Does anyone find this sick?

they want special status. they want us all to know that they are gay!

Do you want to hide the fact that you're straight?
Neither are they obsessed with being gay. They merely want the same rights that YOU do.

Pontiuth Pilate, you have mom and dad, not two dads. Live with it.

Why should this matter to me? If my parents were white [which they are] should this mean I SHOULDN'T CARE if we suddenly denied Koreans the right to vote?

I defend EVERYONE'S rights no matter if they're like me or not.
Bunch a damn homophobes. Anyone should be able to get married to anyone else. As long as they are more or less adults
I hope it passes, but I doubt it will.

EDIT: The outrage that I caused has spurred me not only to sign this petition (even though I dislike Falwell), but to send it to dozens of people who otherwise would not have known about it. Thanks for bringing it to my aatention, Archer!
I hope it passes

Why? Why should YOU care about other people's behavior that neither harms you nor affects you?

How does homosexuality affect society negatively?

If you're talking about "defending our traditions", you should keep in mind that when you talk about "tradition", you're talking about a tradition of REPRESSING homosexuality. A tradition based on intolerance is not worth fighting for.
Originally posted by Comraddict
For all that think marriage is not about kids: ask yourself how come we have 6-7 billion humans, and how did you come on world?
How did we come into the world? Easy: SEXUAL REPRODUCTION. Marriage is not a required precondition of sexual reproduction, any two people of different genders can engage in this activity, married or not. Lesbians can go to sperm banks, and everyone can adopt.
Originally posted by Comraddict
And what is ultimate meaning of life? one that some of you can't live with - simply to extend our species.
Extension of our species isn't a meaning of life, it's a genetically induced drive/desire, one which can be circumvented with a condom.
I think marriage is about love between two human beings, and expressions of that love. I don't know for sure that homosexuals experience love in the same sense as heterosexuals do, but so far all evidence points to it. Hence, I say you let them marry.
everybody is entitled to their opinion. i am not going to try to change yours. good thing with gays is that they can't reproduce theirselves and make more gays.
Originally posted by Comraddict
everybody is entitled to their opinion. i am not going to try to change yours. good thing with gays is that they can't reproduce theirselves and make more gays.
Where the hell did you get the idea the homosexuality is hereditary?! If it was, how did they get here in the first place?
Originally posted by Comraddict
everybody is entitled to their opinion. i am not going to try to change yours. good thing with gays is that they can't reproduce theirselves and make more gays.

Especially seeing as they are still around :rolleyes:
superslug, you didn't understand me- I meant exactly what you said- even if they have kids there is less than 10% chance they will be gays.
Well technically a gay person could have a child with a straight person and pass on the gene...

...but there is no gay gene. Sorry to disappoint, but there isn't. Homoesexuality isn't hereditary, nor is it 'chosen' which leads me to beleive that it is a result of events in their life as a young child. Just a guess though, there is no real backing on that theory.
Originally posted by Comraddict
superslug, you didn't understand me- I meant exactly what you said- even if they have kids there is less than 10% chance they will be gays.
That 10% chance applies to all children.
Originally posted by archer_007
Homosexuality very likely has a genetic component.
I too believe that homosexuality is determined by genetics, but it's a combination of genetics that are in all human beings!
the gene...

I think homosexuality [and sexuality in general] is probably the result of the complex interaction of a large number of genes. Is there a "the gene" which determines if you prefer redheads or brunettes? ;)

good thing with gays is that they can't reproduce theirselves and make more gays.

Why don't we just kill them all and have done with it? :rolleyes:

You render satire redundant. I came to this thread satirically pretending to be a bigoted, ignorant extremist - only to be quickly outlcassed by the genuine species.
It's easier if you don't recognise marriage at all. Unfortunately it comes with the profound benefits of tax breaks, so it c an't be totally ignored...
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