Does anyone find this sick?

Originally posted by Comraddict
homo marriage is joke. they can't have biological kids. thru history i never heard of homo marriage until today! of course women didn't have rights etc before, but it is not same thing! purpose of marriage is love and making kids, raising family, making better future for kids.

I'm shocked, I thought you were a liberal, but here you disagreeing with the liberals in the only area they are correct about. (social issues) Besides you got your definition of the purpose of marraige wrong, everyone knows sthat marraige is used exclusively for religiously sanctioned sex.

P.S. If you actually looked into history you would find out that some Greeks and Romans really loved eachother.:eek:
Originally posted by Pontiuth Pilate
I hope it passes
Why? Why should YOU care about other people's behavior that neither harms you nor affects you?
How does homosexuality affect society negatively?
If you're talking about "defending our traditions", you should keep in mind that when you talk about "tradition", you're talking about a tradition of REPRESSING homosexuality. A tradition based on intolerance is not worth fighting for.

Because society is based on the actions of others effecting the actions of everyone else in a minute way. True, on the personal level, if two gay guys who I'll never meet get married it won't directly effect me. However, chancesare that if someone murders someone else I won't know either of them and it won't directly effect me either. Now I know that the two acts aren't equivalent, but it illustrates the point that just because something doesn't personally effect an individual doesn't mean that an act isn't harmful for society as a whole. I am not taking a religious/moral stand against gay marriage. I am not personally religious, and I don't believe in the concepts of natural rights or universal right and wrong. Let me explain why I am against Homosexual marriage:
Adaption of Mien Kamph subject deleted.

Moderator Action: Hmmm, lost this before, got buried under a heap of other reports to deal with. Warned trolling and bashing, but I suspect he trying to see how many posters he could catch agrreeing with Hitler, but Pilate exposed your trap, either way not within CFC standards.
Please read the forum rules:
Roundman, that is the most elaborate paranoid esoteric homophobia I have ever read in my life!'s a grand conspiracy of the homosexuals to take over the world....

That's usually what I hear from such stauch hate-homosexuals, on the media or on the street....
Originally posted by superslug
Roundman, that is the most elaborate paranoid esoteric homophobia I have ever read in my life!

Its the result of a great amount of reflection and hundreds of indepth conversations with people of all walks of life/orientations. Love me or hate me for it, I don't care. At least its not "God says so!"
Originally posted by The Yankee's a grand conspiracy of the homosexuals to take over the world....

Its not about taking over the world, its about destruction of their hated hetero-patriarchal system. What do you think about organizations such as NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love association? Its an association dedicated to seducing underage boys. That is what is truly sick to me. (It would be equally sick to form an organization to seduce underage girls as well, but I know of no such group that has the ACLU's support)
Originally posted by Roundman
Its the result of a great amount of reflection and hundreds of indepth conversationd with people of all walks of life/orientations.
Scotty, beam me up, there's no intelligent life down here. Scotty? Scotty?!
Originally posted by Roundman
Love me or hate me for it, I don't care.
Um...I think there's enough hate in it already.
Originally posted by Roundman
At least its not "God says so!"
Even if I seriously disagree with the direction it's taking, I do recongize you have a capacity for independent intellect.:goodjob:
Well, that association is pretty sickening, but it should not be representative of the whole homosexual community as a whole. I do hope anyone in NAMBLA does get arrested for whatever laws there are about this kind of thing. If the ACLU defends it, I think it's wrong of them to do so.

As for the people not in NAMBLA, I haven't seen very many of them going "Those damn heterosexuals, I hope they all die and grow impotent!" They're just looking to live their lives the way they see fit with the people they care about. Wouldn't you ask for the same thing if the situation were reversed?

As for this "destruction of the social order" garbage, it does sound a lot like some hysterical grand coup d'etat conspiracy that people love to throw around to justify their bigotry.
Great post roundman. It is great gift to transfer what you feel and think to words.

Today, I was reading bulletin board at work. One mom was asking what can she do so Christmas is more traditional. I'm very surprised that nobody was able to give her good answer. They even told her a specific way of giving gifts is traditional thing??

America does not have tradition.

This gay marriages, gifts, commercial holidays, movies and parental advisory music are just htere to fill the void...of emptiness.

The lack of tradition doesn't give progress; it just shows that we are corpses without souls and that we need to do radical things to be able to live with ourselves.
Originally posted by CivCube
Hopefully not. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets passed, sadly.

niether would i. but it is against freedom of speech and expression.
Comraddict, you are now a complete mystery quite honestly.

Tradition? Pushah! What has tradition ever gotten us?

Besides, unless one is actually gay, this debate is limited in its effectiveness.
This all makes as much sense as blaming the Jews or the Communists that are never around for corrupting society....

You know, some societies have a tradition of shutting up women and making them third-class citizens. If that tradition was done away with, would they all become soul-less pieces of flesh?

Face it, it's just a cover-up for bigotry. This used to be done to African-Americans. Let's hope this barrier will fall as well.
There is no freedom, or democracy. It is just (TV) illusion. I hope we agree on that. I'm not as free as Bill Gates, nor I have same influence. I don't have much infulence at all.
Originally posted by The Yankee
As for the people not in NAMBLA, I haven't seen very many of them going "Those damn heterosexuals, I hope they all die and grow impotent!"

I have seen such people. They didn't use those exact words, but how about a group of Lesbian abortion activists screaming "DESTROY THE ENEMY WITHIN!" I personally liked the gay contingent in one of my business classes arguing that marriage benefits and maternal leave should be eliminated, as they encourage unproductive activites and absenteeism. Its little things like this, day in and day out, that pile up.

They're just looking to live their lives the way they see fit with the people they care about. Wouldn't you ask for the same thing if the situation were reversed?

I don't think that they should be persecuted. They should be able to live in peace. However, a small group shouldn't be allowed to redifine an entire society's social conventions and traditions. Live together if you want, but don't force your views on an unwilling majority. That is the recipe for violent reaction.

As for this "destruction of the social order" garbage, it does sound a lot like some hysterical grand coup d'etat conspiracy that people love to throw around to justify their bigotry.

The idea of reproduction and securing the future is the key to any society's survival. Eliminate those fundamental ideals, replace them with hedonism and materialism, and the society's future is jeopardized.
Originally posted by Comraddict
There is no freedom, or democracy. It is just (TV) illusion. I hope we agree on that.
There's not a snowball's chance in hell I'll agree to that! Some of us still have grips on reality.
Originally posted by Comraddict
I'm not as free as Bill Gates, nor I have same influence. I don't have much infulence at all.
Wait, if you're not as free as Bill Gates, then you're at least partially free. Yet you just said there is no freedom. Can you at least make your paranoid delusions consistent?
Roundman, you are willing to deny basic rights to an entire community of people based on some radical wackos? I gueess you would deny those rights to everyone because they're in every community. And you seem to be one of them as well.

As for reproduction, I don't think we're in any danger of catching a "gay disease" that will turn us all gay and wipe out the human race. Get real. Another cover for bigotry. You sound like Taliban nuts, who oddly enough, did plenty of homosexual acts of their own.

Don't any of you realize that it doesn't even have to be called marriage. They're looking for the same rights as everyone else, why are you so stubborn to deny them that?
superslug, There is no such tihng as partial freedom. You are free, or not. I see you take freedom for granted. Question is what can you really do?
Even we limit ourselves from freedom, saying I can't do that.. how many times you say to yourself I wish, or I can't?
Originally posted by Comraddict
There is no freedom, or democracy. It is just (TV) illusion. I hope we agree on that. I'm not as free as Bill Gates, nor I have same influence. I don't have much infulence at all.

I see it all! It's a grand conspiracy to kill us all! Hell, maybe Bill Clinton is behind all this? Or it's the evil liberal media! We must go forth and kill the conspirators, to defend the people! Yaaa!

Originally posted by Comraddict
superslug, There is no such tihng as partial freedom. You are free, or not. I see you take freedom for granted. Question is what can you really do?
Even we limit ourselves from freedom, saying I can't do that.. how many times you say to yourself I wish, or I can't?
No explanation whatsoever regarding my previously illustrated contradiction in your earlier post. :wallbash:
Allow me to excerpt a little of Roundman's brilliant, wonderful argument. Of course, plagiarism cannot be allowed on these boards under any circumstances, so I highlight the passages which this naughty scribbler has stolen straight out of Hitler's masterpiece, Mein Kampf.

The homosexual marriage agenda is pushed by the radical leaders of the homosexual community. The people hate everything to do with our societies structure and history. Why shouldn't they? Afterall, they are in at a permanent disadvantage in any society in which reproduction and family are valued.

The extremist goal is not to give gays "equality"; their goal is to undermine the very tool of the heterosexual patriarchy that "oppresses" them, which is marriage. Gaining marriage rights isn't about equality, its about ruining a convention of their oppressors

Homosexuals have no comparative stake. Many are openly hostile to heterosexuals and reproduction. Furthermore, radical homosexuals are rabid advocates for abortion. That and invetro-fertilization. Afterall, they reason, if you take away aything that makes heterosexuals superior, then the heterosexual powerstructure can be undermined.

-Another goal for Homos: destroy gender roles. Marriage tends to uphold the age-old idea of "man" and "woman." It should be obvious why homsexuals are opposed to the standard gender definitions. Gender identification bothers them, as they blur the line between the sexes. Get rid of all gender roles, they figure, and they get rid of discrimination.

Homosexuals are between 2%-4% of the population. No other interest group of comparable size has such political power to muster. Why do they have it? Well, the homosexual radicals include people from the most educated and respected levels of our society. They have powerful figures that hide behind groups such as the ACLU (a group that wanted to set the sexual age of consent to 13, and served as the staunch defender of the gay pedophile club NAMBLA) to impose their will on an unwilling majority.

You condemn me for supporting the repression of homosexuality; I say that I am standing for our society.

I fear that these radicals have gained the upperhand, influencing the rhetoric of more moderate "Liberals" and convincing the average Joe that this is a struggle equivalent to that of the Black Man.

However, their radicals are willing subversives to everything that a heterosexual who cares about the family as we know it believes in.
I don't think that loving, caring, homosexual partnerships are equal to loving, commitng, reproducing heterosexual couples. Heterosexuals and homosexuals are different at the basic level, and just as there are homsexual radicals, there need to be heterosexual radicals to balance their influence.

The lack of tradition doesn't give progress; it just shows that we are corpses without souls and that we need to do radical things to be able to live with ourselves.
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