on time
Hm, what about "selling" the Village for 20 turns of insence?
That was essentially a long-winded, polite and polished way of telling us to screw off. Great.
Hm, what about "selling" the Village for 20 turns of insence?
Hm, what about "selling" the Village for 20 turns of insence?
Sir Lanzelot of the Knights,
We do not want to be impolite, but we do not understand, why you say "you dealt with them, but not with us?" We are not in the position and do not have the information to rule, who broke some deal, or treaty and who didn't, Anarchie was a partner in a deal that was created a long time ago and planned long term. And other than that, you can be sure that we didn't support them directly in their war against you. We have no hard feelings towards you, but also we had no hard feelings against Anarchie.
Regarding The Village, we just can say that we got an offer to take over all of Anarchies' settlements but declined that, as we were sure about your feelings regarding such a shift of territory.
And finally we can tell you that we ARE interested in a deal regarding The Village. As you rejected our inquiry for a colony - with a reasonable argument - we ask you to accept a 20 turn delivery of insence in exchange for The Village. The town already has a courthouse built, which slightly improves the vallue for you.
What do you think?
With peacefull Greetings
Calis of the Flock
Dear Calis of the Flock,
well, yes, I guess you have every right to keep good relations with every side, when you are not able to get a definitive proof of who is right and who is wrong. I don't blame you. Perhaps these times of hardship have turned us a bit bitter. But fortunately they are over now, we have survived, so let's forget the past and open a new page in the book of history.
We appreciate that you refused the Anarcho's offer of taking over their entire empire. This would indeed have felt quite strange. After the long and hard struggle we went through, we would have been deprived of the reward for that struggle and the compensation for the grave losses we suffered. A town that serves as a harbor for an incense colony would indeed have been acceptable, but unfortunately we have been "too quick" for this plan to get realized...
Regarding the deal "The Village for incense": we think such a price would be too high. Basically The Village doesn't give us much more than an extra settler would give us. On the other hand, the incense resource - we estimate - would give you at least 50gpt, considering your GA and the many libs & universities that you own. Probably even more. So approximately 1000+ gold for a settler (or a town that nets perhaps 3gpt + 1spt) seems too expensive to us. And we need to inform you, that the second resource of incense has now been sold (as soon as we manage to connect it), so a deal like that would not have been possible anyway.
With best Regards, Sir Lanzelot
Dear Lanzelot of the Knights,
Please let us you what price you regard as appropriate for "The Village".
With best regards,
Calis of the Flock
I have the feeling they'll be paying the "iron price" for that town...