Originally posted by Pontiuth Pilate
In case you didn't realize, that was a little thing I like to call "satire"
until death or divorce do them part.
They should revise the ceremony to include the divorce partit just sounds so.... y'know.... "till death or divorce do us part!"
@ COMRADDICT, ANDVRUSS and other wackos:
If the purpose of marriage is raising kids, then should sterile or impotent folks be allowed to marry? What about if a couple states right out that they WON'T have children? Should they still be allowed to marry? What if I meet the girl of my dreams - at age 73? Should I still be allowed to marry?
Your argument is grade A manure.
I didn't say that the purpose of marriage is to have children. That isn't what it is primarily about. I am not anit-gay or lebsian, I just wish that they would ty to change form their......ways. I presume morals don't matter to you, Pontiuth, so I can't really argue against you.
It isn't moral and Biblical what they are doing.