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Do you think the patch improved the game?

Do you think the patch improved the game?

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Before this patch, getting offered a city in a peace deal did not incur a negative diplo modifier. However, taking one during the war and have it ceded to you in the peace agreement always gives me a -18. So what use it to cede then? Thought this was a bug, but it's still there for me post patch. Anyone else with this issue? Getting a permanent -18 removes much fun for me.
Some baby step improvements. One thing I don't really like is the barbs seem get even more powerful. In my first game I lowered the level all the way to king to see what happens. In 20 turns my capital already drew 2 camps of barbs. One attacked me with a steady stream of horsemen, the other one with a mixture of archers and melee units. This trend combining with the increased cost of settler and buildings mean playing aggressively is just so much superior and reliable than other strategies, a trend I don't really like.
I don't like the 10% increased cost from district buildings, It more than negates the reduced cost of districts themselves. When taking into account cheaper sewers, I'm still at a net loss as a Tall builder type player.

Currently playing on quick speed with a basic mod that increases techs/civics cost by 25% to give me time to build something other than building spam.
This could be somewhat true, possibly it is best to remove pre-patch mods completely. On the Steam discussion forum a moderator recommended this: Delete the content in the Mod folder, delete Mods.sqlite file one level up, unsubscribe from you mods in the Workshop and verify the game files.

What do you mean by delete Mods.sqlite file? Sorry. I'm new to this.
Too many bugs introduced, new friendly AI makes for less interesting games. Not a fan.

Fix the bugs, tweak the AI or put in an option to have the AI be more aggressive (but not berserk) and I think the patch will be fine. Unfortunately, I think the former is unlikely any time soon and the latter is unlikely at all (given that they never did it for Civ5 despite the many complaints of a passive AI there too).

Edit...and the 4 month wait to get this makes it unacceptable IMO. There are no major feature or additions so the tweaks that were made should have been ROCK SOLID. Instead we get a patch that looks like it's half-baked.
Significantly so, lost again on immortal to space. Lead AI 15-20 techs ahead. I played my final gambit of DOWing on the lead, but when you have 3-4 AI 20 techs ahead, with me and a couple of AI in the middle and a further 3 AI 10-15 techs behind us, even if I knocked out the lead AI, it was pointless. Another AI not even on my continent launched, there was no chance =[

I need to play smarter and more agressively. The Fall patch lulled me into playing very sloppy since it was easy to catch up even if you fall behind on tech and most of the time, only 1 AI can pull ahead. Post patch, there will be AI tech leaders slamming those campus research projects. I can only imagine they need to be roped into wars.

As for bugs

  • Looks like the spy bug is still in? I hit a point where I can't assign spies to entire AI civs. Or is it a policy effect that I have missed?
  • Another bug appears to be AI will refuse an alliance even when friends. Never had them agree
  • There's also a UI bug where you can keep adding items to the trade, the AI will appear to accept, but when you hit accept, it won't let you, because the UI isn't updating properly
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I don't like the 10% increased cost from district buildings, It more than negates the reduced cost of districts themselves. When taking into account cheaper sewers, I'm still at a net loss as a Tall builder type player.

Currently playing on quick speed with a basic mod that increases techs/civics cost by 25% to give me time to build something other than building spam.

What helps is that you can buy Buildings as soon as the district is done. If you have Jesuit Education, your faith in Boat-Mormonism will help as well. Raw production (as you can only build one thing per city) needs to be used on things you can't simply (or at least easily) buy. But to be fair, since units take a lot of production/gold, Tall will likely never be viable. At least, not against competent opponents. Looking at you, AI.
What do you mean by delete Mods.sqlite file? Sorry. I'm new to this.

There's a file named "Mods.sqlite". And it has to be deleted for the game to 'forget' there were any mods installed.
Here, I just recopy his full post, which is more detailed:

Spoiler :
From https://steamcommunity.com/app/289070/discussions/0/135512305401215196/:

Go to: My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods
And delete all files there.
Go on folder up (so here: My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI)
And delete "Mods.sqlite"

Then go on the Steam webpage, to the workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/app/289070/workshop/
Point to "Browse" (under the logo, directly next to "Home") and click on "Subscribed items".
Then unsubscribe from all of them.

After that, go to your Steam Library and verify game files of Civlization VI (this should clear out any file changes/"mods" that altered those).

Now the game has no recollection of any community content you had. Happy civving!
You know guys, I also want to note that I am really satisfied with some more seldomly mentioned updates to the game after the patch, like the updated trade route chooser, the path showing of a unit after clicking on it a second time after giving it the command, and that I can hover over notification icons without the terrain tooltip showing up.
I'm still playing, but I admit I'm a bit embarrassed about the bugs. I am hesitant to even recommend this game to anyone. I still love the game, even despite the bugs. It has a draw to me that Civ5 just didn't have. Civ 5 just rubbed me the wrong way, and I can't fathom going back to it. Though I have been meaning to try mod in that game (I have never played it with any mods), but will never play it again unmodded. Civ6 I still get enjoyment out of planning and building my empire with regards to districts and wonders. The early game is the best, but I generally finish all of my games.

Maybe someone can come up with a mod to make the AI aggressive again. Who knows. If not, I'll poke around in the files and see what I can do.

Anyone finding it more difficult to get the popup tooltip for terrain info? I use this a lot, especially if I'm not sure if the hex is improved or not (sometimes I can't really tell unless I zoom in).
I think it's just that when a company grows large enough, a form of "corporate bureaucracy" steps in, and things start to go awry. Everything has to be approved by this board or that manager etc. It doesn't necessarily have to be that way, but it often is. In another game I play a lot, Tales of Maj'Eyal (it's free, try it :)), the last time there was a patch that broke something, a fix came in less than an hour - but it's mostly a one-man project.

Aye, I expect you are right; I expect there is lots of middle-management. I worked for a national company a few years back; it was agile, responded to change and did things within weeks/months. They were bought out by a multi-national; it took years to make decisions, years to agree stuff and years to get things done. I left after 6 years and went to a smaller national company. Much more productive.
There's a file named "Mods.sqlite". And it has to be deleted for the game to 'forget' there were any mods installed.
Here, I just recopy his full post, which is more detailed:

Spoiler :
From https://steamcommunity.com/app/289070/discussions/0/135512305401215196/:

Go to: My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods
And delete all files there.
Go on folder up (so here: My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI)
And delete "Mods.sqlite"

Then go on the Steam webpage, to the workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/app/289070/workshop/
Point to "Browse" (under the logo, directly next to "Home") and click on "Subscribed items".
Then unsubscribe from all of them.

After that, go to your Steam Library and verify game files of Civlization VI (this should clear out any file changes/"mods" that altered those).

Now the game has no recollection of any community content you had. Happy civving!

Wait a second, wasn't this version of Civ released as being the most friendly ever for modding? Why should people have to uninstall all of their mods just to get the game to work properly after a patch if this is indeed the case?? I'm getting quite frustrated with updates that are forced upon a community with no option of waiting to see if the update is good. It reminds me of when I had to work on Access databases (ugh) using Office 97, and a free version of Office 2000 was available. It took 3 years of bug fixes to get 2000 almost up to 97's standard. At least I had the option of not upgrading, so I didn't. Here I have no choice. But I digress....
There's a file named "Mods.sqlite". And it has to be deleted for the game to 'forget' there were any mods installed.
Here, I just recopy his full post, which is more detailed:

Spoiler :
From https://steamcommunity.com/app/289070/discussions/0/135512305401215196/:

Go to: My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI\Mods
And delete all files there.
Go on folder up (so here: My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization VI)
And delete "Mods.sqlite"

Then go on the Steam webpage, to the workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/app/289070/workshop/
Point to "Browse" (under the logo, directly next to "Home") and click on "Subscribed items".
Then unsubscribe from all of them.

After that, go to your Steam Library and verify game files of Civlization VI (this should clear out any file changes/"mods" that altered those).

Now the game has no recollection of any community content you had. Happy civving!

Well, I guess I'm doing this tonight. Have you noticed any better results with the patch?
Wait a second, wasn't this version of Civ released as being the most friendly ever for modding? Why should people have to uninstall all of their mods just to get the game to work properly after a patch if this is indeed the case??[...]

Can't comment on this, I'm no programmer or very much IT guy. I only had MadDjinn's tech tree mod, which got invalidated because of the new wonder and UU, I guess.

Well, I guess I'm doing this tonight. Have you noticed any better results with the patch?

The general rebalancing and other changes feel nice and mostly ok, but bugs... Oh Lord, new bugs are crushing. Trade deals and diplomacy interactions got hit the hardest, it seems. Now there's little point to chase great artists, etc., because AI will sell all their great works, relics, etc. for 1 gold.
The general rebalancing and other changes feel nice and mostly ok, but bugs... Oh Lord, new bugs are crushing. Trade deals and diplomacy interactions got hit the hardest, it seems. Now there's little point to chase great artists, etc., because AI will sell all their great works, relics, etc. for 1 gold.

That's the big one I'm hoping will go away if I remove my mods. How about AI over-friendliness? My first game with the patch had a super aggressive Rome, so I thought the concerns were overblown, but now I don't think so. I've always been able to get the AI to like me, but now it's just automatic.
I'm just not seeing the super friendly AI everyone is talking about. My current game I have one ally and am at war with another AI, all 4/5 of the other AI think are unfriendly to me and one is neutral.

AI *should* be friendly to you if you aren't going out of your way to piss them off. Did people really prefer being hated for the duration of their games by everyone?
I'm just not seeing the super friendly AI everyone is talking about. My current game I have one ally and am at war with another AI, all 4/5 of the other AI think are unfriendly to me and one is neutral.

AI *should* be friendly to you if you aren't going out of your way to piss them off. Did people really prefer being hated for the duration of their games by everyone?

I did about three games since the patch and I always got this over-friendly AI. I liked it better before, I wish they would have worked on diplomatic tools and fine-tuning what we already had instead of changing the AI attitude so drastically. It feels cartoonish now.
For me its a really good patch. I've had no issues whatsoever that I can tell. None of the bugs that have been reported so maybe I've been lucky :) I'm playing a tiny map to test things out with Arabia and enjoying the game so far 337 turns in.

I really like the UI changes, improved clearer font, multi movement tracker and city shot reminder all very welcome.
I'm just not seeing the super friendly AI everyone is talking about. My current game I have one ally and am at war with another AI, all 4/5 of the other AI think are unfriendly to me and one is neutral.

AI *should* be friendly to you if you aren't going out of your way to piss them off. Did people really prefer being hated for the duration of their games by everyone?

Being hated by everyone for no reason? No, not a fan either. But I shouldn't be able to go through large chunks of the game without having a viable standing military.

SOMEONE should try and exploit my weakness to expand their territory, particularly early in the game when it's easy to take cities and late in the game when everyone has run out of room to expand.

I don't think there should be constant warfare, but there should be constant THREAT of warfare ("If you desire peace, prepare for war"). If you don't feel that threat, the rest of the game goes out the window IMO.
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