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Dungeon Adventure MOD MOD

As far as making the new passageways more prone to cave-ins: Hmnn. Have to see if there is a way to make that work easily.
Could tunneling not leave behind a feature (or improvement) with a chance/turn to be replaced with impassible rubble? There could be an action to clear the rubble over the course of a few turns (a worker action? Might not be doable in adjacent tiles, though then.)
adjected tiles could work with a workabout: a spell (like spring, or crush for a single tile) (partly) clearing some of the rubble around the worker. You would need several different types of rubble though, depending on how long you want the clearing to take.
Example: rubble - partly cleared rubble - mostly cleared rubble - tunnel





It already exists

Haven't had the time to look into it fully yet to see what version of Civ it was made for, pretty old thread so I would guess Warlords. But it should be fairly simple to port it over with the sourcecode. Might even see a way to solve the minor issues which remained. But for the purposes of your mod, those issues aren't a big deal I imagine.
Here are two new Dungeon resources: Snack Rats and Weirdeer.

Snack rats are a food source utilized by soem Dungeon dwellers. They have been selectively bred over the years to provide a highly nutritious meal. They taste terrible, though.

Weirdeer are a miniturized deer-like creature that eats the moss, fungus, and other Dungeon plant life. Because of its diet, it has a greenish coat.

Video clip below:

Through what had to be just pure dumb luck, I managed to get "persistent culture generated by something other than a city" to work in my mod!

:D :D :D :D :D

Right now, I have the cultural zone generated by a special unit -- I may switch this to a special improvement, but still.....


My plan is to make it possible for players to stake "claims" in The Dungeon. Staking and defending these claims can lead to a Domination victory. Claims can also establish ownership of a resource, in the event that the resource cannot be moved.

I still need to play around with refining this mechanism, but I am very excited that I finally got it to work.
Damn all this looks sooo cool :)
hope you will enable the player to zoom in really close.
What units are you planning to implement? (I am really just asking graphics wise... obviously ;))
Damn all this looks sooo cool :)
hope you will enable the player to zoom in really close.
What units are you planning to implement? (I am really just asking graphics wise... obviously ;))

Zoom: I'd really like to allow 360 spinning like in Afterworld. Do you know where I need to make edits to make that possible? It would be the same place as the zoom, I'm guessing, and I'd like to allow a closer "zoom-in" limit, too.

Units: Not sure what you mean. Player units will be a few basic models shamelessly stolen from FfH2 for starters. Monster units will be the same, except for those that I have modded. But most of the monsters will be units from FfH2.
I found the python coding that makes the camera spin 360 degrees from Afterworld, and was able to graft it onto my mod.

So, now the player can rotate the camera in 45 degree increments in an unlimited fashion. This is very useful for this mod, since the dungeon walls sometimes partially obscure features or units.
zoom and camera stuff you can control in the CIV4DetailManager.xml I think.

I was about to encourage yo to "shamelessly" steal units from FfH II :) thats what I created them for!!!! put in as many as you can ;)
Oh Lutefisk someone made a really good hydra unit that would be perfect for a dungeon boss type thing. Can't remember who it was but iirc its posted in the unit art thread.
Oh Lutefisk someone made a really good hydra unit that would be perfect for a dungeon boss type thing. Can't remember who it was but iirc its posted in the unit art thread.

that was me :p i still need to attach his legs and rig him to some king of animation, possibly the elephant animation... unless lutefisk or seZ is able and willing to do that better?
that was me :p i still need to attach his legs and rig him to some king of animation, possibly the elephant animation... unless lutefisk or seZ is able and willing to do that better?

no :p
rigging is what i hate and i won`t spend voluntarily my precious time on it :p And you dont need skill for that, just some lucky guesses and some testing, best for that is, loading it into nif scope and adding the animation (run and fortifyA, gives you Idle and fortified and running, so all possible movements).
those rats of yours look great Lutefisk!

Heh, thanks. If you look closely, you will see that the Snack rats are a heavily repurposed "fur" bonus. Recolored, and the tail has the texture stripped down to a skinny rat tail. It is still painting this onto the broad, flat tail NIF of the original beavers, though, so the effect is not perfect. The rats have rather odd, flanged chunks sticking out of their bums, but it can't be helped.

I'll just make up a backstory to explain away the graphical glitches, anyway.

"Yes, Snack Rats are the result of hideous Wizards' experiments that didn't pan out... and so the other Dungeon denizens just took to eating them. It seemed like a waste of perfectly good mutants otherwise."
that was me :p i still need to attach his legs and rig him to some king of animation, possibly the elephant animation... unless lutefisk or seZ is able and willing to do that better?

Willing perhaps, but in no way able. The only program I have is SceneViewer, which is very limited. Also, I have no skill in the rigging area, anyway.

It would be cool if you could train a tame weirdeers unit if you had the deer resource that could remove the green death. Should be posible with a similiar mechanism to vanilla FFH chopping.

Also, how about adding gold, gems and recoulored pearls as resources? Afterall, theree must be a reason that your adventurer is there. Maybe the hero could collect the gems etc that he finds? Also, I would personally like some support units as weel as just your adventurer. As I've already said, maybe a tame deer? Also maybe henchmen with low strength, but lots of other uses (like mining gold + defeding the camp etc), also it would be nice if you could hire mercenaries through a ''spell'' in your main camp, although this might require a high level tech, maybe in the fighter or dungeon lore line.
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