Do you guys like actual/classical music?

I don't listen much to music, but when I do I prefer classical. But there are a lot of music nowadays that is good too.

And it's not called "actual music", but "contemporary music" btw.
Classical music is great in movies and video games and I do like a lot of classical pieces to listen to in general but I think rock music is the pinnacle of music development we as a species have reached to this date.
I like jazz, but I find that a lot of it that I like is influenced by classical.

also, this piece.
Hey maybe someone could open a thread about classical music in "what music are you listening..." kind of style, where people would post classical pieces they like? Like "getting to know classical music" or something.
People who like classical music, but don't know much about it ("Who composed that something I heard somewhere", "Wow never heard that before" etc.)
I would... I mean many people would benefit from such a thread.

:please: :please: :please:
Hey maybe someone could open a thread about classical music in "what music are you listening..." kind of style, where people would post classical pieces they like? Like "getting to know classical music" or something.
People who like classical music, but don't know much about it ("Who composed that something I heard somewhere", "Wow never heard that before" etc.)
I would... I mean many people would benefit from such a thread.

:please: :please: :please:
Way to use the search function.
I'm a fan of any and all music made with more than just commercial success in mind.
I do like classical music. A lot of more modern (i.e. rock/rap/pop) music I find to lack any real substance or complexity. The music that does satisfy the pursuit of artistry in me is often very obscure. I honestly cannot disagree more with Civver regarding rock music. Far, very far from a pinnacle of art.

That said, while I do find artistic merit in some "classical" music, generally pre-1900 music seems very much constrained as a genre, or obsessed with romantic ideas of emotion. I'm more drawn to Schoenberg or Shostakovich than Mozart or Bach (shun their names) because they appeal to my formalist fetish, which seems more artistic than finding 99 ways to complete the same basic chord progression.
computer games and movie soundtracks have actually turned me onto classical music. Civ 2,3, and 4 in particular have turned me onto it. But I've also loved it when rock/metal bands have performed with an orchestra. those were cool too.

I wouldn't be caught dead listening to the music I listen to now when I was a kid. But once you reach a certain age, you don't give a crap what people think. I listen to classical and some jazz most of the time now. I only listen to Metal when I'm pumping up for the gym, or if I want to get my body pumped up for some other reason.
Yes. I only listen to KUSC in my car which is the classical station run out of the University of Southern California.
Classical music is great in movies and video games and I do like a lot of classical pieces to listen to in general but I think rock music is the pinnacle of music development we as a species have reached to this date.

Er, Classical music is "actual" music, isn't it? At least I've always thought so...

No music has ever been written that is better than Mahler. FACT!
I greatly enjoy classical music: it's enriched my life since childhood, when I heard it while playing around on my AM/FM radio. I was raised in a home where all non-religious music was banned, though my father and older sister listened to "oldies" and country music respectively when my mom wasn't around. My listening to classical made me an oddity.

There is no distinction for me between classical music and 'actual' music; it IS music to me, whereas heavy metal and rap would only qualify as such on a technicality.
The only music I can study or read with at all is classical or world. No lyrics especially. As a matter of fact, as i'm writing this I'm listening to lyrical music, and I can't type straight. Ugh.

I do like to just listen to classical though. It offers a release from the norm. World music like Willie and Lobo produces the same result.
I like actual music.
It's probably an incorrect translation. I think the OP means "contemporary" music.

It's a very common mistake for people who's mother tongue is Dutch (the Dutch word "actueel" means contemporary, current, "present-day"). Apparently it's the same with other European languages.

Correct me if I'm wrong, eduhum... :)

Personally, I like both kinds of music, and I really don't have a favourite. I guess it depends on the mood I'm in.
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