Originally posted by The Yankee
Roundman, you are willing to deny basic rights to an entire community of people based on some radical wackos?
I don't really believe in the ideas of natural rights.
As for reproduction, I don't think we're in any danger of catching a "gay disease" that will turn us all gay and wipe out the human race. Get real. Another cover for bigotry. You sound like Taliban nuts, who oddly enough, did plenty of homosexual acts of their own.
It's not that I think that humanity will stop breeding, I think that, if radicals get their way, the institution of marriage will be made to seem obsolete, in favor of other intitutions,including polygamy, polyandry, and love communes with multiple partners of both sexes. I think that a stable, loving, two parent, one male,one female family provides the best environment for raising children. If this instituion is devalued in the ways that I detailed, then I fear for entire generations of children will grow up without formative role models in the way that we conceive of formative role models. Name one successful society that sanctions Polygamy/Polyandry.
Don't any of you realize that it doesn't even have to be called marriage. [/B]
If it doesn't have to be called marriage, then why do you oppose the amendment? It doesn't forbid civil unions, it simply defines "marriage" as man and woman.