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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea


The plan:

We split the team into 2 groups of 2 or 3 members each, the first squad would establish itself near the starboard door and Birch will use his camera snake through the ventilation system and spot the hostiles. Relay the locations of said hostiles to other members of the team. If hostages are present on the bridge, also relay their position.

Once the second team is in position on the port side, we will throw 2-3 flashbangs and infiltrate, killing the hostiles or subduing them. Once the Bridge is secured, I would have Finn and 1-2 other members, including myself, remain behind to defend and control the ship. The rest will organize into a new team and head below decks to support other teams.


If those who have yet chosen a team want to join mine they are free to do so, and once the assault on the bridge is done, you will be placed into a new team and sent on a supporting role with other teams in the lower decks.
Is it possible to set multiple cams up to one HUD goggles and either rotate between views if having all three up at the same time is too crowded?

I would prefer to setup a cam at top of stairs, roughly halfway down to Deck 4 and then one set up on Deck 5. All would be positioned to watch for anyone moving up or down the stairs. If I don't have time to do the upper level two, then I definately want to get one set up on Deck 5 watching for anyone coming down to 4.
Is it possible to set multiple cams up to one HUD goggles and either rotate between views if having all three up at the same time is too crowded?

I would prefer to setup a cam at top of stairs, roughly halfway down to Deck 4 and then one set up on Deck 5. All would be positioned to watch for anyone moving up or down the stairs. If I don't have time to do the upper level two, then I definately want to get one set up on Deck 5 watching for anyone coming down to 4.

Having multiple cameras streaming at once is certainly possible, but you can only view one at a time.
I will join team Charlie.

Tactics for team Echo

- All hostiles are to be engaged silently if possible. If engaged by hostiles there are no such restrictions. Civilian causalities are to be avoided unless that action would place us or another team at risk of immediate harm.

-We will progress rapidly down through the ship, stopping only to secure the immediate vicinity of the stairwells on each deck, to aid the passage of other teams. This does not mean we will progress without due caution or reveal our presence to the enemy without good reason.

-We will assume every deck and room is hostile unless it is known otherwise. We will thus breach and clear all rooms in the usual fashion, however flashbangs will only be deployed against known enemy positions, as they are too valuable to waste.

-Once deck four is reached we will begin a through and systematic search deck by deck down to deck one. Wherever possible hostiles will be engaged and key assets such as the infirmary and the engine rooms. Radio contact will be maintained with Bravo team to keep them appraised of our progress and discoveries, as well as which areas are known to be cleared of hostiles and which are not.

-If engaged by a superior enemy force, we will fall back to a defensible location under the cover of a smoke grenade and radio Bravo requesting support. If Bravo is unable to provide support, Delta will be radioed to request support. If both Bravo and Delta are unable to provide support, a tactical assessment will be made and Echo team will either hold its position against the enemy or withdraw, ideally towards Bravo.

-If ambushed by the enemy we will fight into the ambush until either the ambushers or we are dead.

-If support is requested by another team we will provide it as soon as it is reasonable and practical to do so.

Orders for Ulysses

-Attach the assaulter barrel, ACOG sight and suppressor to the HK 417. Attach suppressor to P229.

-Lead team Echo to the best of his abilities.
Orders for Finn:

Load the smoke grenade clip. Provide cover for bridge infiltration team; use a smoke grenade if necessary to breach the bridge or to provide cover for a tactical retreat. Switch to "barrys" only to take out hardpoints (e.g. machinegunners, snipers, etc). Hang back from main assault unless they need a charge set.
Alright, basic plan for the DElta Team.

-Reach Deck 5, following the Echo Team. Split into combat pairs. Arnold and Gabriel shall search the cabins and Mia and Rita shall search the dining room.

-Kill all hostiles using silenced weaponry or a knife.

-Deck 6 and 7 shall be searched with all four of us moving in a group. It has large rooms, so moving as a group shall be more advantageous.

-Always be alert in order to avoid an ambush. If ambushed, call Bravo team for assistance immediately.

-If met by a superior force in an open combat, retreat to safety of other teams.

I will follow Thomas's plan for Team Alpha. Personally, I will use the LSAT LMG in the assault on the bridge if violence is deemed necessary.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen. It is nearly zero hour. I counted 18 operatives assigned to teams, which means that four have yet to be assigned.

If any operative wishes to assign them to a team, that is fine; if it comes down to it, though, I can assign them as the need arises.

At approximately 6 PM EST, the mission will launch. Make sure you are prepared.
Alright, basic plan for the DElta Team.

-Reach Deck 5, following the Echo Team. Split into combat pairs. Arnold and Gabriel shall search the cabins and Mia and Rita shall search the dining room.

-Kill all hostiles using silenced weaponry or a knife.

-Deck 6 and 7 shall be searched with all four of us moving in a group. It has large rooms, so moving as a group shall be more advantageous.

-Always be alert in order to avoid an ambush. If ambushed, call Bravo team for assistance immediately.

-If met by a superior force in an open combat, retreat to safety of other teams.

@mod - I agree with all facets of this plan.

I'll be using the TAR-21 with silencer, saving flashbang grenades to facilitate an escape in the event that we are ambushed/face superior numbers.
Bravo Team will respond to calls of assistance from nearby squads...

If possible, we will take the remaining, unassigned members, so as to secure the fall back base more securely.

Hostiles will be met with silent, Lethal force as we descend the staircase to the Infirmary. We will set up cameras and motion Sensors (I'm not sure what we have, as I OOC have time to check) and secure all the doors to the Med-Center. Once we have the Base established, we will wait for calls for help from other squads, and send small detachments as relief.

We are to assume that the ship likely has a number of hostiles aboard, and possibly a number of friendly Hostage/survivors, depending on the situation.

"Josip I'm allocating you to Echo, if you have no objections, as you are the only person who has not been allocated and carries suppressed weaponry. Otherwise I think Echo is ready to go."

OOC @ hbar: I believe if you read back through the thread you will find that the thermobaric grenades were not to be used on the bridge assault because their use could destroy vital equipment or worse still claim innocent lives.
"Yeah, well, if we're taking fire, I ain't gonna stand around and soak up bullets 'til we resolve things peacefully. There weren't one spot in the briefing that said to minimize casualties, and a boat this big's gotta have redundant controls. I ain't gonna use grenades unless I have to, but that don't mean I ain't gonna use 'em."
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