Allow me to excerpt a little of Roundman's brilliant, wonderful argument. Of course, plagiarism cannot be allowed on these boards under any circumstances, so I highlight the passages which this naughty scribbler has stolen straight out of Hitler's masterpiece, Mein Kampf.
The homosexual marriage agenda is pushed by the radical leaders of the homosexual community. The people hate everything to do with our societies structure and history. Why shouldn't they? Afterall, they are in at a permanent disadvantage in any society in which reproduction and family are valued.
The extremist goal is not to give gays "equality"; their goal is to undermine the very tool of the heterosexual patriarchy that "oppresses" them, which is marriage. Gaining marriage rights isn't about equality, its about ruining a convention of their oppressors
Homosexuals have no comparative stake. Many are openly hostile to heterosexuals and reproduction. Furthermore, radical homosexuals are rabid advocates for abortion. That and invetro-fertilization. Afterall, they reason, if you take away aything that makes heterosexuals superior, then the heterosexual powerstructure can be undermined.
-Another goal for Homos: destroy gender roles. Marriage tends to uphold the age-old idea of "man" and "woman." It should be obvious why homsexuals are opposed to the standard gender definitions. Gender identification bothers them, as they blur the line between the sexes. Get rid of all gender roles, they figure, and they get rid of discrimination.
Homosexuals are between 2%-4% of the population. No other interest group of comparable size has such political power to muster. Why do they have it? Well, the homosexual radicals include people from the most educated and respected levels of our society. They have powerful figures that hide behind groups such as the ACLU (a group that wanted to set the sexual age of consent to 13, and served as the staunch defender of the gay pedophile club NAMBLA) to impose their will on an unwilling majority.
You condemn me for supporting the repression of homosexuality; I say that I am standing for our society.
I fear that these radicals have gained the upperhand, influencing the rhetoric of more moderate "Liberals" and convincing the average Joe that this is a struggle equivalent to that of the Black Man.
However, their radicals are willing subversives to everything that a heterosexual who cares about the family as we know it believes in. I don't think that loving, caring, homosexual partnerships are equal to loving, commitng, reproducing heterosexual couples. Heterosexuals and homosexuals are different at the basic level, and just as there are homsexual radicals, there need to be heterosexual radicals to balance their influence.
The lack of tradition doesn't give progress; it just shows that we are corpses without souls and that we need to do radical things to be able to live with ourselves.