Simon Darkshade
Mysterious City of Gold
I don't find it sick at all. I completely concur with it.
Originally posted by superslug
There is a huge difference between homosexual relations and other 'perversions', namely that the activity is between consenting adults.
Yes, perhaps they could be given similarly identifying armbands, their own 'summer camps' and water fountains and restrooms.Originally posted by Speedo
Why are homosexuals so against having their own thing? Make a law for 'em to have a union or whatever, and slap a label on the front to declare, "THIS IS FOR HOMOSEXUALS."
Incest is a big deal when it concerns parents and children, in which case it's sexual abuse of a child.
Bestiality isn't illegal as far as I know (as long as it does not involve bad treatment of the animal). Just social pressure again.
Now, on the social pressure : family love is a different love than romantic one. It's a different kind. Incest is taboo probably because it's felt as a corruption of this love into another one. A defiling of both, in a sense. Not the case in homosexuality.
Bestiality is the same. You can love your pet, but that's another kind of love. Moreover, other animals are unable, like children, to make a reasonable, motivated decision, and can only partially communicate with us, and only on an emotional scale. So it can be seen as abuse.
I can aslo add that it's much more "against nature" than homosexuality. Homosexuality can perhaps be defined as "not natural", as you can't have kids, but bestiality push it much, much, much farther.
Sorry to not equal all these things. Homosexuality is the same form of love than heterosexuality, it's just the sex of the recipient is different.
Bestiality and incest are a twisting of another kind of bond, which can't be seen as the "couple love".
Yes, perhaps they could be given similarly identifying armbands, their own 'summer camps' and water fountains and restrooms.
I still fail to see how a line can't be drawn after allowing homosexuals to marry. All that is sought is allowing human beings the right to marry one another.
I was talking about the legal part, so I was talking about not being of legal age.Originally posted by Speedo
Child as in their offspring, or as in not of legal age? I thought everything that happened between consenting adults was good & rosy?
There is law against fellation in some state, after all. It rather prove that it's a not considered universally as illegal anyway.It ranges from being legal to being a felony in the US depending on the state. IIRC about 80% of the states have some type of law against it.
Not at all.So because you think that love doesn't work that way means that they can't love that way? That sounds an awful lot like what everyone accuses all of us evil "fag-haters" of.
Originally posted by Speedo
"Allowing humans to marry one another." Yet you wish to give that right to one group while continuing to deny it to others. A bit of hypocrisy, no?
Whom am I proposing we deny the right to?
You asked for a difference between homosexuality and incest/bestiality, I gave it to you.
It's a difference of essence, just as I can love a book, and still not feel any "couple love" toward it. The world "love" encompass a wide range of emotion that have the "attachment" part in common. But the kind of attachment is different. You don't love a friend like you love your child nor like you love God nor like you love your pet nor like you love your creation (as an artist) or the whole human race (as a philanthropist) or your wife.
I say that what make the difference between homosexuality and bestiality/incest is that, at the base, the love is different in essence, the kind of attachment is not the same.
Speedo, the link you provided is not to a website advocating the legal right for people to marry or screw their pets. It's nothing more than a commercial novelty, much akin to buying the name of a star or alien abduction insurance.MarryYourPet is not responsible for anything, ever. Forever. In fact we're so irresponsible that we frequently talk with our mouths full, don't know the Green Cross Code and often go out without an umbrella. None of us were milk monitors at school.
Although we are happy to marry you, we cannot guarantee that you will happy. MarryYourPet is in no way responsible for anything nasty occurring. If your marriage breaks down or you can no longer stand their smelly breath, it's entirely your own problem. If Fido goes barmy and eats all the china or Fluffy piddles in your trainer, we will only laugh. Don't think of suing us. We have no money and what little we do have goes on salmon filet for the cats on Saturdays and pocket money. (Have you no idea how much pet pocket money has increased in the last six years?)
This union is a marriage of minds and companionship. You have no conjugal rights. You are not allowed to have sex with your pet. (Yes, Im sure that for the vast majority of us it wouldnt even cross our minds, but just to make it quite, quite, clear: Perverts are not welcome on this site.
MarryYourPet agrees only to marry you and to try to do fun things. This marriage is not recognised either by the court of law or the church, but by the much higher realm of the great pet god in the sky - Mr. Mustofales. Although a mere cat, he is however, omniscient. Don't think you can fool him, ever. If you feed your pet substandard or (heaven forbid) supermarket's own pet food, he will know and you will suffer later.
If you disclose anything to us - it's ours. If you sleep walk to the post box and accidentally mail us something that you don't want us to have - it's ours. If you don't disclose it, but your Aunty's Uncle or even your Aunty's Uncle's dog does so without your permission - it's still ours. And as it's ours, we can do whatever we like with it. Yep, thatÕs right. We can broadcast, disclose or publish it. We can take your ideas, market and develop them and make a fortune and not even send you a dodgy thank you card. And anything else we haven't mentioned too. But don't worry, we'll only use it for the site and entertainment purposes and possibly won't even want to, but just so as you know in advance that we can.
No animals were harmed in the making of this website, but a couple of managers did get their fingers bitten off and one was humiliated by a parrot. (Although the parrot was singing 'Waltzing Matilda' at the time, we would like to stress that this has nothing to do with Matilda our pet priest.)
Both this site and Pet Heaven are governed by Mr. Mustofales - cats are the most supreme of all animals and anyway he got there first* (the fact that he poisoned all other contestants is incidental). *Further reading: 'Getting one over on the world: My life as a god by M. K. G. Mustofales'.
MarryYourPet has the right to alter its policies at any time, especially if this renders us less responsible. We can also change absolutely anything on the site at any time, and when you visit the site, you're bound by those changes too.
Speedo, the link you provided is not to a website advocating the legal right for people to marry or screw their pets.