• Imhotep >> JUST PLAYED
  • Atlas >> Military Advisor (just hit F5 if you need him ;) )
  • pigswill >> UP NOW
  • Ozbenno >> ON DECK
  • berserks01
  • GreyFox
  • sunrise089
Greyfox: Part of my justification for Alt-Cavs is that I'm lazy and this game is crazy-huge by now. But also, I'm tempted to just focus all the units on the bottom where we face weaker defenders.

Tasty, low hanging fruit....
Does this have anything to do with seving the loser's balls for lunch? :p
Double post ...
The good news is I can load the save (and my computer has managed huge maps on Earth18). The bad news is I'd like another skip atm but I should be free to play in a few days.
There are 150 turns left in this game. Currently we are in the box seat but all can change quickly here...

I whip a couple of buildings in unhappy cities, wince at the troop situation down south, upgrade a couple of CR maces to rifles and press enter...

Cyrus suicides a few rifles and knights against our troops at Pharsalos and manages to kill one rifle for his efforts.

No attacks from Willem down south, so he is in range from our seige in Luxembourg.

There was some talk of Nationhood. It will save us some cash and allow drafting and the value of Bureaucracy is long gone with a huge empire so we bite the bullet.

There is a GG lying about, I'll find somewhere to merge him. Otrar is our highest hammer city without a merged GG and is marked for Heroic Epic so its done here. I notice the GS marked 'for GA' :blush:

Another turn passes with no major attacks (2 random Willem suicides) and we are out of anarchy and can up the science rate 10%.

Our newly upgraded CR rifles, cavalry and trebuchets make mince meat of Willem at Luxembourg but I've only got 15 troops and 5 seige. After they all attack and win he still has 6 units inside, oh well next turn then.

We get another GG though.

Luxembourg is liberated.

Chemistry comes in, replaced by Steel.

The battle of Pharsalos has lots of carnage. We suicide 4 trebs and then teh fun begins. We win 15 or so battles but lose 4 rifles at over 60%. Next turn, we lose 4 more troops but take down many more. A third turn is required.

The drafting angle has hit a snag. We're taking 5:mad: from WW and 1 from emacipation. An extra 3 for drafting is hard to take so we draft sparingly. The culture slider is put up as well, which meant a turn detour to Drama.

An extra city is founded as well.

The turn after I arrive with troops at Mainz, Huayna gets rifles.

We take Pharsalos though.

I play 11 turns so we get to Steel. We may need Democracy for getting some more happiness, so Constitution selected but no beakers. Military Science would also be OK.

Everywhere that can is building cannons.

We take Mainz last turn as well.

And generate a GG, who is sitting at Turfan.

The troops are healing in Mainz and Pharsalos and an expeditionary force has set out on the sea in Greek territory. We are very low on seige in the west and have some that can be upgraded next turn in Mainz.

There has been no counter from the Greeks for the last few turns so a quick advance (even without seige) might work.

Huayna must only have 3-4 cities left, so another quick advance might get rid of him as well (less WW). There is a rogue elephant just behind the front lines to clean up as well.

Tech-wise, Fred has Steam Power, Churchill has Military Science and 3 have Constitution.
Nice set Oz :goodjob: But that just means it'll be mostly a builders set for me to get more siege to the warfront :sad:

I don't like hitting cities with high defenses without siege since it'll mean bad odds for our experienced troops, so I won't hit any unless the odds are > 80%.
Wonderful progress we have. Although Luxemburg is worriedly thin on defense, but generally we have expanded good.

The heading for democracy is questionable. Most of our redshirts problem is more of a lack of temple, theatre. I would instead head for military science or communism. If we choose military science, I would build nothing but maces now in our capitol for upgrades to CR3 grenies. If we choose communism, I would build more Christian monasteries now as SciMeth would obsolete them. BTW, on the 43% chance that we get another scientists next turn, we can bulb part of SciMeth.

Reporting for duty. Just another brick in the magnificent edifice being carefully constructed by the Legendary Builder.
We have a GS hanging about (I didn't notice until after I had revolted) so we can use him to bulb Sci meth if we want.

The southern army does have some seige berserks so you can use that. The western has some on the way to the front and a small stack going exploring as we don't know where any of the Greek cities are.

EDIT: There are rifles headed for the southern front. I was intending them for Luxembourg. It will be a good candidate for the draft once we get some culture here as well.
Ah, but the GS is marked "for GAge". Nobody dare to touch him ;) That's why I mentioned if the next one is also GS, then bulb SciMeth if we are heading for communism. Else, the two of them could start a golden age -- it is significantly better.

Ozzy, no need to feel guilty abt noticing the GS after the revolt, as there is nothing you can do (we need two GP to start another GAge). :) Now you can sleep better. :lol:
I planned on playing tonite, but hit a snag. I'll need a skip this round. Sorry for the delay, guys.
The heading for democracy is questionable. Most of our redshirts problem is more of a lack of temple, theatre. I would instead head for military science or communism. If we choose military science, I would build nothing but maces now in our capitol for upgrades to CR3 grenies. If we choose communism
Agreed, we don't need democracy, better to kill whoever is in Emancipation and end that problem.

As for redfaces, sounds like not enough slaving of theatres, when in doubt slave and then draft a rifle for good measure. Oh and for God's sake find your highest food city, build Globe theatre and GO CRAZY :yup:
Got it.

See what type of GP we get next turn: hope to not get a GS and launch a Golden Age.

Techwise constiution gives us jails which could be useful buildings so I'd reckon to finish it off. If we've got rifles we don't really need milsci, so scimeth>communism (or scimeth>physics>artillery?)

Build cannon and theatres.

Won't have time to play tonight, maybe not even tomorrow but we'll see how it goes.
(Probably) better late than never.

1835. Start Globe in Florence (small pop/high food).
Great Prophet + Great Scientist = Golden Age (6 turns!).
Tit for tat killings near Ephesus.
Leptis builds a christian monastery.

1840. Karakorum starts Ironworks.
Carthage starts National Epic (highest gppt city).
GG combines with elephant to form a White Elephant (medic3, very good luck for any nearby units).

1845. Carthage completes National Epic.
SoL bidl.
More skirmishes and tit for tat killings.

1850. Start West Point in Otrar (HE city).

1852. Constution>Scimeth. (note change in years/turn).

1854. Start seige of Aachen.

1856. More seige of Aachen. Lose 6 cannon, kill 10 rifle/cav.

1858. End of seige of Aachen. Lose 1 cannon, kill 10 knight/cats. Capture and keep city.
Finish Globe in Florence.

1860. Finish Ironworks in Karakorum.
Capture/keep Megara. Lose 3 cannon, kill 4 cav, 5 rifles.
Scimeth>Liberalism (communism pre-req, no beakers yet).

As well as constitution and scimeth I spent a huge hunk of money on upgrading eles and knights to cavalry and trebs to cannon. Mainly building cannon, drafted for four rounds coz our cities ain't happy. Built sundry theatres, temples, markets etc to try to improve happiness slightly. We've got 10 hindu monasteries, 5 christian and 1 islamic but we won't be building any more.

Our cavalry stack is 2 east of Luxemburg. Lux is lightly defended. Got a few cannon heading south. The celtic stack is significant: 6 cav, 10 rifles, 11 trebs.

A bit further west we've got Aachen:

Honey appears to be on the way out and has probably just lost most of his spare units. Could maybe combine Aachen stack with Luxemburg cavalry and try to stomp celtic stack before polishing off HRE.

News from the North West Frontier:

More cannon consists of 8 rifles and 10 cannon, steady stream trickling slowly towards the front lines.

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