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Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

OOC: Sorry I wasn't able to be that active this turnset.
@Mod: Have I found anything while searching the luggage?

Go check the pile of corpses with the same clothes as hostiles. Search the bodies, see if anything can be found. Also, look for anything that could give more intel about how they died. Have they tried to fight back, or have they all been cleanly executed?

After that, go check the DEA agent. Search the body and the surroundings thoroughly. Also, radio back to Doc for any clues on what I need to check on the body if I want to discover the time of the death. Has the man been tortured, and if, rough quess for how long (use Doc's medical expertise to determine how long the guy could've survived the torture).
heads down with brothers
Don't I need to access the control panel to start the power?

The turbines were manually disengaged, so you have to physically turn them on before controls are operative. Unless you activate the backup generator, that is.


Go check the pile of corpses with the same clothes as hostiles. Search the bodies, see if anything can be found. Also, look for anything that could give more intel about how they died. Have they tried to fight back, or have they all been cleanly executed?

After that, go check the DEA agent. Search the body and the surroundings thoroughly. Also, radio back to Doc for any clues on what I need to check on the body if I want to discover the time of the death. Has the man been tortured, and if, rough quess for how long (use Doc's medical expertise to determine how long the guy could've survived the torture).

You find some random items -- cigarettes, paper currency, etc. -- but nothing significant worth mentioning. They clearly weren't dressed to be in public -- they don't have ID, wallets, nice clothing, etc.

Some of the bodies appear executed -- i.e., a single bullet wound in the head. Others, however, are less clear. Some have taken multiple bullet wounds, in odd locations on their body; those people do not seem to have been executed.

You examine the agent and realize he has been tortured. There are some cuts and bruises that imply a torture had occurred.

You raise and lower one of the arms of the dead man. The muscles do not feel tense or stiff. You cannot see any signs of decomposition.

The torture, as far as you could tell, in its current state could not have killed the man, due to the number and severity of the wounds. The gunshot area seems to be the only real killing blow.

@Bill: "Bill while you are down in engineering, I think it would be good idea if you could check if the computer systems down there. Specifically, check and see if those were the systems the processed the deletion of the security footage. It's unlikey the footage was deleted from the Bridge, so my hunch is that that occured down there."
@ mod

Count the number of kalashnikovs and then the bodies. Is the ratio 1 to 1? Could we make the assumption that all the dead hostiles piled in the corner were armed?
@ mod

Count the number of kalashnikovs and then the bodies. Is the ratio 1 to 1? Could we make the assumption that all the dead hostiles piled in the corner were armed?

There is not a ratio of 1-to-1 for Kalashnikovs, but you also find several small-arms that could have been used by the dead hostiles; in that sense, you calculate that all the hostiles could have been armed with some sort of firearm.

I am going downstairs with Gabriel to you people. My experience in Spain may allow me to recognize who the man works for. I shall also handle the interrogation.

@mod - I'll follow suit, no wo/man left behind and all that. :3
Jarkko: Interrogate the hell out of the Comms Officer...I don't like him. Otherwise, continue to protect the bridge. Also, it would be really nice if an extra person came to protect the bridge...and bring me some 7.62 rounds with him.

"So boss, what's the plan? Seems we got through most of Engineering no sweat, which is great and all, but something seems missing. Like, oh, about fifteen hundred passengers and the rest of the hostiles. I'm all for an easy paycheck, but this ain't right.

I know we gotta get these engines running, and I'll put on my grease monkey hat to help out, but I think we should get one of our techies down here to figure out an easier way than kickstarting these behemoths. In the meantime, I'll start checking the turbines for traps."
I'm back from my trip; twas great. Anyhow, I just read the update and want to know only one thing so far:

What happened to the guys we (Milarqui, Condor, and me) were supposed to interrogate?

They're being stubborn, delirious, or something of that sort. They aren't answering questions in a discernible way.

Fanatism, dead drug agents, dead hostiles piled in the corner of which some executed, and uncooperating civilians in the upper decks. This just doesn't make sense...

Youriy gazed from the dead agent to the captured man in the corner, then to the dead hostiles which he and rest of the team had neutralized in the assault. Then he watched at the pile of dead bodies, all of them without ID's of any sort.

He then thought of the passengers met upstairs. "Unless they have been drugged, why would they not talk about the incident to us?" he thought. He still stared at the dead bodies. Puzzling over this for a moment, a nasty thought creeped up in his mind. Something so obvious, that the team seems to have overlooked it.

@ Birch, silenty through the radio:
"...Is there any way for you to be absolutely sure, that the captain actually is the captain, and not imposter?"

"Radio back to headquarters. We need information on the personnel on this ship, namely the captain and their radio officer. And preferably pictures. Once power is restored to the ship we should be able to use satellite uplink to download images."

"I have a... hunch, that the dead hostiles we found in the engineering might not actually be the right guys. Beyond some unnatural religious fanatism, I don't understand why they would kill themselves when they still have a chance to escape after completing their mission. I think, that the passengers found upstairs, are actually the hostiles who have captured and killed civilians and dressed them up as the gunmen, thus framing the situation. Kincaid and rest of the team on that deck, be on alert. I don't think we should assume anyone to be friendly at this point. Did you actually check their ID's?" (update wasn't really clear on this, their luggage was searched yes, but what of the passengers themselves?)

Escort Ilya back to infirmary. Be alert on any bogies, although the motion sensors and cameras should pick anyone before they enter the lower levels. Once in the infirmary, ask the Doc to continue chatting with the passenger, and look for anything that could reveal the guy. Once power is back up, ask Birch to look if they can find said passenger in the list found on the computer. Look for anything that doesn't fit in the picture.

"guys, give us a headsup before turning on the lights. I don't want to be blinded by my night-vision goggels.
...you want me to ge a picture by...radio?
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