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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

OOC: We have laptops with satellite uplinks, you know. Which technically operate by radio, so, yes.
Oh fine.

@Aetius: Could you send our agents a picture of the captain and other high ranking officers, such as the communication officer of this ship, by satellite uplink?
Oh fine.

@Aetius: Could you send our agents a picture of the captain and other high ranking officers, such as the communication officer of this ship, by satellite uplink?

Will do.

Before I can update, I need to know the following information:

1) Since interrogation of the hostile is required, are you going to lead him to any specific location?
Will do.

Before I can update, I need to know the following information:

1) Since interrogation of the hostile is required, are you going to lead him to any specific location?

Yes. Gabriel and I shall drag him away from the others.

Now, I can't specify location because I don't know where you put the maps for decks 1-3, but anywhere out of earsight in a small room should be fine.
Alrighty, guys. Thanks for the info. I'll wait until tomorrow morning, in case some other players have something to contribute, so that I don't leave them out of it.
Birch: "Yeah I can't check the captain's information right now, but it seems like Aetius will be able to handle this one."
@Mod: and me, putter about in the infirmary, trying to find stuff out and taking care of what needs taking care of. (Both in the infirmary proper and the improvised prison...)
I am back. Though probably temporary, as I will be busy on and off for a while after today.

@Mod: If you accept this: If the engines are started and we have power, move the ship north into warmer waters, once the threat of ice is no longer a concern, stop engines and consolidate our power, figure out where we have power and what we can do with the power. I.E Control fire control systems, lights, elevators, etc... from the bridge. (Also very important, see if we can also gain some power for controlling the bulkhead doors, we can use these as permanent jails if we capture any terrorists.

OOC: I will try to get on often with my phone, but most of my routes go through the deep south and signal reliability is not exactly good there.
Update V – Disclosure

June 24, 2012. 2005 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

"IN THE SPIDER WEB of facts, many a truth is strangled."

The final living hostile moaned and and sobbed while crawling on the floor, shivering and groaning while avoiding the gaze of the operatives.

“Do what you have come to do,” he muttered, in Spanish. “There is no need for secrecy anymore.”

Youriy kept his gun aimed at the individual as he responded. “We are taking you to a separate room on the above deck. There, you will answer all our questions. Failure to do so will result in more pain. Do you understand?”

The man was shocked. “Interrogation? What? How?”

Youriy replied, “I didn't ask for your opinion. Up, now. Let's get moving.”

As he brought the man to his feet, he signaled to the other operatives to activate the turbines. With a creak, the turbines returned to power once more, echoing their noise throughout the Engineering area. Simultaneously, the lights on the deck flickered on, revealing the halls once more.

Doc McCoy radioed in. “Power has been restored. Over.”

Ulysses motioned towards the exit. “Together, now. There may be other bogies still alive on the ship. We might want to patrol each deck to...”

A cry from outside Engineering interrupted his message. “Help! Help!” an unknown voice cried softly.

Ilya swung around the entrance and aimed his gun at the individual, who was lying stomach-down on the floor.

“Help...” he muttered.

* *

June 24, 2012. 2002 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

Birch motioned to Sarge. “We have the authority to check their identifications,” he whispered. “Do you want to handle it?”

Sarge nodded. “Download the correct ID's to your computer. I'll check theirs.” Approaching the Captain, Sarge commanded, “Captain, I'd like to see some measure of identification.”

The Captain looked perplexed. “What? Why? What?”

Jarkko advanced from behind Sarge. “We didn't ask for a verbal answer. Provide us with the necessary identification, now.” He turned to the Communications Officer. “You too, bud. I don't want any games, either, or this may get messy.”

The Communications Officer shrugged. Digging into his pockets, he withdrew the necessary ID. “Here you go,” he whimpered.

The Captain did likewise. Sarge examined both ID's before turning to Birch on the computer. “Do they match?” he asked silently.

Birch checked both before responding. “As far as I can tell...yes, Sarge. They are a match.”

* *

June 24, 2012. 2005 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

Arnold spoke into the radio. “We are making our descent now. Expect us to arrive at your location in approximately ten minutes. Over.”

Arnold turned to Gabriel. “I don't think we`re our of this yet. I'd like to see the hostile personally, and, perhaps, interrogate him to the best of my ability.”

Gabriel nodded, cocking his weapon.

Rita responded, “We're coming with you. Splitting up the party is a bad idea.”

Mia agreed, shivering. “Zhere is more here zhan meets the eye.”

* *

June 24, 2012. 2005 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

THE CAPTAIN's VOICE CUT through the silence as the power was restored to the ship. “Power? How? Did the enemies decide to surrender and return power to the ship?”

Jarkko turned to him. “I cannot give a definitive answer at this point.”

The Captain looked frazzled. “But, this – this is my ship! I need to know what is happening! I need...”

Jarkko interrupted. “Captain, it's ironic you say that, because as far as I can remember, you have been of no assistance to us, whatsoever, in this entire investigation.” He took a step forward. “Information will be disclosed as we see fit. Do you understand?”

The Captain grumbled. “I am not the only one speaking ironies.”

* *

June 24, 2012. 2007 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

ULYSSES STARED AT THE new arrival with suspicion. “What's your issue?” he asked, as he motioned the others to form a defensive position.

“I...I...need help...” the person moaned, staring into the floor.

Youriy dragged the bound hostile forward as he joined the others near the entrance. “Arnold is inbound,” he said to Ulysses. “Perhaps we should wait here?”

As the captured hostile locked eyes with the prone, helpless individual, he started reeling away from Youriy's grasp, muttering, “Oh, no, señor, please...”

Youriy punched him. “I didn't ask for advice,” he said.

Ulysses spoke to the injured individual. “Who are you? What is your purpose here? Are you a passenger? What happened to you? Answer each of this questions in order.”

The man seemed to ignore the questions as he rose to his feet, staring at the operatives' prisoner.

Ulysses motioned towards his weapon. “Don't move,” he commanded. “Answer my questions. Now.” He noticed the man's interest in the captured hostile. “Do you know him? Answer immediately.”

Youriy dragged the hostile towards the man, as the hostile resisted every step. “Oh, no, señor, no...”

Ulysses motioned to Ilya. Keep your weapon ready.

* *

June 24, 2012. 2008 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

THE BRIDGE RETURNED TO an eery silence as the crew members stood idly as Birch and Sarge continued to gather information.

Suddenly, however, the Captain stepped forward and spoke in a loud voice; his face was clearly angry and perplexed. “I thought you had said you did not attack Engineering. Did you kill all of the hostiles? What are you doing?”

Jarkko yelled in response, “I don't friggin' give a damn what you're curious about,” as he pointed a finger towards the Captain.

“Did you take any prisoners?” the Captain asked.

Sarge interjected, “That is none of your concern. Don't worry; we have the situation under control.”

The Communications Officer spoke his opinion. “A prisoner? What? You are taking prisoners? All hostiles must be eliminated! You cannot allow them to live. They are a liability if left alive!”

Jarkko slammed the officer against the wall. “I am tired of you trying to tell me how to do my job! Shut the fûck up and try to provide us some useful information, or go stand in your corner and wait!”

The Captain stepped forward again. “What has the prisoner told you?”

Jarkko turned his head to respond.

* *

June 24, 2012. 2008 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

ULYSSES SPOKE TO THE newly arrived individual. “I need you to answer my questions immediately.”

The man did not speak. He wore what appeared to be a tourist's outfit, which ruled him out being an employee, and he did not dress like the hostiles did. Instead, his clothing was torn in several locations, and he had terrible and grotesque markings over his exposed skin.

Ulysses commanded again, “Answer immediately or you will be detained.”

The man locked eyes with the captured hostile, who once again struggled to free himself, then to the camera in Ilya's hand. The captured hostile began to sob.

Ilya muttered, “Ulysses, uhh...”

Josip “The Bear” noticed the individual staring intensely at the hostile, and puzzled at this behavior. He noticed, however, a slight flex of that individual's muscles, and shouted just before he moved. “Look out!”

The individual sprung with an unnatural speed at the captured hostile, knocking Ulysses down as he leaped. The man pushed Youriy backwards, tripping him in the process, and knocked the captured hostile to the ground. In the same motion, he grabbed the hostile's head and began slamming it against the floor repeatedly, smearing blood and gore on the ground.

Even with his quick reflexes, Josip only managed to grapple the man after four or five such slams. Even then, the man pushed him back, continuing his bloody work.

After Josip was pushed backwards, Ilya took his place, swinging his weapon like a golf club. The weapon caught the man on the side of the head, sending him tumbling backwards.

Rex aimed his machine gun at the man. “If you want to die, by all means, continue to move,” he said.

Ulysses rose and stood above the hostile's corpse. “I don't think I need to take a pulse,” he muttered, disgusted.

Spoiler :

* *

June 24, 2012. 2008 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

KINCAID SPOKE TO THE passengers who lay in the room he occupied. “I need to see your identification,” he commanded, “and any other items or information which may be beneficial to me.”

The people didn't respond.

Kincaid radioed to Doc Jensen. “Look, I don't think these people are, well, totally here,” he whispered. “Do you think there could be...”

As he spoke, however, the two people sat up in their beds and stared at him intensely, sending an unnatural fear pulsating down his spine.

“Doc, this is...” he began to say, before they leaped towards him.

He raised his weapon as a shield in self defense, pushing the first person to the side. He swung his weapon around, striking the second individual and sending him tumbling towards the wall.

He turned and ran into the hallway, motioning towards Doc Jensen and Spooks. “Look out!” he yelled, as the other passengers also left their rooms. He nearly stumbled as he ran towards the Doc's position, followed by a host of snarling passengers.

* *

June 24, 2012. 2008 hours.
24 Hours into the mission

Jarkko yelled in response, “I don't friggin' give a damn what you're curious about,” as he pointed a finger towards the Captain.

“Did you take any prisoners?” the Captain asked.

Sarge interjected, “That is none of your concern. Don't worry; we have the situation under control.”

The Communications Officer spoke his opinion. “A prisoner? What? You are taking prisoners? All hostiles must be eliminated! You cannot allow them to live. They are a liability if left alive!”

Jarkko slammed the officer against the wall. “I am tired of you trying to tell me how to do my job! Shut the fûck up and try to provide us some useful information, or go stand in your corner and wait!”

The Captain stepped forward again. “What has the prisoner told you?”

Jarkko turned his head to respond.

AS JARKKO TURNED HIS head, Captain Garry roared in fury with indiscernible words.

The Communications Officer then pushed Jarkko's grapple backwards, catching him by surprise. He grabbed Jarkko and swung him towards the wall, knocking his weapon aside. The Officer then leaped towards Sarge, who caught him in mid-jump and began grappling along the floor in a furious melee.

With perfect synchronization with the Officer’s attack, the Captain charged Birch, grabbing him from behind and catching him completely by surprise. The Captain raised Birch above his head and, with a single motion, threw him through the glass windows of the bridge.

The Captain then turned towards Jarkko, and with a sinister smile charged towards him in a leap. Jarkko raised his weapon and fired a round, striking the Captain in the side of the chest; the bullet's momentum, contrasting the Captain's jump, caused the Captain to spin obliquely before colliding with Jarkko. Jarkko's melee proficiency, plus the bullet wound the Captain just received, allowing Jarkko to overpower the Captain and stab him through the chest with a knife.

Rolling the Captain aside, Jarkko raised his firearm and struck the Communications Officer in the back, angling the bullet so as to prevent it from striking Sarge, should it emerge through the Officer. As Sarge pushed the Officer towards the wall, Jarkko then fired again, striking the man with an exceptionally well-placed shot towards the head.

“I was eagerly anticipating the chance to shoot the fûcking bïtch,” he said as he helped Sarge to his feet.

* *
I actually winded up deleting almost half of the update, because I thought it was more important to see the immediate events, and let you adjust accordingly.

Phase 1 editing completed, working on other stuff.

Good luck.
(I'm assuming I heard reports from the rest of the ship)

@Everyone: Alright, Everyone. Be on high alert. We have reports of Hostiles attacking team members everywhere. From what I gathered, the Passengers are attacking. I'd recommend falling back to the Infirmary (Bringing back a body, if possible, but you all getting back safely is the priority.)

I'd recommend Shooting the Hostiles non lethally, if possible, and being Wary of thier blood/ other fluids.

@ mod: I want to tie the people I have in the infirmary down, just in case they decide to go berserker on us too.
@The dude that is always freaking out: Alright, well, I'm going to have to ask for your cooperation. I'm gonna tie you up for a bit. Now, if you try to move, I'll blow your head off, so let's not do that, okay buddy?
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