You're quite right fjordan, phants are perfect for the stack i described, forgot he has ivory. With Theo they're close (3xp) to formation already. They can be whipped, overflow can be used etc. Also their higher base strength makes them better compared to pikes when wounded.A bit controversial maybe but i believe that before building anything big (>100 hammers) or building units you should always build a forge, it just cuts down on everything after. It takes some annoying micro to get full value due to rounding down but it's good whatever when whipping.
Tech from lib is really hard to decide, would be bad taking gunpowder and find out you can't trade for nationalism when you plan to start drafting, but often you can. I think i would prefer nationalism to pp as freebie (also on the chance that i can trade for constitution directly) but think it's close compared to gunpowder.I leave it to DMOC in the end.
Chem is bulbed after pp if you don't know astro, if you do know astro SM'll be first. Also if you want to bulb astro you should delay gunpowder otherwise chem will be bulbed.
Tech from lib is really hard to decide, would be bad taking gunpowder and find out you can't trade for nationalism when you plan to start drafting, but often you can. I think i would prefer nationalism to pp as freebie (also on the chance that i can trade for constitution directly) but think it's close compared to gunpowder.I leave it to DMOC in the end.
Chem is bulbed after pp if you don't know astro, if you do know astro SM'll be first. Also if you want to bulb astro you should delay gunpowder otherwise chem will be bulbed.