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Empty info class error?


Nov 11, 2005
Hey all,

I'm getting this strange error about 7 times before my mod loads up, working fine. Anyone familiar with it?

XML Error
Tag: in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is: Buildings/CIV4BuildingInfos.xml
XML Error
Tag: in Info class was incorrect
Current XML file is: Units/CIV4UnitInfos.xml

I tried searching in the XML for a space that might have been accidentally added somewhere but I didn't have any besides the text between '<!-- -->'s

Does anyone know whats wrong with my XMLs?
Normally the first error is the important one. There should be a line associated with the error. When I use XML Marker (others use Wordpad ++ or something similar) I can easily open the XML file and find that line corresponding to the error. Fix that error, restart the mod, and maybe every error after that will go away. If not, repeat process.
Hey WoodElf, here's a screenshot of the actual error. Most normal errors give me a line and a collumn but this one gives me squat.

Any idea how to debug it?
Sounds like it got a wrong tag or something. Did you try converting a warlords file to vanilla or the other way around? I just don't get why it didn't put a line num.:confused:
I've seen this before, but it's normally not the first error box that pops up. In my experience if I correct the prior error box that has a line associated with it then this error goes away. It has been a while since I modded so...

Hopefully a more active modder can solve this for you.

You could also upload your mod to see if one of us could solve it that way.
It used to give me a whole bunch of info class errors but I solved them all, now I just get these ones. I'm having serious problems trying to get my tech tree to work because I changed the whole thing and made approx 100-ish techs but everytime I try to add the prereqs the darn thing crashes or I begin the game with a mechanized infantry. It's probably something with the order in which the techs are written down in the XML but I have no clue how to fix it since I don't really understand how to change it. Let me just upload a pic on that question while I'm at it.
Alright, I've got my tech tree working finally due to the mod you gave me. Took me alot of time but I'm happy to report that problem is fixed. I still get the same problem with the mysterious errors. I'll try to debug it once more but if I cant find it ill upload my mod for help.
that happens to me in the arda mod... i've triede looking for that empty tag everywhere, but i can"t find anyof them (i have it in unit infos and building infos)

and i'm sorrry to say uploading didn"t work for me (nobody had anyidea how to fix that)

so i"ll be keeping a weather eye out to see if you fix the problem
I uploaded my mod here:

I want to make forest/hills/rivers impassible until the invention of mountaineering/tracking/raft building. Kind of helps early expansion and gives a more strategic early game. (Go for goodiehuts or not/scout for 2nd city spot.). Also gives the world a slightly bigger feel to it so you don't meet all the opponents leaders in 3700bc.

Anyway, I know I can make the terrain impassible in CIV4TerrainInfos.xml and CIV4FeatureInfos.xml but I'm not sure how I make it passible with the invention of a technology. Is this something that can be done without the use of python or is widely available online? If neither, I could definately use help on it because python and me are like water and fire. :)

EDIT: I tested out the impassibility of jungles, my warrrior was exploring the map. There was 1 tile opened which I could pass to reveal a bigger part of the map but a jungle grew right in front of me. That was funny :)
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