Kong, a beast worshipped by native tribes, has been spotted."

"The great beast called Kong has been defeated. While the animal himself is no more, a filmmaker was able to document him during his life. The documentary of Kong has won the filmmaker great acclaim. (A Great Artist has been born in our lands)"

"A fair young woman named Medusa has angered the gods. As punishment, they have made her so ugly that her face can turn men to stone. Angered at her fate, she has begun to rampage across the countryside."

"Medusa's hideous head has been cut. Amazingly, a young horse has risen from the demon's blood. Not only that, this horse has wings."

"A former nursemaid has revealed something scandalous about the captain of the ship called Pinafore. It turns out that the captain was switched at birth with one of the ship's seamen. Their true classes revealed, they've switched places. Naturally, the performance of the Pinafore has suffered a little."

"According to marine biologists worldwide, the dolphins have gone. Just up and disappeared. The last recorded dolphin activity was a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double-backwards-somersault through a hoop whilst whistling 'The Star Spangled Banner'. With the loss of a natural predator, fish populations have boomed globally."

"A great wolf of terrible ferocity has been spotted in a local forest. Are you afraid?"

"A great lizard with a plethora of heads has been seen in our lands! Frightened villagers have dubbed the seemingly invincible creature, "The Hydra"."

"A terrible lizard has been spotted in our lands. Who knows what terror this wyrm will cause!"

"A great reptile, mutated beyond recognition by nuclear tests, has been sighted near our shoreline. Locals have called the beast, "Gojira"."

"The statue of a recently slain nobleman has come to life and sought out his killer. The killer, a famed lover named Giovanni, has been dragged down to hell by his stone adversary. Incidentally, his servant has gotten hold of Giovanni's memoirs."

"The Olympian god Hermes has come to earth to ask for your help in judging a beauty contest between three goddesses. All of them are equally beautiful, and all of them have offered you a reward for choosing them."
...huh. I was going to reccomend an event about King Kong or A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, but I see you've beaten me to the punch. :lol:

Something about sea monsters is a must, though - a giant Kracken as spawned in your lands, a ship has been attacked by a beast at sea... I dunno, something.
Some ideas:

Parts of the world are transformed to tundra (Fimbul winter), barbarian giants spawn around the world, in every city with :religion: an Einherjar (fallen Norse heroes from Valhalla, coming back to fight in Ragnarök) spawns and disappears after the end of Ragnarök

The Zone:
A nuclear power plant explodes, damaging your city and creating an area of fallout called "The Zone", in the Zone barbarians (the S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s) spawn as well as anomalies that grant you :science: as well as a chance to gain powerful items/artifacts

The Electoral War:
Your head of the state is involved in a sex scandal (*caugh*Clinton*caugh*) and you...
*...do nothing, causing massive unhappiness and a loss of cultur
*...let your population believe, you are in a war with another country, which could lead to a war with this empire

Due to massive :yuck: or fallout pollution parts of your population turn into mutants. If you can befriend them, they return to your city, increasing :hammers:, else your population decreases and barbarian mutants appear near your city
There is much fiction about alien invasions, how about we combine all of them to one big event which spawns all kinds of alien units like Tripods, flying saucers, Marsians, Vortigaunts, Chimera, Scrin, etc.
There is much fiction about alien invasions, how about we combine all of them to one big event which spawns all kinds of alien units like Tripods, flying saucers, Marsians, Vortigaunts, Chimera, Scrin and even Kang and Kodos.

Event ideas!

Excellent Adventure

"A pair of teenage humans have come out of a strange device,they speak strangly and dress oddly,what will you do with them?"


Requires Military Supercomputers(Military Supercomputers should be a tech that requires Shielding,Bionics and Computers)

"Our military supercomputer,Skynet,has gone berserk and has taken control of our nuclear weapons and robots."

All of your nukes,Cyborgs and Assault mechs are taken to a city of yours which becomes barbarian.All units in the affected are moved to your nearest city.You get a group of Fury Road-esque units near the Barbarian city.


Requires Black Mesa corporation

"There are reports around the country of aliens coming out of portals.Similar reports exist in other countries."

Around all countries aliens appear.One of the countries gets a Gordon Freeman Hero unit.

Borg Invasion(If the mod will go this far)

Requires Advanced Shielding and Cold Fusion(Maybe possibly a FF tech are 2)

"Aliens are invading,proclaiming "we are the Borg,you will assimilated,resistance is futile".

Barbarian Cyborgs and Borg Cubes appear around the world.


Requires a cloning center

"A Pokemon,known as Mewtwo,has escaped the cloning center in (insert city here) and has gone on a rampage."

Cloning center destroyed.
Mewtwo appears.
as far as I can tell, BSG has not yet found it's way into this mod, so.

Archeologists working on a dig have found the remains of a small vessel near the skeleton of a man and a woman (who died of cancer), both of which have been dated conclusively to 150,000 Y.B.P. The ship seems designed for Human hands, and is fairly undamaged. While this throws all our beleifs about human evolution in disarray, our engineer believe they are able to restore the Ship to working capabilities.

Receive 1 Raptor (If it aint modeled, yet, I'll gladly model it)
Not a bad idea. And those other events could be tied into corporations easily.

Oh, here are some other ones that may make it into future updates.

- Police Officer Robot: A defense contractor in (name of city) has made innovations in both robotics and law enforcement. They have two lines set up now. One is a large mecha with lots of firepower but somewhat faulty programming. The other is a cybernetically enhanced former police officer who is more effective, but given to bouts of existential crisis. (the one you choose will affect your happiness ratings and maintenances costs)

- Red Death: a strain of the plague, causing profuse bleeding in its victims, has struck (name of city). The local prince has agreed to keep the nobility locked safely in his palace at the expense of the peasantry. He has tendencies towards unseemly ideologies. Shall we trust him with his plan?

- The Rand Illusion: A famous architect has protested the construction of his latest project after discovering that other engineers have fixed several errors in his blueprints. He claims that his intellectual property has not been respected. Shall we let the building be built as it was originally desgined or keep the amendments. (As designed, you get a random building which has a 30% chance of collapsing in the next 5 turns, keep the changes and the architect will destroy the building)
One thing I feel we should add - thinking internal continuity - is the Awakening of Magic. It's such a core part of our fiction's future, it feels weird not to have it in the game. I'm thinking an event that turns a bunch of units into Elves/Dwarves/Orcs, but, like, modern ones - in most cases, stronger than Modern Era units.

Y'know, some cyberpunk elves with rifles or something. Maybe some barbarian monsters. Probably akin to one of the "world apocalypse" scenarios that we've been thinking up (Terminator, War of the Worlds, all that).

Actually, I was wondering... is it possible to mod in a full-on CIVILIZATION to appear? Like, an NPC Terminator Civ led by Skynet, or the Martians or an independent CyberElf state... maybe a bunch of cities will "revolt" into that or something. I mean, I know Revolutions has a system in that vein, but... y'know what I'm getting at? Because I think that'd be pretty cool.
One thing I feel we should add - thinking internal continuity - is the Awakening of Magic. It's such a core part of our fiction's future, it feels weird not to have it in the game. I'm thinking an event that turns a bunch of units into Elves/Dwarves/Orcs, but, like, modern ones - in most cases, stronger than Modern Era units.

Y'know, some cyberpunk elves with rifles or something. Maybe some barbarian monsters. Probably akin to one of the "world apocalypse" scenarios that we've been thinking up (Terminator, War of the Worlds, all that).

Actually, I was wondering... is it possible to mod in a full-on CIVILIZATION to appear? Like, an NPC Terminator Civ led by Skynet, or the Martians or an independent CyberElf state... maybe a bunch of cities will "revolt" into that or something. I mean, I know Revolutions has a system in that vein, but... y'know what I'm getting at? Because I think that'd be pretty cool.

You know, that's a prety cool idea! I'm no expert on the technical part of modding, but a similar system appears in the Rhye's and Fall mod.

I think I nice way to add the Awakening of Magic would be to create of project called Metahuman Rights Laws (or something like that, I'm gonna check if there's a suitable project existing in the Shadowrun universe). At some point in the game magic returns and alongside global riots, world-wide pandemics, troops turning into ghouls and the creation of independent metahuman nations, this project becomes built-able. As soon as the project's finished, the riots stop and the nation gets access to a unit for each of the four (or five, if we count wizards) main metahuman species - something like Heavy Troll Infantry or Elf Snipers and so on.
Speaking of wizards, the Metahuman Rights Laws might also give access to a religion-specific wizard unit. After all, in the Shadowrun universe there are, for instance, a Catholic and a Hindu school of magic.
I'd been thinking the same thing, though it may simply be a project. After all, in our continuity the Awakening was caused by a century-long conspiracy of mages working towards an end.

I figured it would work somewhat like the Hogwarts Wonder we have now-it would spread all religions into all cities, giving access to the various units of each religion, plus some special wonders like the Alliance Wonders we have right now.
I had an idea for an event based on Turtledove's "The Guns of the South" (about time travelers selling confederates AK-47s) It would be good for any period before modern.

“A man wearing mottled green clothing and speaking in a strange, guttural accent has visited our general staff to offer rifles which can fire thirty rounds in only a few seconds, with considerable accuracy. In exchange, he would like us to adopt slavery. What can possibly go wrong?”
- Adopt slavery and gain ability to produce 5 marines
- Turn the fellow away.
How about an alien themed event?

Such as "An ancient pryamid found buried in the ground has released hundreds of flesh-eating monsters!"

This should cause Barbarian Xenomorphs spawn in your territory

or how about an "I am Legend" event like this one below:

"A famed cure for cancer has caused our people to transform into zombies called Darkseekers."

This would subtract 1 population point from all cities and turn them into barbarian zombies.

And for the Super Hero event...

"The super human protector, [The Shadow, Batman, Spider-man, Green Arrow, The Spirit, The Rocketeer, Rorschach, The Green Hornet, The Flash, The Punisher], of (city name) has recived a new, darker, and alien outfit that increases his strength, but makes him more aggresive.

You need the super hero event first.

Here are some more random ones:

"An alien spaceship has crashed in the middle of a desert in our borders and we found a strange alien gun that cyberneticly connects to the user."

You gain 1 cyborg and it only takes place in any era below future.

"A diety of (random religon) has offered you all his power for a week, how will use it?"

One choice will grant you limitless money and the other will allow no one in your cities to be unhappy.

How about a few new quests:

"After the great disaster, A missionary has begun a quest to return our great religion to the city of [city's name]."

occurs after a disaster event, one city loses the state religion, barbarian Fury Road-esque units that cannot attack your city spawn around it; Your mission: return the religion to that city

Rewards: religion spreads to one city in every nation, you gain two new cities, or you can start a golden age

"Sire, Man has declared war on the gods and their fury has been spread all over the world!"

Barbarian religious units, not of your state religion, appear all over your territory; Your Mission: defeat them all

Rewards: All nations convert to your religion, 1000 pieces of gold, or a 20 turn golden age.

"An organization of arms dealers have kidnaped our brightest men and are forcing them to make weapons, we have organized extraordinary gentlemen to fight this threat."

Requires two or more hero units, a barbarian city is formed outside your borders; your mission: destroy the city

Rewards: A great person, 2 new technologies, or the city itself.
I hate to break it to you, but this mod is pretty much dead, and the modmod I'm making for this has reached a technical standstill.
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