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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

Jarkko (To the team): I've discovered there are diesel backup generators placed around the ship, specifically on decks 3, 6, 11, and under the bridge. There is a possibility they could be booby trapped, but turning some of them on would return power to the ship. What do you all think about turning them on.

(To the crewman): Maps! NOW!
A lot of us have night vision goggles, which means we will have the advantage when we finnaly decide to assault Engineering. Leave them off, says I.
Sorry about that; had a brain freeze.

They're in the center of the decks, near the central elevators; the ones under the bridge are, literally, under the bridge.
"Yes brother"
activates motion tracker and heads to the Shooter's Bar
I'm on a business trip to China until Friday. No idea if this forum is approved by the Great Firewall, so I might be incommunicado until the weekend. Regardless, I'll be checking and posting more infrequently.

Have the Grin support the assault team, placing explosives and grenades if they are needed.
Alright players, it is closing in on that time. Please communicate any specific plans, objectives, or orders at this time.

Thanks in advance.
Jarkko will continue to keep watch from the bridge, using his night-vision goggles to better visualize his surroundings. Try to find a possible escape route which would be used if the bridge is assaulted (e.g. an air duct or something like that). Also, find out who that crew member is, what is job was, whether he's a threat, and/or whether he knows anything. Relay anything of importance immediately to the rest of the group.

The assault team will wait in the infirmary for the return of the recon team. Once recon has resupplied, Ulysses will lead the teams back to engineering.

While waiting for recon to come back, move one motion detector from the infirmary stairs to the bow stairs. Also, place the camera I have there. Take Rex with me to provide support. And don't forget to use night vision goggles :p
Birch will place his motion sensor outside the bridge so that any enemies advancing on the bridge will be easily detected.
Assault team plan.

-Blow the barricade with C4, unless it can simply be dismantled from our side. Wilheim will blow it for we must use C4. Youriy, Josip and I will lay down accurate suppressive fire on any enemies, machinegunners will give a general volume of fire to force enemies down. CQC men, such as Yuri, will then storm in and take out any remaining hostiles and carry on to secure the control room. Grenades may be used at will as long as they will not endanger your allies.

-More long-ranged team members move forward. We will then secure the upper walkways while the CQC men take to the turbine halls. We'll give supporting fire and warn them of hostile positions to clear out.

-Power will then be restored if at all possible and control given back to the bridge.

-In the unlikely event that Engineering is not hostile, we'll apologise for blowing down the door and ask what the hell is going on here.
Sounds good to me.
Update IV – Assault

June 24, 2012. 1926 hours.
23.5 Hours into the mission

"THE TRUTH IS INCONTROVERTIBLE, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.”

“We've got movement,” Roger muttered silently into the radio. “Two bogies, Deck 3 stairs. Heading downward, over.”

There silence for a few seconds; Bill shot a glance towards Ulysses.

Jim spoke next. “Recon team, are in you in position to intercept, over?”

Ulysses nodded. “Deck 1 stairs are covered. Do we have intel as to his location? Are they armed, over?”

Roger sighed. “Unknown on both, over.”

Gull and Yuri slipped behind the corner and covered the stairway entrance. Ulysses turned towards the stairs and placed his ear near the entrance; he couldn't hear any movement. Turning back to the others, shivering briefly from the cold, he spoke back into the radio. “He's not on Deck 1. We need more intel. Did you get a good image of them, over?”

Roger shook his head as he spoke into the radio. “Negative. They moved pretty damn quickly. Stay on your toes, over and out.”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1925 hours.
23.5 Hours into the mission

DOC McCOY TURNED TO the blood-stained wall once more. In striking contrast to the dark ship, the infirmary was brightly lit with the emergency flashlights they had found. Pondering for a moment, he took a glance towards the crew man and the passenger in the room. The crew man sat up in the bed and seemed conscious of his actions, though he appeared dazed still. The passenger, on the other hand, remained in self-confinement in his corner, staring at the room entrance.

Making up his mind, he spoke into the radio. “I'd like to see those bodies,” he said. “They might hold a clue or two as to what is happening. Can someone fetch me the corpses you saw on Deck 2, over?”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1930 hours.
23.5 Hours into the mission

DECK SIX FEATURED A favorite location of the passengers during their vacation: the Grand Casino. Normally, it was a bustling center of gambling, drinking, and merriment. The room itself was extremely large, with card tables, roulette wheels, and other game devices stretching down the length of it.

The first thing Mia and Rita noticed in the Casino was the disheveled nature of the room. Gambling chips were strewn across the extent of the room. Chairs had been moved to various locations with no discernible pattern to their layout. Drinks and bottles had been broken, though the glass shards had been confined to a corner of the room. And, least noticeable of all, there was evidence of blood on the ground – Mia, perhaps through the shrewdest of luck, had spotted it as they passed through.

Mia pointed at the stain to Rita, who promptly whispered, “Room's clear.”

Mia nodded. “We must reach zhe rendezvous point. Somezhing is afoot here.”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1932 hours.
23.5 Hours into the mission

KINCAID ATTEMPTED ONCE MORE to gain the attention of those civilians around him. “Listen, I'm going to ask you a few questions...” They seemed distant, dazed, or perhaps apathetic.

Kincaid spoke again. “I'm asking for your undivided attention.” Again this gesture of authority failed to permeate their self-contrived aegis of indifference. They muttered incoherent answers as they continued to enter their rooms, lying in their beds as they tried to sleep.

Kincaid began to lose his patience. “I'm going to search your baggage now.” Even this invasion of their privacy met without any resistance. They remained in their rooms, staring at their cabins' ceilings, not responding or moving.

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1925 hours.
23.5 Hours into the mission

ULYSSES SPOKE INTO HIS radio, addressing the Assault Team above. “Infirmary, this is Recon. Engineering is secured. We are returning now, over.”

He turned to the others, motioning to proceed towards the stairway. Bill continued to cover the Engineering entrance as the other three moved towards the stairs. As they were moving, Yuri shivered and muttered, “God damn, it's cold down here.”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1927 hours.
23.5 Hours into the mission

JARKKO TWISTED PAST CAPTAIN Garry as he approached the other crew man on the Bridge. “I need to know where those generators are, now! So help me God, if you fuĉking give one more lame-ass excuse about Engineering, you'll wind up like your friend who had to be dragged down to the infirmary for painkillers.”

The crewman shuttered from the thought, and disclosed the location of backup generators.

“Thank you,” Jarkko muttered, half sarcastically. “Now, I want to know: who the hell are you? What's your job on this ship?”

The crewman stepped backwards defensively. “Me? I'm just a communications officer on the Bridge here. I just monitor the radios and, and, stuff like that.”

Birch smirked. “So, would you know anything about the one distress signal sent from this ship several days ago?”

The crewman blinked several times. “What? No, nope, I don't know what that was about.”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1936 hours.
23.5 Hours into the mission

RITA AND MIA SLIPPED into the Shooter's Bar, whispering into the radio to notify their teammates about their arrival. Arnold revealed himself from behind the bar, while Gabriel stood from a table to the left of the entrance.

When juxtaposed to the casino, the Bar was in much cleaner condition. The tables were still neatly made, the bar itself was clear, and there were even bottles and drinks still left on the tables.

Arnold greeted the two women before leaving the bar at the head of the team. “There's supposed to be a generator or something out here by the stairs.”

Turning around the corner, he found a closet labeled “Power Maintenance” and tested the doorknob. Finding it locked, he turned to the others. “Cover me while I open this,” he whispered, as he begun to fiddle with the lock.

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1950 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

ULYSSES LEAD THE ASSAULT Team down to the first deck, opposite the barricaded Engineering door that loomed ominously before them. He gathered the operatives in a circle near the entrance, with Bill keeping watch nearby.

“Plant the C-4 near the base of the door,” he ordered. “I want covering fire from the machine guns, after the explosion, down both angles in the entryway. We're looking at potential defenders in both the control room and the Engineering entrance. Riflemen, conserve ammunition; try to withhold from blind fire if possible. Short, accurate bursts. We're looking at an unknown number of hostiles, and potentially dozens of hostages. Try to minimize any opportunities for the hostiles to threaten the hostages. Inside Engineering, I need CQC ops to engage as soon as they pause to reload. From there, continue inwards. We'll cover you from above as you clear the turbines.

“Stick to the plan. Let's move.”

Bill planted a charge of C-4 under the barricade and slipped around the stairway corner. The two machine gunners lay prone at converging angles in the hallway. The remaining operatives crouched around the corner in cover.

Bill drew in a breath and exhaled, spreading a light fog around his nostrils and mouth. He spoke silently. “Detonating in five, four, three, two, one, detonate.”

The explosion teared through the entrance, spreading a bit of smoke from the rubble created. There was a loud scream from the other side, then the unmistakeable sound of an AK-47 discharging from inside. The bullets flew randomly through the hallway, hitting the ceilings and walls without any coherence to their line of fire. The operatives with machine guns – Rex and Gull – opened fire towards the entrance; their shots were random at first, due to the smoke created from the explosion. Nevertheless, as Gull opened fire, a lucky shot struck one of the hostiles, sending him crashing to the floor with a cry.

As the smoke cleared, the entryway to the Engineering was revealed. The hostiles were no where in sight – pinned down by the crossfire of machinegun fire. Ulysses confidently motioned the riflemen forward, who trained their sights towards the large room in front of them.

The riflemen – Youriy, Ilya, Yuri, and The Bear – moved silently to a location next to their machine gunners. One hostile, investigating why the gunfire had stopped, peeked his head around the doorway in the command room that he was taking cover behind. Youriy, with lightning reflexes, aimed his sight at the hostile and fired, striking the man through the head.

“Hall secured,” Yuri whispered, “but they're taking cover behind the corners.”

A peculiar silence befell the deck at this time. After the heavy ringing of gunfire a moment earlier, both sides fell quiet as neither force advanced to challenge the other.

Ulysses primed a flashbang grenade and whispered into the radio, “Flash out.” The squad looked away and covered their ears to prepare for the discharge.

He chucked the grenade into the hallway, hoping to land it around the corner where the hostiles had taken cover. The throw was a good one; the grenade landed behind the corner and right at the feet of a hostile taking cover there. He screamed in fear and tried to move, but the grenade detonated before he could react to the throw.

Ulysses stormed around the corner. He saw the man, stumbling and sobbing; that hostile was an easy target. He struck the man with a nonlethal hit, sending the hostile tumbling to the floor.

Ulysses ducked behind the rail of the catwalk, anticipating another barrage of gunfire; but none came. Gull was the second operative to enter engineering, and he took the same precautionary measures. Confused by the silence, he motioned to Ulysses. “Hostiles down?”

The enemy Ulysses had struck regained his senses, and, while lying on the ground he drew his sidearm. Ulysses noticed this action and moved to performed the customary disarm maneuver upon the enemy; however, his attack missed, for the hostile was not aiming the gun at Ulysses.

Instead, the man aimed the gun at his own head and, pulling the trigger, shot himself.

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1936 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

ARNOLD APPROACHED THE LOCK and knelt to perform his devious art.

If he were at an imaginary lecture, giving a speech on the ease of lockpicking, he would surely use this lock as an example. It was, for all intents and purposes, a closet, so it did not have the vast difficulties of picking a passenger cabin lock. Virtually any conventional lock can be picked; it's just a measure of exploiting the natural, mechanical defects of the particular lock in question.

Using his equipment, he probed the inside of the lock, sensing where the lock's pins were located. If he had more time – if he weren't in unknown conditions such as this – he could test each pin remotely and determine which one held the most torque in the lock. He would then manipulate that particular pin in order to unlock the door. Seeing as he was on a mission in hostile territory, he utilized a quicker method for entry.

Using his equipment, he stroked each of the pins in the lock, feeling the resistance each pin held against his push. As he did this, he inserted a second piece into the lock and, as he stroked the pins, gradually pushed up each as he progressed towards the center of the lock.

He performed this maneuver without the slightest of hiccups. He slid his equipment through each of the pins, then twisted the lock open in one sweep. His speed at performing this trick was quite unnatural, even for a man of his skill; perhaps surprised at this, he muttered, “Damn, I'm good.”

Upon entering, they found the generator in the back corner of the closest. Gabriel and Mia approached the generator and, working in tandem, managed to get the equipment operational.

The emergency lights flickered on the few decks around Deck 6.

Arnold spoke into his radio. “This is Arnold. Generator on Deck 6 operational. Over.”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1954 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

ULYSSES STARED DOWNWARD TOWARDS the dead man. “Holy shît,” he muttered silently to himself as he checked the man's pulse.

Youriy called from behind. “All hostiles are eliminated.”

Ulysses motioned to Gull, Yuri, and Grin. “Come with me. Let's investigate the bottom level.”

Turning to The Bear and Youriy, he ordered, “Secure the third level.”

Finally, he turned to Ilya and Rex and said, “Make sure the control room is secure.”

Nodding, Ilya and Rex moved inside, stepping over the dead hostile whose brains were splattered across the floor.

They turned inside and, after securing the room, noticed a man strapped to a chair inside.

The man was severely with blood, lacerations, and bruises across his body. He had a gunshot wound through the mouth, confirming his death, and blood had slowly dripped from his mouth onto the floor below.

On a table next to the man were two items; Ilya couldn't quite tell what they were from this distance. Approaching the table, he grabbed the first item and raised it for a better view.

Spoiler :

He placed that object back on the table and picked up the second item.

Spoiler :

He held it in his hands, flipping it around for any discernible identification marks; seeing none, he simply stared into the receiver, muttering, “Oh, a video camera.”

Ulysses lead his men down to the first level turbines, covering every corner and hiding spot in case of an enemy ambush. Seeing none, they turned the corner, and saw:

Spoiler :

A dozen or so bodies, strewn into a pile near the corner of the room. The dead corpses looked like and were dressed like the hostiles they had previously eliminated. From what they could see, the team suspected that each man had been shot for their cause of death.

Ulysses bent down and picked up several shell casings. “It's a 762,” he muttered. “AK-47 bullets.”

Youriy radioed from the third level. “We have bullet casings up here as well. They look like 762s.”

Before Ulysses could respond, he heard a slight shuffle from behind a turbine. Swinging his weapon into firing position, he turned around the corner and looked for the source of the noise.

He found a single hostile, unarmed, cowering in a corner. When the hostile realized he had been spotted, he whimpered softly and muttered, “Por favor, señor...” He continued to moan that same, simple statement, over and over: “Por favor, señor... por favor, señor...”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1938 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

KINCAID SILENTLY AND DETERMINEDLY searched the passengers' luggage of the room he was in. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, he turned towards the drawers and opened those. Shifting through the various clothing inside, he finally lost patience and turned back to the passengers.

“Look,” he commanded. “I need information, and I need it now. I'm going to need you to follow my instructions. Do you understand?” The passengers, however, ignored him.

He flung his arms in frustration and turned to his radio. “This is Kincaid. I got nothing. They're being stubborn. Over.”

* * *

June 24, 2012. 1929 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

ULYSSES LEAD THE RECON team back upwards towards the infirmary in order to reunite with the assault team stationed there. As he traveled, his mind was preoccupied with two important thoughts: he was both planning the assault itself and contemplating where the bogies, caught on Roger's camera, could have moved.

The team moved slowly, securing their flanks because of the newly identified bogies radioed from Roger. Reaching the second Deck, Ulysses motioned for the team to halt. “Let's secure the body quickly and bring it to Doc. Keep on guard for the bogies.”

Yuri turned the corner, moving towards the location of the first body, but then halted suddenly.

“Ulysses,” he muttered. “The body. The body – it's gone.”

Ulysses, dumbfounded by the news, turned the corner and noticed himself; the body was, indeed, gone. He turned towards the hallway, where the four other corpses had been; much to his dismay, he noticed that they, too, were missing.

Ulysses turned to his radio with scorn. “This is Ulysses. The corpses are gone. Over.”
This was the first turn I really put the blackbox into use, considering the lockpicking, firefight, and other things that happened this time.

Not revealing too much, Arnold got an exceptional result from his Lockpicking; Youriy got an excellent result from his reaction time and aiming for taking down the hostile (with a headshot!), and Mia got a nice result in order to notice the blood in the casino. Gull's takedown, in contrast to Youriy's, was much more luck based, because I reasoned that the smoke and such would cloud effective aiming; nevertheless, it never hurts to have a good bit of luck.

Post any questions, comments, or suggestions you may have. If you need clarification on anything, do let me know. Thanks in advance.
Jarkko: Arnold, I have the Communications Officer up here on the bridge. Apparently he has no idea about any distress calls sent from this ship. I suggest you relay this to Aetius, now.

If Engineering is secure, we need to begin work on getting the engines up and running. This should turn on the ship's heat and allow us to get further north where we won't have to deal with our ice problem.
Arnold to Aetius

Aetius, the communication officer said that no distress signals were sent from this ship.

Who is this anonymous contractors again?
@mod: is there any possibility of building, out of a section of the Infirmary, a sort of Prison (for the Hostiles that we capture?)

@Ulysses: The bodies are gone? can you see any clues as to what happened? blood pools, drags, footsteps, etc? (MOD: I'll talk the team there through the medical forensic type investigation, if they need it.

The fact that the guy shot himself suggests fanatisism, so they are radicals. Also, thier opperation is obviously not for money. They are most likely either religious fanatics, or some top secret nationals.
Arnold to Aetius

Aetius, the communication officer said that no distress signals were sent from this ship.

Who is this anonymous contractors again?

Aetius: I can assure you that a distress signal was sent. As for the contractors: I can't disclose that information.

@mod: is there any possibility of building, out of a section of the Infirmary, a sort of Prison (for the Hostiles that we capture?)

@Ulysses: The bodies are gone? can you see any clues as to what happened? blood pools, drags, footsteps, etc? (MOD: I'll talk the team there through the medical forensic type investigation, if they need it.

You can close off the separate room of the infirmary to make a prison. You could try talking them through a forensic investigation, though your mileage may vary.
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